Information Technology & Systems Management (Master)

IT specialists

Artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, network security – these are all keywords that shape our modern world. We bring these words into the real world through our Master's degree in Information Technology & Systems Management at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. Deepen your knowledge in the fields of technology, management, and business, and become an expert in this future-oriented profession. Our practical, market-oriented degree will equip you for the challenges of the modern labour market and for leading positions in development and management.

Study mode: full-time  |  part-time
Degree awarded: Diplomingenieur/In (DI)
Length of study: 4 semesters (120 ECTS)
Study places per year: 24 full-time  |  24 part-time
Location: Urstein Campus
Language of instruction: German
Tuition: € 363,- per semester + Euro 24.70 student union fee per semester
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