Moving forward with circularity in textile and fashion value chains

TEX-DAN aims at the uptake of technologies at SMEs for improved circularity in the textile and fashion (T&F) value chains through transnational collaboration in the Danube Region. The Danube Region is characterised by large differences in the use of circular solutions in the textile and fashion value chains. For example, with regard to handling of textile Germany, Austria and Czech Republic are frontrunners, whereas other countries have a lot to do to catch them up. In many aspects – including circularity - textile and fashion sectors lag behind other sectors. In addition, a low level of awareness to circular solutions is observed all over the Danube Region. Therefore, the TEX-DAN partnership agrees that there is a need for improvement in knowledge, approaches, know how about innovative technologies, support measures, policy change that will lead to successful embedding of circularity in the textile branch. There is need for awareness raising activities, connecting market participants and education. In our project we will test technology solutions along 4 key segments of the T&F value chain: 1) bioeconomy clothing, 2) circular design, 3) circulation production processes, 4) recycling. Our partnership aims at upgrading local, regional and national policies that promote circularity. The project aims at boosting transnational collaboration and knowledge exchange and will set up various sustainable transnational collaboration forms. TEX-DAN demonstrates a comprehensive partnership with 14 PPs and 7 ASPs. Geographical coverage is broad including 11 countries from the Danube Region and 1 international association. The partnership (including ASPs) is composed of 1 regional innovation agency, 6 regional/national development agencies/public bodies, 1 foundation, 3 higher education institutes, 5 BSOs, 4 interest groups/NGOs and 1 international association. All partners contribute in a meaningful way to objectives of TEX-DAN.

Project staff at the department

Portrait of: FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Lienbacher Eva
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Eva Lienbacher
Head of Academic Area Marketing Management
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 213
Portrait of: Dr. Parrilla Guix Ricard , MA
Ricard Parrilla Guix, MA
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 213