Full success at the ECR Academic Student Awards

At the ECR Day - the annual industry get-together of the retail sector - on November 10, 2022, student theses were awarded prizes again this year. Of the six possible prizes, four went to graduates of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

The ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) Day is the big annual industry get-together where participants from the entire retail value chain meet: Manufacturers and retailers from the FMCG industry, electronics and logistics service providers as well as digital players, packaging companies, market research companies, consultants and representatives of science.

In addition to a wide variety of presentations and discussion panels, the ECR Academic Partnership science awards were also presented during the event. Here students of the FH Salzburg could achieve a full success: Despite a record number of submissions from a total of 11 universities, four of a total of six possible prizes went to graduates of the Salzburg University of Applied Science.  The works were supervised by FH-Prof. Dr. Robert Zniva and FH-Prof. Dr. Eva Lienbacher. Here is an overview of the awarded theses and prize winners:

    Category Master Thesis:

    •     1st place: "Digitalization of stationary trade: risk or opportunity?" written by Viktoria Theresa Müllner, Master's degree program in Business Administration at the Salzburg University of Applied Science

    Category Bachelor Thesis:

    • 1st place: "CRM in retail: loyalty programs in retail - incentive or disincentive?" written by Theresa Ransmayr, Business Administration degree program at FH Salzburg.
    • 2nd place: "The impact of digitalization on leadership in the Austrian food retail industry" written by Victoria Schulte, Business Administration program at the FH Salzburg
    • 3rd place: "New forms of stationary, agricultural direct sales" written by Tanja Doppler, study program Business Administration at the FH Salzburg

    A detailed overview of all award-winning works and further information and videos can be found at https://ecr-austria.at/ueber-ecr/ecr-academic-student-award-2022/.

    The ECR Academic Student Award
    Every year, students have the opportunity to submit their bachelor's/master's thesis or dissertation dealing with an ECR-relevant topic within the framework of the ECR Academic Student Award. The theses are judged by a jury with representatives from academia and practice.