Experience Design: Wildverse

In the winter semester of 2022, the third-semester IMT Master's students started this year's experience design project under the direction of FH Prof. Dr. Barbara Neuhofer, Head of the Experience Design Department, under the name Wildverse. This year's corporate partner is Elena Rodríguez-Blanco, author, podcast host, serial entrepreneur and CEO of Authenticitys www.authenticitys.com/en/. 

The Wildverse is one of Elena's latest projects and as the name suggests, the project has a strong connection to a regenerative and WILD world. The aim of the project is to design a transformative experience for people in which the regenerative capacity of nature plays a key role. In a three-day transformative journey, participants will experience connecting with the WILD in themselves and the WILD in our environment. As part of the Experience Design course, it is the students' task to co-create this transformative journey. From October 2022 to January 2023, they will design three transformative activities, including a summit experience, all focused on the Wildverse theme. The experience will be prototyped by the students and presented in a final pitch. At the end of the project, the students will have had the experience of working for a real client - and the best ideas could be presented at the 'Wildverse' Academy in Mallorca in spring 2023.

This is what applied science looks like!

Translate to English: Kontakt

Portrait of: FH-Prof. Neuhofer Barbara , BA, MA, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 217
T: +43-50-2211-1369
E: barbara.neuhofer@fh-salzburg.ac.at
W: www.barbaraneuhofer.com