Agiler Kreis (Agile Circle)

Study and practice | Business Management

The agile.kreis is the transfer platform between applied research, teaching and business. Future topics in corporate development are further developed into agility, digitisation and empowerment.

Initial situation

Massive technological, social and economic upheavals present companies with major organisational challenges. With increasing digitisation and increasing complexity, central control collapses. Digitisation leads to social change. Questions of meaning and justice are gaining relevance. People change their value system. For Generation Z (born 1995–2010) entering the labour market, meaning orientation and work-life balance are of central importance.
There are limits to economic activity through stable growth rates and the underlying efficiency thinking. Socio-political concepts of plurality, equality and justice are increasingly coming to the fore. Disruptive innovations that change the market structure make it necessary for companies to change the way they do business and organise. These challenges are forcing organisations to (re)act more flexibly and ever faster and to implement a digital transformation in their companies.

The 3-component structuring model as approach to a solution

In order to meet these challenges and be successful as a company, it is necessary to enable people for the new world of work and to align companies with agility and digitisation. Agile working methods in companies require agile forms of work on the one hand (e.g. Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking, ...) and, on the other hand, an agile reorientation of the organisation (e.g. sociocracy, agile circle organisation, ...).

In the digital age, it is necessary for every company to implement a digital transformation both internally and externally in different forms – big data, artificial intelligence (AI), collaboration, to name but a few. This, in turn, requires an agile way of working.

Agile and digital corporate development requires, on the one hand, the ability of employees to take more responsibility and initiative (psychological empowerment) and, on the other hand, appropriate framework conditions (structural empowerment).


Translate to English: 5. Agiler Abend vom 23. Juni 2022 an der FH Salzburg

The Agile Evening

is a series of events of the working group agiler.kreis of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

Learn more


Portrait of: Csar Matthias , MA
Matthias Csar, MA
Senior Lecturer
Department Information Technologies and Digitalisation
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 430
Portrait of: FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gölzner Herbert
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Herbert Gölzner
Head of Academic Area People & Organization Development
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 231