News and Events
April 27, 2021

FH Salzburg: Groundbreaking ceremony for Twin²Sim at the Kuchl Campus

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new multifunctional "Twin²Sim" research building of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (FH Salzburg) at the Kuchl campus took place on Tuesday, 27 April, in the presence of LH Wilfried Haslauer, AR Chairman LAbg Hans Scharfetter, AK Director Cornelia Schmidjell, WK Director Manfred Pammer and Mayor of Kuchl Thomas Freylinger.

  • Multifunctional test stand and experimental building
  • 2.2 million euro investment for new research building; co-financing by the province of Salzburg
  • Research goal: more sustainability and climate protection in buildings

The "Twin²Sim" research building is currently under construction at the Kuchl campus of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. This consists of a test stand, a multifunctional experimental building with 20 high-quality workplaces for research staff, test rooms, a multifunctional laboratory and a manipulation hall.

The test stand is used for the holistic investigation of complex building envelopes, including the assessment of sound insulation performance. In the test rooms, building envelope components are installed, subjected to long-term monitoring and building services systems are analysed metrologically and functionally. All components and systems are mapped in simulations. Subsequently, further development steps are carried out on these digital twins - hence the name Twin²Sim.

FH Salzburg Spatenstich am Campus Kuchk Foto: Neumayr/Leo 27.04.2021 GF FH Salzbburg Raimund Ribitsch, AR-Vorsitzender Hans Scharfetter, Bürgermeister Thomas Freylinger, FH-Rektor Gerhard Blechinger, Landeshauptmann Wilfried Haslauer,FH-Projektleiter Michael Grobbauer, AK-Dir. Cornelia Schmidjell, Architekt Tom Lechner, WK-Dir. Manfred Pammer
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