Incoming Students

FAQ Incoming Exchange Students

You've got questions? We've got answers!

Before Arrival in Salzburg: Getting ready to go!

If your home university is a partner of ours, you can easily apply—start your application and inquiry at the international office of your home campus.  

Click here to find if your university is our partner!

  1. Application steps and details can be found on our webpage for “incoming exchange students application”

  2. Deadlines for each semester can be found under the link above. 

  3. After we receive the nomination from your home campus, we will contact you directly with next steps regarding your application.  

When you’re studying at FH Salzburg as an exchange student, you don’t have to pay any tuition fees!  

But every student has to pay the ÖH-fee which is ca. 23,00 € (Fall Semester 24/25). 

You can budget: 

-ca. 500 € month/housing 

-ca. 400-600 € /month cost of living 

- ca.150 € myRegio rail ticket for the region (once per semester, optional) 

The ÖH (Österreichische Hochschüler*innenschaft) is the Austrian Student Union.

All students who are studying at an Austrian instituion of higher learning are required to pay the membership fee to the ÖH.

The ÖH contribution enables the Austrian Students' Union (ÖH) to provide a comprehensive range of services and to act as a strong and independent representative of the students towards the responsible ministries.

Compulsory membership in the ÖH guarantees politically independent action by the ÖH due to its financial independence.

Basically, 70 cents of your ÖH contribution is used for ÖH accident and liability insurance, with which you are always on the safe side during and around your studies. Of the remaining amount, 13 percent goes to the federal representation and 87 percent to the individual university representatives. This 13 percent essentially finances the extensive advice, funding, brochures, events and all other offers that you can usually use free of charge. But the local university representatives also promote student projects, provide support in emergencies and implement projects that make your everyday study life easier on site.

If you have any further questions regarding the nationwide use of the ÖH contribution, you can contact the economics department of the ÖH federal representation at any time and, regarding university-specific uses, you can contact the economics department at your university.

More info is availalbe in German on the ÖH Website:

SALK Campus
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Radiation Technology 
Urstein Campus
  • Business
  • Business Infomatics and Digital Transformation 
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Information Technology and Systems Management 
  • Innovation and Management in Tourism 
  • Midwifery  
  • MultiMediaArt 
  • MultimediaTechnology 
  • Nursing (Urstein Wissenspark)
Kuchl Campus
  • Design and Product Management 
  • Forest Products Technology and Timber Construction 
  • Forest Products Technology and Management  
  • Smart Building / Smart Cities 
Schwarzach Campus
  • Nursing /Krankenpflege 

Find out more about each campus here.

-Information about classes offered in your subject of study can be found here.

-The International Office offers additional classes, like language and culture. Find the list of classes here 

-Classes offered in a given semester are subject to change.

-FH Salzburg does its best to schedule classes so there are not scheduling conflicts, but sometimes two classes might have overlaps. Consult your International Academic Advisor should schedule overlaps occur.  

-You will be able to learn your class schedule after the Welcome Days Orientation

    - You are required to submit a learning agreement during the application process. This will help FH Salzburg staff to know what your study plans are during the semester. Find a learning agreement template here, under the “before the mobility” section.  

    - During the application phase to FH Salzburg, your Learning Agreement is considered preliminary, meaning that it is subject to change.  

    - Signature on the Learning Agreement: The learning agreement will need to be signed by your International Academic Advisor, who serves as your academic resource during your studies at FH Salzburg.  

    During the Welcome Days Orientation you will have an obligatory meeting with your International Academic Advisor. Your learning agreement and class schedule will be finalized during the Welcome Days Orientation, upon your arrival at FH Salzburg.  

    • Students are responsible for organizing their own housing accomodation for the duration of their studies at FH Salzburg. 

    • Accomodation and housing is managed by private organizations and persons throughout the region. The FH Salzburg does not offer any accomodation directly. 

    • After a successful application and acceptance to FH Salzburg, students are provided with detailed information about options for student housing.  

    • Most dorm rooms include a bed, desk, and wardrobe for clothes. They do not include bedding (sheets/pillow) nor items for cooking. Some housing, like the OeAD offer bedding packages as an additional purchase.  

    Whether you need to apply for a visa or residence permit will depend on your citizenship (which passport you hold) and how long you plan on studying at the FH Salzburg (one semester or one year).

    To help you determine what which visa or permit required as well as for details about the application process, please visit the Austrian Agency for Education's page.

    All campus locations are accessible by public transport.  

    In the Salzburg Region: 

    If you are under 26 years old, you can get a “myRegio semesterticket for students” for about 137€. The semesterticket is valid from 01.03-31.08 or 01.09-28/29.02 

    For all timetables or to download the app, visit:  


    For travel outside of the Salzburg region, in Austria and larger Europe, please visit the Austrian National Rail website or Westbahn.  


    In general animals are not allowed on campus unless expressly authorised in writing by the management board.  

    FH Salzburg itself does not offer scholarships for incoming exchange students, however check to see if you qualify for these independant scholarships.  

    You can additionally find more scholarship information from the Austrian Academic Services.  

    You're almost there! Your application and materials will be reviewed by the International Office as well as the academic department to which you have applied. Because each application is reviewed individually, this can take some time. FH Salzburg will contact you and inform you whether you application is accepted and what the next steps are.

    SAVE YOUR APPLICATION LOGIN INFO, as you will need this again, once awarded a place at FH Salzburg.

    The Buddy Program is a service provided by the International Office for Incoming International Students.

    Incoming Students are connected with students who are already here at FH Salzburg. The current FH student buddies are expected to establish contact the Incoming International student and serve as a first point of contact and to support students with questions they have about their upcoming semester. Buddies should provide support for International Incoming Students for support on arrival, such as getting from the airport or train station to the Incoming Student's apartment, learning the rail system, etc.

    When you attend the madatory Welcome Days Orientations program at the start of the semester, you will know where to go and what to do. An orientaiton schedule will be sent do students in the weeks prior to the start of the Welcome Days.

    Your buddy will also be a good resource if you are unsure of getting to campus or around the region.

    Please check with your current health care insurance provide whether you are covered during your stay in Austria (or additional travels throughout the region, outside of Austria). If not, should should definitely consider a secondary health insurance coverage.


    Applicants for the Austrian student visa must prove their current insurance covers certain amounts and costs. For specific detail regarding coverage, please visit: the health insurance page from the OEAD.

    If you are staying for two semesters and applying for a Residence Permit, you are required to obtain a health insurance from an Austria provider, for example: ÖGK or Feel Safe

    Arrival and During the Semester

    Attendance of the Welcome Days is mandatory. During the orientation, you will learn all about the FH Salzburg, the region, and particualrly: officially register for classes. The Welcome Days will help ensure that you start in Salzburg and at the FH is a smooth one.

    The academic schedule will be finalized during the Welcome Days, when meeting with your International Academic Advisor. Your class schule will then appear in the FHsys and MyPlan apps.

    Please inform your International Academic Advisor of the schedule conflict and which course you would like to change.

    FH Salzburg does have a big selection of sport classes. The programme will be updated every semester and can be found here.  

    Yes and no -- there is not a traditional student cafeteria, but there is a restaurant that serves delicious food.

    There are vegan / vegetarian options as well as meat dishes, salads, soups, and sandwiches available for purchase, between 11am-2pm.

    A grocery store is also around the corner, if you enjoy preparing your own meals.

    Please be sure to inform the International Offices at your home campus at especially at the FH Salzburg.

    You will also need to communicate your plans to your landlord / housing provider (for example, the OeAD) as there may be rental contract cancellation fees.

    End of Semester Questions

    Generally, FH Salzburg would be glad to have you for another semester.

    Please consult your home campus international office for approval, first. Then check with your FH Salzburg International Academic Advisor and the International Office. Hopefully it will work!

    Erasmus+ Students (those on exchange through an institution in the EU) are required to obtain a 'Confirmation of Stay' or 'Confirmation of Attendance' form, signed by the FH Salzburg International Office.

    Check with your home campus international office and inquire if they have a template or Confirmation of Stay form. If they do not, you can access one from FH Salzburg, here.


    The 'arrival date' is the date of the beginning of the academic program at FH Salzburg, for example, the first date of the Welcome Days.
    The 'arrival date' is not your first physical day in Salzburg, unless your first day in Salzburg occurs on the day your academic program begins.

    The 'departure date' is the date of your last 'in person' class, exam, or final presentation. The departure date is not your last day in Salzburg, unless your last day in Salzburg occurs on the same day your last 'in person' class, exam, or final presentation.

    1. Download this form: Abmeldungsformular (De-registration Form)

    2. Complete the personal information section (the first large section at the top) and complete the ABMELDEN box at the bottom.

    3. Sign and date the form in the bottom right, the landlord's signature is not require for Abmelden.

    4. Print a copy of your passort.

    5. Return the form and passport copy to the local 'Meldeamt'. If you are living in:

    • Salzburg or Salzburg Süd: the Meldeamt is in the Kieselpassage near the Salzburg main train station.
    • Urstein/Puch: Take the documents to the Gemeindeamt in Puch
    • Kuchl: Take the documents to the Gemeindeamt in Kuchl

    4. What can I do with all my stuff that I cannot take home?

    In the interest of sustainability, we recommend that you do not throw away still usable items that you aquired over the course of the semester.

    You can either: sell the items to future incomings (please make your own arrangements, FH Salzburg cannot store or hold your goods), sell the items on one of the second hand websites (like 'Willhaben'), gift the items to future students, donate the items, or simply arrange with your housing community/dormitory where you can leave your items for other students.

    Thank you in advance for leaving your room and communal space clean for the next group of students!

    Students will have access to their FH Salzburg accounts for two months after the conclusion of the semester.

    The transcript is accessible in the FHsys program and can be downloaded at any time.

    Transcripts will not be automatically forwarded to the home institution, instead it will need to be download and forwarded to the appropriate office at the home institution.

    You can become an FH Salzburg Ambassador: tell your friends about studying at FH Salzburg, and offer support to them through the application process (you had lots of questions one, too! Now you're the expert!).

    When they come to study here, then you will have a free place to stay when you visit ;)

    Get hooked up with FH Salzy swag from our Fan Shop and represent: