Magdalena Eymannsberger is now FHStartup Ambassador for the Department Health Sciences

Magdalena Eymannsberger supports the FH Startup Center as an ambassador in scouting and promotion. Ambassadors act as important bridges between the Startup Center service unit and the students. They provide us with valuable feedback and input on students' interests, which enables us to more effectively promote new start-ups as they develop.
Brief portrait
My role at the FH
My name is Magdalena Eymannsberger and I am responsible for marketing, PR and communication in the Department of Health Sciences. My responsibilities include social media, maintaining the website, creating printed materials and organizing events. I also teach the course “Digital Media Management” in the “Innovation & Management in Tourism” degree program. Before that, I worked at the ORF Salzburg regional studio, where I worked as a project manager in the marketing department with numerous Salzburg companies.
Why I find innovation & start-ups exciting
Founders believe in their visions, are full of passion and want to do things differently and better. This energy is contagious. And even if we often don't realize it, start-ups are present in every industry. This makes them incredibly exciting and diverse. There is also great potential in the healthcare sector and I think it's great that we here at FH Salzburg can support our students who want to gain a foothold in the healthcare sector with their idea and thus make a significant contribution to society.
Why the University of Applied Sciences is the perfect place for this
With our five departments, we have a broad range of subjects and offer (young) people the opportunity to complete a practical education that is precisely tailored to their interests and skills. They acquire the necessary knowledge and are provided with important tools to turn their ideas and projects into reality and transform them into sustainable start-ups. So what better place could there be?