Sustainable university operation

Renewable energy, less paper printing, plastic avoidance... A number of measures have already been taken in the area of infrastructural issues and sustainability in university operations.

Current examples

Electricity for university operations from our own photovoltaic systems

PV systems are installed on the roofs of both the Kuchl and Urstein campuses.

PV systems are located on the roofs of both the Urstein and Kuchl campuses. Currently, about 5% of the total annual electricity demand is generated by the PV systems.

The FH obtains 100% of its electricity from renewable hydropower (in accordance with the electricity supply contract with Salzburg AG).

Further expansion of PV systems in planning

In spring 2023, the expansion planning of PV plants has started. The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is planning a significant expansion of the PV systems at the Urstein and Kuchl sites.

Promotion of public mobility

As an environmentally conscious employer, the FH Salzburg supports the travel of its employees by public transport with an annual contribution that is tax-free for employees. Employees of the FH Salzburg receive the Salzburg Climate Ticket of the Salzburg Transport Association at a reduced price. The Climate Ticket Austria is also financially supported.

Students have access to a discounted semester ticket via the transport association.

In principle, all locations of the FH Salzburg are easily accessible by public transport. In addition, there are (covered) bicycle racks at the locations.

Actions to reduce energy consumption

In October 2022, FH Salzburg launched a campaign to identify further savings potential for overall energy consumption and to reduce it through further measures.

What has already been done?

Thanks to various measures, energy consumption has been kept constant over the past 10 years. Measures have been and continue to be taken to increase energy efficiency, such as the conversion of the computer centre, the replacement of indoor and outdoor lighting with LEDs, the expansion of the in-house photovoltaic systems and the ongoing optimisation of the building's technical systems. The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences obtains electricity from 100% renewable hydropower and is largely heated with renewable district heating. Further energy optimisation of individual lecture halls is being increased through modernisation and technical retrofitting. In the area of mobility, too, the FH supports the lowest possible emission travel to the workplace by promoting public transport.

What are we currently doing?

The following measures have been taken to exploit further savings potential: The automatic switch-off times of the teaching room and car park lighting have been brought forward to 9:15 pm. Standby operation of printers and copiers has been reduced. The room temperature at the Kuchl and Urstein campuses was generally set to 20 degrees.

How can the individual contribute personally?

  • Do not leave laptops/PCs/monitors in standby mode, but switch them off.
  • Always turn off lights and projectors after class and close windows.
  • Switch off lab equipment (where possible) after use and make sure it runs efficiently
  • Ventilate the offices and classrooms instead of closing them.
  • Travel by public transport (job ticket for staff, semester ticket for students)
  • Print less
  • Walk instead of using the lift

Do you have further ideas?

We look forward to receiving your suggestions at and