

3D Prototyping and scripting

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1PUSUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Real-time polygon modelling and texturing in a 3D modelling software (e.g. Maya, Blender); Import process of assets (e.g. 3D models, audio) into game engines (e.g. Unity); Lighting; Shading; Scripting; Visual scripting, evaluation and identification of different quality criteria of 2D and 3D assets; development of a game level from block-out to playtest.

Superior module:

Creativity and Media

Module description:

Students - can explain terms and basic principles of visual communication in their own words. - are able to name the basics of information processing. - are able to develop simple design solutions for interactive multimedia projects, taking into account design recommendations (grid, layout, color, typography, etc.). - can independently analyze and evaluate design solutions on the basis of given criteria. - can implement their own solution within a design context. - can explain in their own words the requirements for realtime-capable assets or realtime-capability for game engines. own words. - can modify simple, textured polygon models in a 3D modeling software and create them themselves. - know suitable quality criteria for prefabricated assets and can apply them. - use a game engine asset import process to load and use assets (e.g. 3D models, sounds) in a game engine. a game engine and use them. - use a scripting language to create simple interactive applications in which users can manipulate objects using standard input methods. - know various creativity techniques and have gained initial experience in their application in interdisciplinary teams. - know different types of linear and interactive multimedia projects. - can name successful works and concepts in the field of tension between technology, creativity and society. - use different approaches to a creative process and know about the importance of a diverse pool of sources of inspiration. - can conceptualize and present ideas for multimedia projects.

Basics media design

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1GMGIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Design principles, implementation and communication of design basics; design laws and principles; basic colour theory, typography, layout (focus on digital and interactive applications), design and style guides, UI patterns; sound and motion as design elements; interpretation and communication of designs: analysing, evaluating and implementing designs; development of layouts and wire frames for different end devices.

Superior module:

Creativity and Media

Module description:

Students - can explain terms and basic principles of visual communication in their own words. - are able to name the basics of information processing. - are able to develop simple design solutions for interactive multimedia projects, taking into account design recommendations (grid, layout, color, typography, etc.). - can independently analyze and evaluate design solutions on the basis of given criteria. - can implement their own solution within a design context. - can explain in their own words the requirements for realtime-capable assets or realtime-capability for game engines. own words. - can modify simple, textured polygon models in a 3D modeling software and create them themselves. - know suitable quality criteria for prefabricated assets and can apply them. - use a game engine asset import process to load and use assets (e.g. 3D models, sounds) in a game engine. a game engine and use them. - use a scripting language to create simple interactive applications in which users can manipulate objects using standard input methods. - know various creativity techniques and have gained initial experience in their application in interdisciplinary teams. - know different types of linear and interactive multimedia projects. - can name successful works and concepts in the field of tension between technology, creativity and society. - use different approaches to a creative process and know about the importance of a diverse pool of sources of inspiration. - can conceptualize and present ideas for multimedia projects.

Concept development

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1KOEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Introduction to different creativity techniques as well as idea development in different group sizes; showing the range of multimedia projects from authors' works through to triple-A projects, services and campaigns of the media industry; selection of linear as well as interactive, technology-based media projects; translation of ideas into visual or written concepts; communication and presentation of ideas and concepts to an audience; sources of inspiration; different approaches to a creative process; potentials of interdisciplinarity with regard to creativity and inspiration; overview and analysis of different types of concepts depending on the medium.

Superior module:

Creativity and Media

Module description:

Students - can explain terms and basic principles of visual communication in their own words. - are able to name the basics of information processing. - are able to develop simple design solutions for interactive multimedia projects, taking into account design recommendations (grid, layout, color, typography, etc.). - can independently analyze and evaluate design solutions on the basis of given criteria. - can implement their own solution within a design context. - can explain in their own words the requirements for realtime-capable assets or realtime-capability for game engines. own words. - can modify simple, textured polygon models in a 3D modeling software and create them themselves. - know suitable quality criteria for prefabricated assets and can apply them. - use a game engine asset import process to load and use assets (e.g. 3D models, sounds) in a game engine. a game engine and use them. - use a scripting language to create simple interactive applications in which users can manipulate objects using standard input methods. - know various creativity techniques and have gained initial experience in their application in interdisciplinary teams. - know different types of linear and interactive multimedia projects. - can name successful works and concepts in the field of tension between technology, creativity and society. - use different approaches to a creative process and know about the importance of a diverse pool of sources of inspiration. - can conceptualize and present ideas for multimedia projects.

Introduction computer networks

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1ECNIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Structuring of networks according to layer models; basics of LAN network technologies (IEEE802.3, IEEE802.11); The Internet protocol family (IP, UDP, TCP); addressing in networks (Subnetting, CIDR, DHCP, NAT); NAT); ARQ procedures; flow and congestion control; Domain Name System; Hypertext Trans-fer Protocol (incl. performance, cookies, caching, security).

Superior module:

Multimedia 1

Module description:

The students - explain basic procedures for digitizing and storing information and multimedia data in computers in their own words. - describe lossy and lossless compression of image, audio and video data based on human perception using current processes. - have the prerequisites to understand new procedures from the current technical literature. - know the meaning and function of layer models. - describe the functionality and areas of application of LAN technologies (Ethernet, WLAN) and can put simple LAN networks into operation. - explain the functionality of relevant protocols of the Internet (IP, UDP, TCP, DNS, HTTP) and are familiar with their properties, processes and areas of application. - analyze and understand communication processes of protocols with the help of monitoring tools.

Introduction databases

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1EDBIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Relational database model; a current database management system (e.g. Postgresql); SQL; ER diagrams; relationship types; queries with JOIN and GROUP BY; referential integrity; functional dependency; 1st to 3rd normal form.

Superior module:

Web Programming 1

Module description:

The students - explain the role of web browser, web server, URL, HTTP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in the function of the web in their own words. - can recognize code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, orient themselves in the code and make changes in the code to modify a web page. - create static web pages in HTML and publish them to a web server. Design web pages interactively through the use of links and HTML forms. - design the visual representation of web pages, including the layout, using CSS. They use Responsive Design to adapt the layout for different output devices. - Apply simple measures in HTML for achieving accessibility. Use tools to identify and fix web page accessibility issues. - Explain in their own words the role of the Document Object Model (DOM) and how events work in event-driven programming with JavaScript. - use the Developer Tools in the browser to find and fix problems in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. - explain the relational database model and its implementation in a current database management system in their own words. - use SQL to query and aggregate data from an existing database. - can derive an ER diagram from a textual description of the problem domain, convert this diagram into a physical model, and finally implement it in SQL. - can recognize anomalies, redundancy, violations of normal forms 1 to 3 and improve the design to avoid these phenomena.

Introduction programming

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1EPRIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

What is programming; compiler vs. interpreter; simple data types (value ranges, type conversion); input/output (console, files); operators and expressions; branching; loops; arrays (1-dimensional, multi-dimensional); meth-ods (call, parameters, program flow, nesting, recursion); exceptions; object orientation (classes, Value vs. reference types, access modifier, static, virtual methods, polymorphism)

Superior module:

Introduction programming

Module description:

The students - apply elementary data types and control structures of an object-oriented programming language to given problems. - apply basic concepts of object-oriented programming (in particular abstraction, data encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism). - can implement console-based solutions to practical tasks in the object-oriented programming language C#. - apply basic methods of error detection.

Linear algebra

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1LALIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Number quantities and number systems, groups, rings & solids, vector spaces (elementary vector calculus, groups, solids, vector spaces, subvector spaces, linear independence, basis, dimension), matrices (elemen-tary matrix calculus, linear mappings, kernel, image, rank, solution of linear systems of equations with the Gauss-Jordan algorithm, inversion of matrices, pseudoinverse), scalar product and orthogonality (orthogonal projections, orthonormal systems, orthogonal projector, QR decomposition), eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Superior module:

Mathematics 1

Module description:

Students will - understand and interpret mathematical notations and apply them. - can argue and prove mathematically (especially by induction). - have knowledge of elementary vector calculus & matrix calculus. - understand the Gauss-Jordan algorithm for solving systems of linear equations and can perform it. - can calculate normal projections and transform coordinates between orthonormal systems. - can calculate orthonormal systems from linearly independent vectors using the Gram-Schmidt method. - can create and use orthogonal projectors. - know the concept of QR decomposition. - understand the concept of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, can calculate them and solve concrete problems.

Multimedia introduction

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1EMMVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character final

Lecture content:

Representation of information in computers (integers, floating point numbers, characters); basics of lossless compression (RLE, LZW, Huffman, Arithmetic); basics of visual perception; image capture and digitisation; colour spaces and colour models; basics of auditory perception; basic transformations in media (FFT, DCT, DWT); lossy and lossless compression methods for image, audio and video (GIF, PNG, TIFF, JPEG, JPEG2000, MPEG, H26x).

Superior module:

Multimedia 1

Module description:

The students - explain basic procedures for digitizing and storing information and multimedia data in computers in their own words. - describe lossy and lossless compression of image, audio and video data based on human perception using current processes. - have the prerequisites to understand new procedures from the current technical literature. - know the meaning and function of layer models. - describe the functionality and areas of application of LAN technologies (Ethernet, WLAN) and can put simple LAN networks into operation. - explain the functionality of relevant protocols of the Internet (IP, UDP, TCP, DNS, HTTP) and are familiar with their properties, processes and areas of application. - analyze and understand communication processes of protocols with the help of monitoring tools.

Personal reflection process 1

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1PRPRC
Type RC
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 0.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

FH system / studies; getting to know the environment, fellow students; self-image / external image; diversi-ty-sensitive value systems; self-management; time management; knowing and using one's own resources; motivation, stressors, resilience; self-regulation and self-control, work-life balance.

Superior module:


Module description:

Students - can describe and explain aspects in the fields of media and technology in English orally and in writing, as well as understand, summarize and discuss relevant Internet texts and professional articles. - can participate in discussion on Game, Web, Multimedia orally and on the Internet and argue and defend their points of view orally or in articles. - consciously assume their role as a student, know their own resources and actively use them in everyday study. - reflect on their communication in the context of their environment (including fellow students, teachers, environment) and in awareness of diverse diversity dimensions. - independently apply methods and tools for self- and time management individually adapted and situation-specific for themselves. - are aware of their own effects of stress, lack of motivation and concentration, recognize them and can deal with them in a solution-oriented manner. - know methods for planning, preparing and implementing presentations. - know the basics of verbal and non-verbal communication. - increase their communicative competence and performance by using visual media to support presentations. - can give presentations in front of a professional audience (with or without technical aids). - can consciously adopt a meta-perspective on their own doing, acting, communicating and interacting on the basis of common communication models. - apply methods and tools for reflection: Self-evaluation (e.g. journals, checklists, lessons learned), external evaluation (e.g. questionnaires, peer assessments), questioning techniques (e.g. solution-oriented, circular). - are able to analyze, steer and control behaviors (of themselves/their environment) depending on the situation, on their own responsibility and in a diversity-sensitive manner. - are able to give constructive feedback on the basis of appreciative communication.

Technical English

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1TENUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Reading articles on current topics with a focus on technical English; improve students' grammar, pronuncia-tion, vocabulary and fluency skills; learn and practice their presentation skills by preparing short presenta-tions in English; practice their listening comprehension and writing skills by summarizing, inter-views/discussions, on a technical topic; organise and chair meetings to improve their Business English skills; prepare their own CVs designed around a job connected to their studies.

Superior module:


Module description:

Students - can describe and explain aspects in the fields of media and technology in English orally and in writing, as well as understand, summarize and discuss relevant Internet texts and professional articles. - can participate in discussion on Game, Web, Multimedia orally and on the Internet and argue and defend their points of view orally or in articles. - consciously assume their role as a student, know their own resources and actively use them in everyday study. - reflect on their communication in the context of their environment (including fellow students, teachers, environment) and in awareness of diverse diversity dimensions. - independently apply methods and tools for self- and time management individually adapted and situation-specific for themselves. - are aware of their own effects of stress, lack of motivation and concentration, recognize them and can deal with them in a solution-oriented manner. - know methods for planning, preparing and implementing presentations. - know the basics of verbal and non-verbal communication. - increase their communicative competence and performance by using visual media to support presentations. - can give presentations in front of a professional audience (with or without technical aids). - can consciously adopt a meta-perspective on their own doing, acting, communicating and interacting on the basis of common communication models. - apply methods and tools for reflection: Self-evaluation (e.g. journals, checklists, lessons learned), external evaluation (e.g. questionnaires, peer assessments), questioning techniques (e.g. solution-oriented, circular). - are able to analyze, steer and control behaviors (of themselves/their environment) depending on the situation, on their own responsibility and in a diversity-sensitive manner. - are able to give constructive feedback on the basis of appreciative communication.

Web programming 1

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB1WPRIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Webbrowser and web server, URLs, HTTP; Basic HTML: titles, lists, tables. Links, images; Basic CSS: fonts, colours, spacing; layout with CSS: Flexbox, grid; forms in HTML; accessibility, web content accessi-bility guidelines (WCAG); manipulating the DOM with Javascript; Webspace; Upload with (S)FTP.

Superior module:

Web Programming 1

Module description:

The students - explain the role of web browser, web server, URL, HTTP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in the function of the web in their own words. - can recognize code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, orient themselves in the code and make changes in the code to modify a web page. - create static web pages in HTML and publish them to a web server. Design web pages interactively through the use of links and HTML forms. - design the visual representation of web pages, including the layout, using CSS. They use Responsive Design to adapt the layout for different output devices. - Apply simple measures in HTML for achieving accessibility. Use tools to identify and fix web page accessibility issues. - Explain in their own words the role of the Document Object Model (DOM) and how events work in event-driven programming with JavaScript. - use the Developer Tools in the browser to find and fix problems in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. - explain the relational database model and its implementation in a current database management system in their own words. - use SQL to query and aggregate data from an existing database. - can derive an ER diagram from a textual description of the problem domain, convert this diagram into a physical model, and finally implement it in SQL. - can recognize anomalies, redundancy, violations of normal forms 1 to 3 and improve the design to avoid these phenomena.


Algorithms and data structures

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2ALDIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

In-depth programming (deep/shallow copy, abstract classes, delegates, recursion); complexity analysis (O-notation and practical time measurement); sorting (selection, insertion, bubble, merge, quick); similarity search in texts (dynamic programming), linked lists (queue; stack); heaps (with applications, e.g.: priority queues). Binary search trees; Hashes; Graphs (adjacency matrix/list, breadth/depth search, shortest path, spanning tree);

Superior module:

Programming 2

Module description:

The students - understand relevant data structures and algorithms and are able to implement them independently. - are able to estimate time and memory requirements of different algorithms both practically and theoretically and are thus able to roughly estimate the energy or resource consumption of algorithms. - make an informed choice of an optimal data structure or algorithm based on a given problem


Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2ANAIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Functions, limit calculus with sequences, series, limit calculus with functions, differential calculus (Taylor polynomials, Taylor series, difference quotient), interpolation (polynomial interpolation and splines), integral calculus, differential calculus in several variables (Jacobi matrix, Hesse matrix), min/max problems in the multidimensional (gradient method), simple differential equations.

Superior module:

Mathematics 2

Module description:

The students - know polynomials, power and logarithm functions, trigonometric functions and are able to work with these functions. - understand the concept of the limit value of sequences as well as functions and can use this knowledge for practical problem solving. - know differential and integral calculus in detail and are able to apply the learned methods to practical problems (e.g. optimization). - are able to solve interpolation problems with different conditions on the interpolation. - are able to solve separable differential equations and understand the conditions imposed by the differential equations on the solution.

Basics game development

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2GGDIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Game loop (initialisation and loading of resources, time-based update, controlled shutdown); 2D graphics skills (sprites, sprite animation, tile maps, occlusions); input methods (e.g. keyboard, mouse); basic affine transformations and coordinate spaces (e.g. for manipulating objects or game camera); 2D collision detec-tion (e.g. AABB, circle); scene management; graphical user interface (e.g. menus, heads-up displays); exer-cises based on an existing engine (e.g. MonoGame).

Superior module:

Multimedia 2

Module description:

The students - can explain the basic structures and processes of a game engine in their own words and structure and develop simple interactive applications - can programmatically implement simple, interactive 2D games based on an existing game engine and cleanly design the software architecture and program flow in the code - use 2D graphics for representation (e.g. animated sprites, tile maps, GUI) and can correctly implement occlusions. - can switch between coordinate spaces and use vectors and affine transformations to manipulate objects and camera viewpoints. - can implement simple methods of 2D collision detection to realize game logic - Can name the aspects of human-machine interaction. - can explain terms, basics and working methods of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and relevant disciplines (design, psychology, cognitive science, ergonomics, sociology). - can systematically apply methods according to Human-Centred-Design (HCD) to a given HCI question. - can systematically evaluate different interaction technologies on the basis of their advantages and disadvantages. - can analyze the context of use and describe suitable interaction concepts on the basis of a given HCI problem from practice. - are able to explain the basics of barrier freedom and are able to describe corresponding aspects of various ways of use. - can explain selected methods for the evaluation of interactive systems

Basics of human-computer interaction

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2HCIVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character final

Lecture content:

Definition and explanation of basic terminology in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); introduction of basic HCI theories and concepts (e.g. affordances, embodied interaction, situated action); principles and methods of Human-Centred Design (HCD); terms and methods for defining the context of use (e.g. contextual inquiry, task analysis, observation); characteristics of humans with regard to human-machine interaction (human factors); presentation of current application areas and paradigms of HCI (mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, tangible interfaces, wearable computing, etc.); basics of accessibility; basics and methods of interaction design and interface design (e.g. sketching, conceptual design); methods and concepts for the evaluation of interactive systems (e.g. heuristic evaluation, A/B testing, usability studies).

Superior module:

Multimedia 2

Module description:

The students - can explain the basic structures and processes of a game engine in their own words and structure and develop simple interactive applications - can programmatically implement simple, interactive 2D games based on an existing game engine and cleanly design the software architecture and program flow in the code - use 2D graphics for representation (e.g. animated sprites, tile maps, GUI) and can correctly implement occlusions. - can switch between coordinate spaces and use vectors and affine transformations to manipulate objects and camera viewpoints. - can implement simple methods of 2D collision detection to realize game logic - Can name the aspects of human-machine interaction. - can explain terms, basics and working methods of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and relevant disciplines (design, psychology, cognitive science, ergonomics, sociology). - can systematically apply methods according to Human-Centred-Design (HCD) to a given HCI question. - can systematically evaluate different interaction technologies on the basis of their advantages and disadvantages. - can analyze the context of use and describe suitable interaction concepts on the basis of a given HCI problem from practice. - are able to explain the basics of barrier freedom and are able to describe corresponding aspects of various ways of use. - can explain selected methods for the evaluation of interactive systems

Basics operating systems

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2GBSIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Computer structure; concepts for operating systems; task and components of an operating system (pro-cesses, memory management, file systems); command line Windows/Unix/Mac (process management, rights and management of file systems, installation of programs with package managers (chocolatey, apt, brew); network and firewall configuration, virtualisation.

Superior module:

Practical Computer Science 1

Module description:

The students - know the structure and the basic functioning of a computer with von Neuman architecture. - can name the tasks of an operating system and know how they work. - have basic skills in the command line based handling of operating systems (Windows/Unix/Mac). Have practical skills in process management, file management, network configuration, and basic computer administration. - Know principles of virtualization such as hypervisor and virtual machines as well as containers. Can manipulate containers and images using the docker command line tool, create a Dockerfile for a development environment. - can manage the code of their software project with version control system git. You can create commits and push the code to a remote. They can retrieve changes to previous versions, and restore old versions of a file. - can set up a new project for the programming languages used in the study and configure the development environment. You use packet manager to install missing libraries. You can successfully carry out the necessary steps from source code to executable program both with a development environment and on the command line. - know tools for static analysis of code (linter) and use them to check and improve their code. - can use a debugger to trace the program flow and find errors. - can collaborate live on the same code via a remote connection in pair programming

Introduction to presentation techniques

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2EPTIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Planning and preparation of presentations; overview of technical tools; practical exercises on communication (non-verbal and verbal); practical exercise of different presentation forms.

Superior module:


Module description:

Students - can describe and explain aspects in the fields of media and technology in English orally and in writing, as well as understand, summarize and discuss relevant Internet texts and professional articles. - can participate in discussion on Game, Web, Multimedia orally and on the Internet and argue and defend their points of view orally or in articles. - consciously assume their role as a student, know their own resources and actively use them in everyday study. - reflect on their communication in the context of their environment (including fellow students, teachers, environment) and in awareness of diverse diversity dimensions. - independently apply methods and tools for self- and time management individually adapted and situation-specific for themselves. - are aware of their own effects of stress, lack of motivation and concentration, recognize them and can deal with them in a solution-oriented manner. - know methods for planning, preparing and implementing presentations. - know the basics of verbal and non-verbal communication. - increase their communicative competence and performance by using visual media to support presentations. - can give presentations in front of a professional audience (with or without technical aids). - can consciously adopt a meta-perspective on their own doing, acting, communicating and interacting on the basis of common communication models. - apply methods and tools for reflection: Self-evaluation (e.g. journals, checklists, lessons learned), external evaluation (e.g. questionnaires, peer assessments), questioning techniques (e.g. solution-oriented, circular). - are able to analyze, steer and control behaviors (of themselves/their environment) depending on the situation, on their own responsibility and in a diversity-sensitive manner. - are able to give constructive feedback on the basis of appreciative communication.

Multimedia project 1 (MMP1)

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2MMPPT
Type PT
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Creativity techniques and idea generation for the multimedia project within technical specifications; inde-pendent project selection and implementation; participation in meetings and code reviews; presentation of the project both in conceptual form and practical implementation; implementation of simple user tests; topics fall within the specialist area of web & mobile development or game development & mixed reality.

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 1

Module description:

The students - independently develop a project idea for a simple programming project within technical frameworks. They develop a concept with reference to the target audience. - program a simple software project independently within a given time frame. They find bugs and fix them. They publish the executable project. - apply methods and tools for self- and time management independently, individually adapted and situation-specific for their project. - iteratively improve usability, functionality, and code quality of their project through user tests and code reviews. - present the concept and the finished project to teachers and students. Design a poster on the concept. They give a presentation on the project in front of an audience. They describe the project in text, picture and video on the portfolio website of the study program.

Personal reflection process 2

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2PEPRC
Type RC
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 0.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Self-reflection; meta-perspective; goal definition (e.g. smart); in-depth self-management, resource activation, self-control, self-regulation; self-image/other-image; diversity competence; feedback techniques (e.g. Johari Window), appreciative criticism, communication models (e.g. 4-Ears, meta-communication, iceberg, inner map).

Superior module:


Module description:

Students - can describe and explain aspects in the fields of media and technology in English orally and in writing, as well as understand, summarize and discuss relevant Internet texts and professional articles. - can participate in discussion on Game, Web, Multimedia orally and on the Internet and argue and defend their points of view orally or in articles. - consciously assume their role as a student, know their own resources and actively use them in everyday study. - reflect on their communication in the context of their environment (including fellow students, teachers, environment) and in awareness of diverse diversity dimensions. - independently apply methods and tools for self- and time management individually adapted and situation-specific for themselves. - are aware of their own effects of stress, lack of motivation and concentration, recognize them and can deal with them in a solution-oriented manner. - know methods for planning, preparing and implementing presentations. - know the basics of verbal and non-verbal communication. - increase their communicative competence and performance by using visual media to support presentations. - can give presentations in front of a professional audience (with or without technical aids). - can consciously adopt a meta-perspective on their own doing, acting, communicating and interacting on the basis of common communication models. - apply methods and tools for reflection: Self-evaluation (e.g. journals, checklists, lessons learned), external evaluation (e.g. questionnaires, peer assessments), questioning techniques (e.g. solution-oriented, circular). - are able to analyze, steer and control behaviors (of themselves/their environment) depending on the situation, on their own responsibility and in a diversity-sensitive manner. - are able to give constructive feedback on the basis of appreciative communication.

Practice Software Development Tools

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2PSTUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Installation and configuration of tools for software development (e.g. extensions for VS Code, Linting); vari-ous editors and IDEs (vi, VS Code, PHP Storm, Visual Studio); general tasks of a version control system; use of git on the command line (clone, add, commi, push, pull, branch, merge); installation of libraries with a package manager (nuget, composer, npm). Tools for static code analysis; debugging. Tools for remote work in the software development.

Superior module:

Practical Computer Science 1

Module description:

The students - know the structure and the basic functioning of a computer with von Neuman architecture. - can name the tasks of an operating system and know how they work. - have basic skills in the command line based handling of operating systems (Windows/Unix/Mac). Have practical skills in process management, file management, network configuration, and basic computer administration. - Know principles of virtualization such as hypervisor and virtual machines as well as containers. Can manipulate containers and images using the docker command line tool, create a Dockerfile for a development environment. - can manage the code of their software project with version control system git. You can create commits and push the code to a remote. They can retrieve changes to previous versions, and restore old versions of a file. - can set up a new project for the programming languages used in the study and configure the development environment. You use packet manager to install missing libraries. You can successfully carry out the necessary steps from source code to executable program both with a development environment and on the command line. - know tools for static analysis of code (linter) and use them to check and improve their code. - can use a debugger to trace the program flow and find errors. - can collaborate live on the same code via a remote connection in pair programming

Web Programming 2

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMTB2WPRIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

PHP, PHP and database, cookies, security, JSON, transactions in the database in PHP, Javascript, fetch/AJAX.

Superior module:

Web Programming 2

Module description:

Students will - describe the role of PHP, database and JavaScript in the architecture of a web application in their own words. They create web applications with PHP and JavaScript and put them into operation. - use an interface from the programming language to the database, can programmatically submit SQL queries, avoiding SQL injections, perform efficient queries of the database, and use transactions. - Know security issues in web development and use current strategies to avoid them. Know HTTP and use the Developer Tools in the browser to analyze HTTP requests. - can describe in their own words how a "login" to the web application works, explain the use of cookies and the session in PHP, and implement a login themselves. - make HTTP requests using fetch and display the loaded data in the web page using JavaScript (AJAX). They retrieve data from public REST APIs this way and process data in JSON format. - use Responsive Images, Canvas and SVG to display images and graphics.


Basics machine learning

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3GMLIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Supervised Learning: linear regression; support vector machines; application examples with R & sklearn; unsupervised learning: Centroid/Medoid based clustering methods, evaluation of cluster quality, application examples in sklearn.

Superior module:

Practical Computer Science 2

Module description:

The students - are able to load and preprocess data from different sources into R and Pandas. - can decide whether a problem can be solved using supervised or unsupervised learning. - can train linear models and support vector machines for given data and evaluate the quality of the models using the most important key figures. - can apply Centroid/Medoid based clustering methods to practical data and evaluate the quality of the resulting clustering. - understand basic as well as advanced cryptographic methods and protocols. - can evaluate different encryption methods comparatively. - can apply cryptographic methods, such as authentication, signature or encryption, in practice. - have the prerequisites to understand new procedures from the current technical literature.

Cryptography and data security

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3KDSVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Mathematical basics of encryption; symmetric encryption; asymmetric encryption; cryptographic hash algo-rithms, digital signatures; modern applications of cryptographic procedures (e.g. transport layer security, block chain, certificate chain).

Superior module:

Practical Computer Science 2

Module description:

The students - are able to load and preprocess data from different sources into R and Pandas. - can decide whether a problem can be solved using supervised or unsupervised learning. - can train linear models and support vector machines for given data and evaluate the quality of the models using the most important key figures. - can apply Centroid/Medoid based clustering methods to practical data and evaluate the quality of the resulting clustering. - understand basic as well as advanced cryptographic methods and protocols. - can evaluate different encryption methods comparatively. - can apply cryptographic methods, such as authentication, signature or encryption, in practice. - have the prerequisites to understand new procedures from the current technical literature.

Group-oriented reflection process 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3TEARC
Type RC
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 0.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Teambuilding processes: team development (e.g. team phases according to Tuckman, Riemann/Thomann model); group thinking - group conformity, group dynamics (e.g. Schindler), team roles (e.g. Belbin); team culture, team values, team diversity.

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 2

Module description:

The students - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop a concept with reference to the target audience. - present their concept in the context of a pitch in English. - plan and program a complex software project in teamwork. They carry out the implementation within a given time frame. - use the version control system git for the administration of the source code in teamwork. They work with feature branches, pull/merge requests and code reviews. - find and use existing software packages (libraries, packages) and incorporate them into their own software project. - use an issue tracker to prioritise features and bugs. On this basis, they make decisions about which issues need to be dealt with in order to create an executable project in the given time. - make changes to the project based on the results of the evaluation and user testing of the project. - independently apply methods and tools for team and time management, individually adapted and situa-tion-specific for their project. - reflect on their teamwork based on their concrete project experience and master conflict management tools and methods to deal with challenges and solve them constructively. - present the finished project to lecturers and students. They describe the project in text, image and video in the portfolio website of the course. - design a user evaluation appropriate to their own project. - select appropriate methods and create the test plan. - conduct the user study under controlled conditions, collect and analyse the data. - document the entire process. - reflect on their teamwork through specific learning experiences in the multimedia projects. - apply learned tools and methods to reflection. - recognise socio-cultural, diversity-sensitive and structural problems/conflicts in the team. - and master tools and methods/competencies to deal with conflicts and solve them constructively. - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop prototypes to test ideas and concepts. - present their concept before an expert audience in order to recruit further team members.

Multimedia project 2 (MMP2a)

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3MMPPT
Type PT
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Web or game project carried out in teams of two MultiMediaTechnology students; independent project selec-tion and implementation; independent preparation of the project; software development within the framework of the study week; application of software project management; use of git for teamwork; execution of simple user tests; topics fall within the subject area of Web & Mobile Development or Game Development & Mixed Reality.

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 2

Module description:

The students - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop a concept with reference to the target audience. - present their concept in the context of a pitch in English. - plan and program a complex software project in teamwork. They carry out the implementation within a given time frame. - use the version control system git for the administration of the source code in teamwork. They work with feature branches, pull/merge requests and code reviews. - find and use existing software packages (libraries, packages) and incorporate them into their own software project. - use an issue tracker to prioritise features and bugs. On this basis, they make decisions about which issues need to be dealt with in order to create an executable project in the given time. - make changes to the project based on the results of the evaluation and user testing of the project. - independently apply methods and tools for team and time management, individually adapted and situa-tion-specific for their project. - reflect on their teamwork based on their concrete project experience and master conflict management tools and methods to deal with challenges and solve them constructively. - present the finished project to lecturers and students. They describe the project in text, image and video in the portfolio website of the course. - design a user evaluation appropriate to their own project. - select appropriate methods and create the test plan. - conduct the user study under controlled conditions, collect and analyse the data. - document the entire process. - reflect on their teamwork through specific learning experiences in the multimedia projects. - apply learned tools and methods to reflection. - recognise socio-cultural, diversity-sensitive and structural problems/conflicts in the team. - and master tools and methods/competencies to deal with conflicts and solve them constructively. - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop prototypes to test ideas and concepts. - present their concept before an expert audience in order to recruit further team members.

Scientific work and research methods

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3WAFIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Research: different sources of information (conferences, conference papers, scientific articles, the peer re-view process, textbooks, trade journals, Internet sources, evaluation of sources); academic texts: factual style, presentation of data material, comprehensibility; citation; selected methods of qualitative and quantita-tive data collection; qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research design; data analysis: use of spe-cialised software for qualitative analysis, fitting of distributions with statistical software; hypothesis tests (distributions, P-value) with statistical software; quality criteria of qualitative and quantitative research.

Superior module:

Scientific work

Module description:

The students - have the basic ability to write a formally correct and stringent seminar paper on a specific subject by selecting appropriate sources. - formulate hypotheses and verify or falsify them using selected scientific sources. - present the contents of the seminar paper to students and teachers. - know the subject-specific scientific conferences, publication series, high-quality journals and can assess the quality of sources. - can write a formally correct scientific seminar paper or bachelor thesis. - have a basic understanding of the logic of quantitative or qualitative research and the methodological principles central to it. - are able to load and preprocess data from different sources in statistical software. - understand the concept of hypothesis testing and are able to fit distributions for practical data in statistical software and perform hypothesis tests accordingly. - have the basic ability to write a subject-specific seminar paper that is stringent in terms of content and correct in terms of form through the adequate selection of sources. - formulate hypotheses and verify or falsify them based on selected scientific sources. - present the contents of the seminar work to students and teachers.

Software design patterns

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3SDPIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Introduction to object-oriented software design; basics of UML notation; design patterns: creational patterns (e.g. factory, singleton), structural patterns (adapter, composite, decorator, facade proxy), behavioural pat-terns (iterator, mediator, observer, state, strategy) and application examples; basics of refactoring; practical exercises on the application of design patterns.

Superior module:

Software Engineering 1

Module description:

The students - can apply their knowledge of design patterns and their advantages/disadvantages to subproblems in order to design software architecture in a modular way. - can optimize parts of software architectures using design patterns (refactoring). - can understand basic software architectures using UML and communicate in technical language. - can carry out improvement steps in the code without introducing new functionality (refactorings). - are able to name and apply basic methods and tools of project management. - can describe the process from requirements analysis to delivery and know the content of relevant project documents in the individual phases. - have practical experience in dealing with requirements from initial analysis, through planning to to the final test. - know methods and tools from (scaled) agile process models as well as for software quality assurance and can apply them in their own projects (multimedia project).

Software project management

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3SPMIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character final

Lecture content:

General methods and principles of software project management; classical and agile process models; phas-es, documents and roles in the development process; analysis, specification, estimation, prioritisation and planning of requirements; software quality and testing; continuous delivery; scaled agility; reflection of con-cepts and methods in practical exercises.

Superior module:

Software Engineering 1

Module description:

The students - can apply their knowledge of design patterns and their advantages/disadvantages to subproblems in order to design software architecture in a modular way. - can optimize parts of software architectures using design patterns (refactoring). - can understand basic software architectures using UML and communicate in technical language. - can carry out improvement steps in the code without introducing new functionality (refactorings). - are able to name and apply basic methods and tools of project management. - can describe the process from requirements analysis to delivery and know the content of relevant project documents in the individual phases. - have practical experience in dealing with requirements from initial analysis, through planning to to the final test. - know methods and tools from (scaled) agile process models as well as for software quality assurance and can apply them in their own projects (multimedia project).

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 1

Game Development 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3GDEIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

C++ according to current standards (object orientation, polymorphism, memory management, templates, STL, etc.); memory areas (stack, heap, etc.); runtime/memory debugging; modern development environments (e.g. Visual Studio); static/dynamic libraries; basic game engine architectures (hierarchical, component-based); design patterns in the game development (singleton, observer, factory, composite/aggregate, etc.); input/output methods, graphical user interface and accessibility; event systems and callbacks; simple artificial intelligence in games (basic steering behaviour, decision trees, state machines); path-finding (Dijkstra, A*); physics simulation of rigid 2D bodies; practical exercises and implementation of a simple game engine (C++).

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 1

Module description:

The students - can implement programs in a development environment using the C++ programming language, analyze the program flow in a structured manner with the help of software tools (runtime, memory) and estimate the runtime of data structures. - can explain basic algorithms and design patterns in the context of game development in their own words and implement basic functionalities in a modular way with their help (e.g. artificial intelligence, simple physics, event system, graphical user interface). - can independently develop simple games in C++ and create, implement and systematically debug the necessary modular game engine architecture themselves. They can analyze and fix bugs and use version control systems (e.g. Git) in their development process.

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 2

Computer Vision

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3COVIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Image filtering (cross-correlation, convolution, box filter, mean/median filter, Gaussian filter, Sobel filter, etc.); Fourier transformation and digital image processing; high-pass/low-pass filter; sampling theorem; alias-ing; edge detection (e.g. Canny Edge, Sobel); feature descriptors (e.g. Harris Corner, SIFT); feature match-ing; camera calibration (pinhole camera, intrinsic parameters, radial/tangential distortion, etc.); pose estima-tion; epipolar geometry; depth from stereo; structure from motion and SLAM; practical exercises using com-puter vision libraries (e.g. OpenCV).

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 2

Module description:

The students - can explain requirements for real-time rendering methods, the difference between ray tracing and rasterization methods and the structure of modern render pipelines in their own words. - can programmatically create simple 3D worlds (e.g. OpenGL) by defining textured polygon geometry, transforming it by mathematical operations and converting it safely between different coordinate spaces. - can create simple shader programs (e.g. GLSL). - can systematically debug simple graphics applications in order to analyze and correct errors.The students - can use simple filter operations of digital image processing and explain the relation to frequency space in their own words. - can extract image features such as edges and corners and detect them algorithmically using descriptors in different images. - can explain the mathematical model of projection in a pinhole camera in their own words, can calibrate real cameras and determine poses (position, rotation) relative to known markers in space. - can explain basic concepts of visual tracking systems in their own words and can assess their limitations, optimal working conditions and areas of application. - can explain in their own words the basic concepts of determining depth values of a scene and continuous position determination of cameras by tracking.

Computer graphics 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3CGRIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Applications of linear algebra in computer graphics (dot product for e.g. shading, cross product for e.g. nor-mal vectors, affine transformations, orthographic/perspective projection, etc.); coordination spaces and transformations (object, world, NDC, camera, homogeneous coordinates, etc.); ray tracing; rasterisation; render pipeline (e.g. OpenGL); depth buffers (principle, z-fighting, etc.); geometry definitions (polygon mod-els, constructive solid geometry, volume data, implicit geometries, etc.); simple real-time reflection models (Lambert, Phong, Blinn-Phong, etc.); basics of texture mapping (2D/3D textures, bump/normal mapping); alpha blending; basics of shader programming (vertex shader, fragment shader); debugging methods; practi-cal exercises using a modern graphics interface (e.g. OpenGL/GLSL).

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 2

Module description:

The students - can explain requirements for real-time rendering methods, the difference between ray tracing and rasterization methods and the structure of modern render pipelines in their own words. - can programmatically create simple 3D worlds (e.g. OpenGL) by defining textured polygon geometry, transforming it by mathematical operations and converting it safely between different coordinate spaces. - can create simple shader programs (e.g. GLSL). - can systematically debug simple graphics applications in order to analyze and correct errors.The students - can use simple filter operations of digital image processing and explain the relation to frequency space in their own words. - can extract image features such as edges and corners and detect them algorithmically using descriptors in different images. - can explain the mathematical model of projection in a pinhole camera in their own words, can calibrate real cameras and determine poses (position, rotation) relative to known markers in space. - can explain basic concepts of visual tracking systems in their own words and can assess their limitations, optimal working conditions and areas of application. - can explain in their own words the basic concepts of determining depth values of a scene and continuous position determination of cameras by tracking.

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 2

Frontend Development

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3FDPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Current tools and topics of frontend development, single page apps, build pipeline (npm, webpacker) and design patterns for Javascript; CSS Cascade, Specificity, selectors; methods for structuring CSS such as object oriented or functional CSS, BEM, Tailwind; style guides; accessibility, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), ARIA.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 2

Module description:

Students - design and implement the front end of a web application as a single page app. - describe the purpose and functionality of the build pipeline for a frontend project in their own words. They use the pipeline of an existing project or set up the pipeline for a new project. - use current methods for structuring CSS. - implement graphical designs of interface components in HTML and CSS. Create a style guide with components. - implement appropriate technical measures to ensure accessibility of a website. - install and configure a production web server on a VM, order a domain, configure https and create a certificate with letsencrypt. Install PHP, a relational database and a CMS, configure startup and monitoring for these components. - describe the principles for a 12-factor app in their own words, prepare a web application for deployment on a PAAS, and deploy it successfully. Be able to set environment variables for the app on the PAAS and view the logfile. - Can describe the role of interface guidelines in their work in their own words, and follow relevant interface guidelines when designing a project. - design and implement interfaces for web applications for use on desktop, tablet, and smartphone. - Use wireframes, flowcharts, and online tools to communicate with team members, designers, and clients. - Request, convert, and adapt the necessary designs from designers in the appropriate formats.

Interface Design

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3IDEIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Advanced interface design for web and mobile; UI patterns, interface guidelines, information design, wireframes, flowcharts, navigation, use cases, layout, grids, workflows and tools for interface and interaction design.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 2

Module description:

Students - design and implement the front end of a web application as a single page app. - describe the purpose and functionality of the build pipeline for a frontend project in their own words. They use the pipeline of an existing project or set up the pipeline for a new project. - use current methods for structuring CSS. - implement graphical designs of interface components in HTML and CSS. Create a style guide with components. - implement appropriate technical measures to ensure accessibility of a website. - install and configure a production web server on a VM, order a domain, configure https and create a certificate with letsencrypt. Install PHP, a relational database and a CMS, configure startup and monitoring for these components. - describe the principles for a 12-factor app in their own words, prepare a web application for deployment on a PAAS, and deploy it successfully. Be able to set environment variables for the app on the PAAS and view the logfile. - Can describe the role of interface guidelines in their work in their own words, and follow relevant interface guidelines when designing a project. - design and implement interfaces for web applications for use on desktop, tablet, and smartphone. - Use wireframes, flowcharts, and online tools to communicate with team members, designers, and clients. - Request, convert, and adapt the necessary designs from designers in the appropriate formats.

Web operations

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3WOPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

UNIX, Webserver Apache, nginx. Monitoring, Load Balancer. DNS and purchase of a domain. Documentaries as example for a Platform-as-a-Service (PAAS)

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 2

Module description:

Students - design and implement the front end of a web application as a single page app. - describe the purpose and functionality of the build pipeline for a frontend project in their own words. They use the pipeline of an existing project or set up the pipeline for a new project. - use current methods for structuring CSS. - implement graphical designs of interface components in HTML and CSS. Create a style guide with components. - implement appropriate technical measures to ensure accessibility of a website. - install and configure a production web server on a VM, order a domain, configure https and create a certificate with letsencrypt. Install PHP, a relational database and a CMS, configure startup and monitoring for these components. - describe the principles for a 12-factor app in their own words, prepare a web application for deployment on a PAAS, and deploy it successfully. Be able to set environment variables for the app on the PAAS and view the logfile. - Can describe the role of interface guidelines in their work in their own words, and follow relevant interface guidelines when designing a project. - design and implement interfaces for web applications for use on desktop, tablet, and smartphone. - Use wireframes, flowcharts, and online tools to communicate with team members, designers, and clients. - Request, convert, and adapt the necessary designs from designers in the appropriate formats.

Elective 1 - Web and Mobile Development 1

Backend Development

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3BDPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Ruby, Ruby on Rails, ActiveRecord as object relational mapper, Model-View-Controller pattern, Database Migrations, Asset Pipeline and Webpacker, URL routing, REST architecture. Unit testing, end to end testing and test driven development in web development. Use of git and merge/pull requests in teamwork in web development.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web and Mobile Development 1

Module description:

The students - design and implement the backend of a web application using a current backend framework, applying the Model-View-Controller pattern, using object relational mappers and an asset pipeline or JavaScript module bundler. - write unit tests and end to end tests to ensure the application is working correctly. - use git in teamwork, apply branches and merge/pull requests and code reviews to guarantee the quality of the code. - configure the application for the development, staging and production environment. - can find their way around the code of an existing web application with a backend framework and contribute to the project. - describe different web content management systems and their application scenarios in their own words. - advise customers and supervise the development of the website from ordering the domain to maintenance. - implement websites in teamwork with the help of a current Web CMS. - adapt themes or develop them from scratch. Adapt or program plugins. - implement the technical requirements of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and support the work of SEO officers by installing appropriate tools. - read PHP code and find their way around a large application. They pick up the conventions prevailing there and apply them in their own code.

Content Management Systems

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3CMSIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Different variants of web content management systems: Database, file, API-based CMS; theme and plug-in development (using Build Tools & Bundler); templating engines; customer and user orientation; technical as-pects of Search Engine Optimisation.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web and Mobile Development 1

Module description:

The students - design and implement the backend of a web application using a current backend framework, applying the Model-View-Controller pattern, using object relational mappers and an asset pipeline or JavaScript module bundler. - write unit tests and end to end tests to ensure the application is working correctly. - use git in teamwork, apply branches and merge/pull requests and code reviews to guarantee the quality of the code. - configure the application for the development, staging and production environment. - can find their way around the code of an existing web application with a backend framework and contribute to the project. - describe different web content management systems and their application scenarios in their own words. - advise customers and supervise the development of the website from ordering the domain to maintenance. - implement websites in teamwork with the help of a current Web CMS. - adapt themes or develop them from scratch. Adapt or program plugins. - implement the technical requirements of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and support the work of SEO officers by installing appropriate tools. - read PHP code and find their way around a large application. They pick up the conventions prevailing there and apply them in their own code.

Elective 2 - Creative Making and Digital Fabrication

Creative making and digital fabrication

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3CMFIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

This course deals with the practical examination of hardware-related digital technologies in connection with digital manufacturing and prototyping methods (lasercutting, 3D printing, making). Both the implementation of physical prototypes and issues around IoT and new digital interaction paradigms (e.g. wearable, tangible) will be addressed. This combines the knowledge of digital technologies with a focus on embedded systems, sensors and actuators as well as interactive materials. Using explorative practical projects, students implement concepts and prototypes of interactive systems and thus expand the spectrum of their implementation skills.

Superior module:

Elective 2 - Creative Making and Digital Fabrication

Module description:

The students - can program microcontrollers to implement interactive prototypes. - can use sensors and actuators to implement interactive prototypes for selected subject areas in a targeted manner. - are able to solve IT, electronic and mechanical challenges (housing, material, feel, shape) when implementing physical prototypes of interactive systems. - can independently implement physical prototypes for a given interactive system problem. - use digital manufacturing methods to implement interactive prototypes

Elective 2 - Game Studies & Game Design 1

Game Studies & Game Design 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3GSDIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Basic elements of games; analysis and comparison of different definitions of game, games and game-play; history of the game; theories on interaction and relevant quality factors; classical game theory; game rules, game balance and challenges; quality criteria in relation to games; culture-specific aspects of games; story-telling and narration; overview of different genres of games, e.g. serious games, strategy, first person shooter; conceptual forms in game development; conception of a game; further development medium game with regard to accessibility, inclusiveness and diversity.

Superior module:

Elective 2 - Game Studies & Game Design 1

Module description:

Students have basic knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of game design, from conceptual design to implementation. They have basic knowledge and skills in identifying and designing mechanisms, sets of rules and design structures within interactive forms of entertainment.

Elective 2 - Live-Streaming and On-Air-Production

Live-Streaming and On-Air-Production

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3LSPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Format analysis and development from entertainment (single streamer, eSports tournament, charity) to in-formation transfer (conference, podcast, launch event); introduction to the streaming ecosystem, overview of relevant platforms and players; studio setup for a live stream, itemisation of equipment, roles & systems in a live production; narrative & tension arcs in different event concepts; experiments on audience interac-tion, comparison of interaction game and audience as well as interaction stream and audience; audiovisual preparation of content for live stream productions (structure, design, licensing); dealing with metrics (e.g.: chronological progress of audience numbers) to analyse stream performance as a basis for strategic deci-sions; overlap of game development and streaming (marketing, integration of interactive elements).

Superior module:

Elective 2 - Live-Streaming and On-Air-Production

Module description:

The students: have basic knowledge and skills in theory and practice of live stream productions, from conception to implementation. You have basic skills in identifying and creating narratives, content and event concepts for different formats from entertainment to information transfer. They know the range of tasks and job profiles within a live stream production. You have experimental experience with interaction possibilities in exchange with the audience.

Elective 2 - Native Mobile Applications

Native Mobile Applications

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB3NMAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Basics of native android programming; introduction to the IDE; introduction to the Kotlin programming lan-guage; android-specific topics: UI design & navigation, lifecycle, Firebase, networking, threading, persis-tence, testing; publishing the app in stores of the respective platform; development of an own project.

Superior module:

Elective 2 - Native Mobile Applications

Module description:

The students - are familiar with the platform-specific development environments and use them efficiently. - can independently implement and test UIs and application logic of mobile applications on a target platform in "native" code. - use APIs for database and network in mobile applications. - can provide the developed applications in the respective platform stores


Concurrent & Distributed Systems

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4CDSIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Architectures for parallel systems (shared memory, distributed memory, hybrid); structure of modern pro-cesses and caching hierarchy; parallelisation of tasks, Amdahls Law; Multithreading in C#; Threads vs. dele-gates; thread pools; thread synchronisation (lock, monitor, mutex, semaphore, signals); tasks in C#; itera-tive and parallel servers based on the socket API; basics of remote procedure call and remote method invo-cation; basics of message queues.

Superior module:

Software Engineering 2

Module description:

.The students - can transfer procedures from the area of object-oriented analysis and design to new problems. - can explain and implement complex design patterns (e.g. MVC). - can recognize "code smells" and achieve improvements by refactoring. - name advantages and disadvantages of different software architectures in relation to concrete problems. - select a software architecture style suitable for the problem and justify the viability of the decision made. - can plan an architecture that meets requirements and thus take sustainability criteria into account. - can efficiently parallelize problems with the help of threads. - know primitives for synchronization and signaling between processes and threads and can use them problem-specifically. - use the socket API to implement iterative and parallel client/server systems. - have basic knowledge of RPC, RMI and message queues and can explain them in their own words.

Group-oriented reflection process 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4TEARC
Type RC
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 0.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Self- and group reflection of concretely experienced project work; reflection models (including theme-centred interaction according to Cohn), solution-oriented problem processing; conflict management (conflict behav-iour, dealing with conflicts, diversity competence, conflict resolution).

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 2

Module description:

The students - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop a concept with reference to the target audience. - present their concept in the context of a pitch in English. - plan and program a complex software project in teamwork. They carry out the implementation within a given time frame. - use the version control system git for the administration of the source code in teamwork. They work with feature branches, pull/merge requests and code reviews. - find and use existing software packages (libraries, packages) and incorporate them into their own software project. - use an issue tracker to prioritise features and bugs. On this basis, they make decisions about which issues need to be dealt with in order to create an executable project in the given time. - make changes to the project based on the results of the evaluation and user testing of the project. - independently apply methods and tools for team and time management, individually adapted and situa-tion-specific for their project. - reflect on their teamwork based on their concrete project experience and master conflict management tools and methods to deal with challenges and solve them constructively. - present the finished project to lecturers and students. They describe the project in text, image and video in the portfolio website of the course. - design a user evaluation appropriate to their own project. - select appropriate methods and create the test plan. - conduct the user study under controlled conditions, collect and analyse the data. - document the entire process. - reflect on their teamwork through specific learning experiences in the multimedia projects. - apply learned tools and methods to reflection. - recognise socio-cultural, diversity-sensitive and structural problems/conflicts in the team. - and master tools and methods/competencies to deal with conflicts and solve them constructively. - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop prototypes to test ideas and concepts. - present their concept before an expert audience in order to recruit further team members.

Interdisciplinary Hackathon

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4IHAPT
Type PT
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Independent team selection, idea generation and concept development for a complex multimedia project; building prototypes; presentation.

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 2

Module description:

The students - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop a concept with reference to the target audience. - present their concept in the context of a pitch in English. - plan and program a complex software project in teamwork. They carry out the implementation within a given time frame. - use the version control system git for the administration of the source code in teamwork. They work with feature branches, pull/merge requests and code reviews. - find and use existing software packages (libraries, packages) and incorporate them into their own software project. - use an issue tracker to prioritise features and bugs. On this basis, they make decisions about which issues need to be dealt with in order to create an executable project in the given time. - make changes to the project based on the results of the evaluation and user testing of the project. - independently apply methods and tools for team and time management, individually adapted and situa-tion-specific for their project. - reflect on their teamwork based on their concrete project experience and master conflict management tools and methods to deal with challenges and solve them constructively. - present the finished project to lecturers and students. They describe the project in text, image and video in the portfolio website of the course. - design a user evaluation appropriate to their own project. - select appropriate methods and create the test plan. - conduct the user study under controlled conditions, collect and analyse the data. - document the entire process. - reflect on their teamwork through specific learning experiences in the multimedia projects. - apply learned tools and methods to reflection. - recognise socio-cultural, diversity-sensitive and structural problems/conflicts in the team. - and master tools and methods/competencies to deal with conflicts and solve them constructively. - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop prototypes to test ideas and concepts. - present their concept before an expert audience in order to recruit further team members.

Multimedia project 2 (MMP2b): Concept and Pitch

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4MCPUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Ideation process for a complex (possibly: interdisciplinary) web or game project within technical specifica-tions; elaboration of a pitch deck; presentation/pitch of the project idea.

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 2

Module description:

The students - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop a concept with reference to the target audience. - present their concept in the context of a pitch in English. - plan and program a complex software project in teamwork. They carry out the implementation within a given time frame. - use the version control system git for the administration of the source code in teamwork. They work with feature branches, pull/merge requests and code reviews. - find and use existing software packages (libraries, packages) and incorporate them into their own software project. - use an issue tracker to prioritise features and bugs. On this basis, they make decisions about which issues need to be dealt with in order to create an executable project in the given time. - make changes to the project based on the results of the evaluation and user testing of the project. - independently apply methods and tools for team and time management, individually adapted and situa-tion-specific for their project. - reflect on their teamwork based on their concrete project experience and master conflict management tools and methods to deal with challenges and solve them constructively. - present the finished project to lecturers and students. They describe the project in text, image and video in the portfolio website of the course. - design a user evaluation appropriate to their own project. - select appropriate methods and create the test plan. - conduct the user study under controlled conditions, collect and analyse the data. - document the entire process. - reflect on their teamwork through specific learning experiences in the multimedia projects. - apply learned tools and methods to reflection. - recognise socio-cultural, diversity-sensitive and structural problems/conflicts in the team. - and master tools and methods/competencies to deal with conflicts and solve them constructively. - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop prototypes to test ideas and concepts. - present their concept before an expert audience in order to recruit further team members.

Multimedia project 2 (MMP2b): Evaluation and User Testing

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4MEUUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Systematic research and selection of suitable metrics and methods to investigate the user experience, e.g. usability (effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction), acceptance, accessibility, immersion, flow, presence, men-tal or cognitive load, affection, arousal, player experience; conceptualising and conducting a user evaluation (creating a test plan; conducting a user study; evaluating the results); using the test results to systematically revise and improve the project; documenting the entire process.

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 2

Module description:

The students - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop a concept with reference to the target audience. - present their concept in the context of a pitch in English. - plan and program a complex software project in teamwork. They carry out the implementation within a given time frame. - use the version control system git for the administration of the source code in teamwork. They work with feature branches, pull/merge requests and code reviews. - find and use existing software packages (libraries, packages) and incorporate them into their own software project. - use an issue tracker to prioritise features and bugs. On this basis, they make decisions about which issues need to be dealt with in order to create an executable project in the given time. - make changes to the project based on the results of the evaluation and user testing of the project. - independently apply methods and tools for team and time management, individually adapted and situa-tion-specific for their project. - reflect on their teamwork based on their concrete project experience and master conflict management tools and methods to deal with challenges and solve them constructively. - present the finished project to lecturers and students. They describe the project in text, image and video in the portfolio website of the course. - design a user evaluation appropriate to their own project. - select appropriate methods and create the test plan. - conduct the user study under controlled conditions, collect and analyse the data. - document the entire process. - reflect on their teamwork through specific learning experiences in the multimedia projects. - apply learned tools and methods to reflection. - recognise socio-cultural, diversity-sensitive and structural problems/conflicts in the team. - and master tools and methods/competencies to deal with conflicts and solve them constructively. - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop prototypes to test ideas and concepts. - present their concept before an expert audience in order to recruit further team members.

Multimedia project 2 (MMP2b): Implementation

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4MMPPT
Type PT
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Complex web or game project executed in teams of two to three students. The team may also include inter-disciplinary students from other degree programs. Software development in the context of studio weeks; application of software project management; use of git for teamwork; topics fall into the subject area of web & mobile development or game development & mixed reality.

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 2

Module description:

The students - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop a concept with reference to the target audience. - present their concept in the context of a pitch in English. - plan and program a complex software project in teamwork. They carry out the implementation within a given time frame. - use the version control system git for the administration of the source code in teamwork. They work with feature branches, pull/merge requests and code reviews. - find and use existing software packages (libraries, packages) and incorporate them into their own software project. - use an issue tracker to prioritise features and bugs. On this basis, they make decisions about which issues need to be dealt with in order to create an executable project in the given time. - make changes to the project based on the results of the evaluation and user testing of the project. - independently apply methods and tools for team and time management, individually adapted and situa-tion-specific for their project. - reflect on their teamwork based on their concrete project experience and master conflict management tools and methods to deal with challenges and solve them constructively. - present the finished project to lecturers and students. They describe the project in text, image and video in the portfolio website of the course. - design a user evaluation appropriate to their own project. - select appropriate methods and create the test plan. - conduct the user study under controlled conditions, collect and analyse the data. - document the entire process. - reflect on their teamwork through specific learning experiences in the multimedia projects. - apply learned tools and methods to reflection. - recognise socio-cultural, diversity-sensitive and structural problems/conflicts in the team. - and master tools and methods/competencies to deal with conflicts and solve them constructively. - develop project ideas for game and web projects in interdisciplinary teams. - develop prototypes to test ideas and concepts. - present their concept before an expert audience in order to recruit further team members.

Seminar paper on computer science

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4SAISE
Type SE
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Selection of topics from the sectors (web, game, HCI, machine learning); topic development and presenta-tion; literature research; composing the written paper; presentation of the seminar paper.

Superior module:

Scientific work

Module description:

The students - have the basic ability to write a formally correct and stringent seminar paper on a specific subject by selecting appropriate sources. - formulate hypotheses and verify or falsify them using selected scientific sources. - present the contents of the seminar paper to students and teachers. - know the subject-specific scientific conferences, publication series, high-quality journals and can assess the quality of sources. - can write a formally correct scientific seminar paper or bachelor thesis. - have a basic understanding of the logic of quantitative or qualitative research and the methodological principles central to it. - are able to load and preprocess data from different sources in statistical software. - understand the concept of hypothesis testing and are able to fit distributions for practical data in statistical software and perform hypothesis tests accordingly. - have the basic ability to write a subject-specific seminar paper that is stringent in terms of content and correct in terms of form through the adequate selection of sources. - formulate hypotheses and verify or falsify them based on selected scientific sources. - present the contents of the seminar work to students and teachers.

Software Architecture

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4SWAIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Methodology of object-oriented analysis (OOA) and object-oriented design (OOD); consolidation of complex software design patterns (e.g. MVC, MVP, MVVM); code smells and refactoring; technical aspects of se-lected software architectures: component-based architecture, service-oriented architecture, model-driven architecture, data-driven architecture, event-driven architecture; domain-driven design, hexagonal architec-ture; practical exercises.

Superior module:

Software Engineering 2

Module description:

.The students - can transfer procedures from the area of object-oriented analysis and design to new problems. - can explain and implement complex design patterns (e.g. MVC). - can recognize "code smells" and achieve improvements by refactoring. - name advantages and disadvantages of different software architectures in relation to concrete problems. - select a software architecture style suitable for the problem and justify the viability of the decision made. - can plan an architecture that meets requirements and thus take sustainability criteria into account. - can efficiently parallelize problems with the help of threads. - know primitives for synchronization and signaling between processes and threads and can use them problem-specifically. - use the socket API to implement iterative and parallel client/server systems. - have basic knowledge of RPC, RMI and message queues and can explain them in their own words.

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 3

Game Development 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4GDEIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Low-level runtime/memory optimisation (memory alignment, cache lines, object pooling, etc.); resource management; data-oriented design / entity-component systems; multi-threading/parallelism in game engines (job systems, false sharing problem, etc.); spatial data structures (BSP trees, kd trees, octrees, etc.) and render optimisations (occlusion culling, visibility culling, batch rendering, LOD levels, etc.); scene graphs; serialisation; tool/editor integration for engines; advanced artificial intelligence (advanced steering behaviour, behaviour trees, goal-oriented behaviour, minimaxing, etc.); basics network multiplayer (network architec-tures, match making, lag compensation, etc.); practical exercises based on source code (C++) of a game engine.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 3

Module description:

The students - can analyze runtime of an interactive program, identify typical problems and select and implement appropriate optimization methods for performance optimization (e.g. memory optimization, spatial data structures). - can explain the impact of data-oriented design and its use in game engine architectures (e.g., entity-component systems) in their own words. - can implement the serialization of program data in a modular way in order to transfer data over the network or into different file formats (e.g. for memory states, editors). - Can select artificial intelligence algorithms to implement complex AI behavior for different game types. - can integrate network multiplayer into games and solve basic problems independently.

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 4

Computer graphics 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4CGRIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Real-time rendering strategies (forward rendering, deferred rendering, clustered and tiled rendering); shadow calculation using shadow mapping; methods for improving shadow quality (percentage closer filtering (PCF), percentage closer soft shadows (PCSS), cascaded shadow maps, etc.); physically based rendering (modern micro-facet models, HDR rendering and tone mapping); basics of image based lighting; post-processing ef-fects (ambient occlusion, screen space reflections, bloom, post-processing anti-aliasing); practical exercises using a modern graphics interface (e.g. OpenGL).

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 4

Module description:

The students - can explain in their own words the advantages/disadvantages of various rendering strategies/procedures used in realtime rendering in their own words and can select/implement the appropriate method based on the requirements of a scene. - can implement basic complex real-time render effects to increase the realism of a scene and can apply their knowledge to further/alternative render effects and graphics interfaces. - Can identify and fix visual artifacts and their cause. - can explain the functionality and basic structure of modern game engines in their own words and can transfer their expertise (game engine architectures, optimization methods, rendering methods, artificial intelligence, etc.) to existing game engines in order to implement interactive programs. - can implement interactive programs with at least two current game engines (e.g. Unity, Unreal). - can research or select a suitable game engine based on given requirements for interactive applications. - Can set up and adhere to production workflows for game engines in order to implement a larger software project together with a team. - can debug/profile applications in game engines to find and fix bugs or performance problems.

Game Production Environments

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4GPEIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Overview of current, important game engines, their underlying architecture and advantages/disadvantages (e.g. Unity, Unreal); game production workflows (version control, asset management, deployment, etc.); debugging and profiling; scripting / visual scripting; animation (animation paths, character animation, etc.); physics simulation for 2D/3D objects (rigid bodies, joints, etc.); physics simulation for 2D/3D objects (rigid bodies, joints, etc.); rendering (materials, lighting, batch rendering, etc.); shader programming / shader graphs; input/output methods and accessibility (assets, tools, etc.); practical exercises using current game engines (e.g. Unity, Unreal).

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 4

Module description:

The students - can explain in their own words the advantages/disadvantages of various rendering strategies/procedures used in realtime rendering in their own words and can select/implement the appropriate method based on the requirements of a scene. - can implement basic complex real-time render effects to increase the realism of a scene and can apply their knowledge to further/alternative render effects and graphics interfaces. - Can identify and fix visual artifacts and their cause. - can explain the functionality and basic structure of modern game engines in their own words and can transfer their expertise (game engine architectures, optimization methods, rendering methods, artificial intelligence, etc.) to existing game engines in order to implement interactive programs. - can implement interactive programs with at least two current game engines (e.g. Unity, Unreal). - can research or select a suitable game engine based on given requirements for interactive applications. - Can set up and adhere to production workflows for game engines in order to implement a larger software project together with a team. - can debug/profile applications in game engines to find and fix bugs or performance problems.

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 3

Full Stack Development

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4FSDIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Implementation and documentation of APIs. Architectures and concepts of current front-end frame-works, shown with a concrete example, e.g. React and next.js. Automated testing of front-end and back-end code. Web sockets. Web performance: tools, measuring methods, solutions.. Security tools and support for back-end and front-end frameworks to avoid security problems.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 3

Module description:

Students will - design and implement REST and GraphQL APIs. They use JavaScript to query REST and GraphQL APIs. - use React to build a frontend from components. - use end to end tests to guarantee the functionality and interaction of front and back end. - can describe typical performance problems of web applications in their own words, can measure the performance of a web app with current tools and find problem areas. They use caching to speed up the application. - can describe in their own words typical security problems of web applications, as well as describe and use the support that web frameworks offer to avoid these problems.

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 4

Cloud Operations

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4COPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Use of an exemplary cloud provider (e.g. AWS) as Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS): provisioning of a compute resource / VM, network and security configuration; use of an exemplary cloud provider (e.g. AWS) for Function as a Service. implementation and deployment of the function; energy requirement for cloud solutions.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 4

Module description:

Students will - can explain the advantages and disadvantages of on-premise, IAAS, PAAS, SAAS and servless in their own words and and select a suitable variant for a project. - can commission a compute resource as an IAAS. - can implement and deploy a Function as a Service. - are able to consider intelligent scaling and resource efficiency of cloud-based solutions. - can describe different human-centered design methods for web and mobile development in their own words. - select appropriate research, design and implementation methods for a use case. - conduct user research and user tests with representative users. - analyze the context of use, define requirements, create prototypes and evaluate them. - work in interdisciplinary teams, represent the quality standards of your discipline in the discussion with other disciplines. - use iterations in the Human-Centered Design process.

Human Centred Design

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4HCDIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Advanced human-centred design methods in the field of web and mobile development. The students perform several iteration loops of a human-centred design process in interdisciplinary teams. The projects can be continued as MMP3.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 4

Module description:

Students will - can explain the advantages and disadvantages of on-premise, IAAS, PAAS, SAAS and servless in their own words and and select a suitable variant for a project. - can commission a compute resource as an IAAS. - can implement and deploy a Function as a Service. - are able to consider intelligent scaling and resource efficiency of cloud-based solutions. - can describe different human-centered design methods for web and mobile development in their own words. - select appropriate research, design and implementation methods for a use case. - conduct user research and user tests with representative users. - analyze the context of use, define requirements, create prototypes and evaluate them. - work in interdisciplinary teams, represent the quality standards of your discipline in the discussion with other disciplines. - use iterations in the Human-Centered Design process.

Elective 2 - Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4EHAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Principles of ethical hacking; scanning techniques (network, port, vulnerability scanning), social engineering (human-, computer-, mobile-based), physical security, system hacking (Windows, Linux), phishing, DOS attacks and their prevention; practical exercises. Kali Linux and Parrot OS.

Superior module:

Elective 2 - Ethical Hacking

Module description:

The students - know the ethical aspects of professional ethical hacking and penetration tests. - use common tools to check the security of systems. - Understand the basic techniques for gaining unauthorized access to a large network and computer systems by technical and non-technical means. - are able to assess potential weak points in a web application or an online game and the associated infrastructure.

Elective 2 - Game Studies & Game Design 2

Game Studies & Game Design 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4GSDIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Deepened knowledge in the design and creation of board games to develop a craft foundation in the areas of feature design and gamebalancing; expansion of competencies in digital interactive storytelling with the help of existing solutions and common techniques from the industry, as well as the development of new methods or approaches to solutions; further deepening of conceptual skills in the areas of gameplay mechanisms as well as gamedesign; in-depth examination of the topic of game in the context of a cultural, monetary, social and educational context; level design; quest design; emergent gameplay. Based on the contents of LV Game Studies & Game Design 1, further discourse on social effects and relevance with regard to role models, social influence and the possibilities of the medium of games to change traditional patterns of thinking and behaviour.

Superior module:

Elective 2 - Game Studies & Game Design 2

Module description:

Students have in-depth knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of game design, from conceptual design to implementation. They have advanced skills in identifying and designing mechanisms, sets of rules and design structures within interactive forms of entertainment. They have in-depth knowledge of testing as well as quality and function control of games and differentiated basic skills in analysing existing games with regard to their features relating to technology, natural science, media theory, art theory, culture theory, economics, society and education.

Elective 2 - Information Visualisation

Information Visualisation

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4INVIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Data abstraction, data types, marks and channels; visualisation techniques for structures and hierarchies (graphs, trees, networks, etc.), time and geovisualisation; basic techniques for dealing with large amounts of information: Zoomable User Interfaces, Multiple Views, Detail and Context Techniques; Current JavaScript Libraries and Components for Visualisations; Best Practice Examples from Current News. Project with cur-rent data.

Superior module:

Elective 2 - Information Visualisation

Module description:

The students - select suitable visualization methods for different data types in order to display information correctly and legibly. You can recognize misleading representations in visualizations. - create visualizations and animations with web technologies. - work in interdisciplinary teams with designers and find solutions that meet the quality requirements of both disciplines.

Elective 2 - Praxis Machine Learning

Practice Machine Learning

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMTB4PMLIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Missing data imputation; dimension reduction; clustering (partitioning and density-based), feature selection, feature reduction; prediction models; practical implementation of all mentioned methods in the course of a defined machine learning task from current research.

Superior module:

Elective 2 - Praxis Machine Learning

Module description:

The students - understand a pre-defined machine learning task. - independently select suitable methods from the literature. - use unsupervised learning to analyze the structure of a data set. - understand and use methods for feature selection and reduction. - use the cross-validation approach for a fair assessment of quality.


Bachelor thesis: topic identification and research design

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB5BTFSE
Type SE
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Identifying and narrowing down the topic of the Bachelor's thesis; concretising the theoretical question; choosing the appropriate research methodology; preparing an exposé.

Superior module:

Preparation project and bachelor thesis

Module description:

The students - develop a specific theoretical question in the form of a theoretically sound expose. - choose a research methodology that is adequate for the research question. - make reference to practice-centred work and the current status-quo in the subject area as well as rele-vant scientific literature. - further develop and refine ideas and concepts for web, game and other multimedia projects. - clarify the technical risks of a multimedia project, make technology and architecture decisions for the project. - select and apply appropriate project management methods. - set up development computers, test systems and production systems for the project, configure the build process including linters. - present the concept and planning to an expert audience. they argue the technology and architectural decisions for the project. - make prototypes for the most important parts of the project as a decision-making basis for refining the concept. - have an insight into media theory and can critically reflect on common media concepts. - analyse social effects of media and technology on society and argue their own position on the basis of media theoretical foundations and facts.


Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB5BPRPT
Type PT
Kind Internship (N)
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 24
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Internship in a relevant company in the areas of web & mobile development or game development & mixed reality in software development; guided collaboration in company projects.

Superior module:


Module description:

The students - know the organisational methods and work processes of a company in the creative or digital industries. - know which concepts and methods are used in the company and can critically compare and evaluate them with the concepts, theories and methods taught at university. - can take on different team roles and functions in software projects and contribute to the project out-come. - gain insight into the industry and thus experience in terms of their career choice after the conclusion of their studies. - reflect on their practical experiences in written form. - pass on the experience gained in the internship companies to the next cohort of students in the form of a presentation.

Internship: accompanying course

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB5BPRIT
Type IT
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 0.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Supervision during the internship by a supervisor on the course; final presentation.

Superior module:


Module description:

The students - know the organisational methods and work processes of a company in the creative or digital industries. - know which concepts and methods are used in the company and can critically compare and evaluate them with the concepts, theories and methods taught at university. - can take on different team roles and functions in software projects and contribute to the project out-come. - gain insight into the industry and thus experience in terms of their career choice after the conclusion of their studies. - reflect on their practical experiences in written form. - pass on the experience gained in the internship companies to the next cohort of students in the form of a presentation.

Media, technology and society

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB5MTGSE
Type SE
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Media and their concepts; interaction between technological development and media; technological society: critical reflection on what role media play in society.

Superior module:

Preparation project and bachelor thesis

Module description:

The students - develop a specific theoretical question in the form of a theoretically sound expose. - choose a research methodology that is adequate for the research question. - make reference to practice-centred work and the current status-quo in the subject area as well as rele-vant scientific literature. - further develop and refine ideas and concepts for web, game and other multimedia projects. - clarify the technical risks of a multimedia project, make technology and architecture decisions for the project. - select and apply appropriate project management methods. - set up development computers, test systems and production systems for the project, configure the build process including linters. - present the concept and planning to an expert audience. they argue the technology and architectural decisions for the project. - make prototypes for the most important parts of the project as a decision-making basis for refining the concept. - have an insight into media theory and can critically reflect on common media concepts. - analyse social effects of media and technology on society and argue their own position on the basis of media theoretical foundations and facts.

Multimediaprojekt 3: Pre-Production

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB5MMPPT
Type PT
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Problem identification, idea development, rough and detailed conception, project planning incl. calculation, distribution of tasks (functions and roles), clarification of technical risks, production of prototypes for the most important parts of the project, architecture and technology decisions, interim presentation of the project to the colleagues and lecturers of the MMA and MMT degree programs.

Superior module:

Preparation project and bachelor thesis

Module description:

The students - develop a specific theoretical question in the form of a theoretically sound expose. - choose a research methodology that is adequate for the research question. - make reference to practice-centred work and the current status-quo in the subject area as well as rele-vant scientific literature. - further develop and refine ideas and concepts for web, game and other multimedia projects. - clarify the technical risks of a multimedia project, make technology and architecture decisions for the project. - select and apply appropriate project management methods. - set up development computers, test systems and production systems for the project, configure the build process including linters. - present the concept and planning to an expert audience. they argue the technology and architectural decisions for the project. - make prototypes for the most important parts of the project as a decision-making basis for refining the concept. - have an insight into media theory and can critically reflect on common media concepts. - analyse social effects of media and technology on society and argue their own position on the basis of media theoretical foundations and facts.


Bachelor exam

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6BAPBP
Type BP
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Lecture content:

Commissioned Bachelor degree examination consisting of an examination discussion on the Bachelor's the-sis carried out as well as its cross-references to relevant courses/modules of the curriculum.

Superior module:

Bachelor thesis and bachelor final examination

Module description:

The students - write a practice-centred Bachelor's thesis, which is carried out in the form of a theoretically reflected project work. - have in-depth knowledge and the ability to create their own research design for the bachelor thesis and to write the thesis according to the rules of the scientific community. - critically reflect on the results of the bachelor thesis. - present the topic, research methodology and results of the Bachelor thesis to the examination commit-tee and others. - answer questions about the bachelor thesis using critical, scientific argumentation. - independently draw cross-connections between the bachelor thesis and relevant topics and areas of computer science.

Bachelor thesis and accompanying course

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6BAASE
Type SE
Kind Bachelor thesis
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 9
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Supervision of the bachelor thesis; relation of practical problems to theoretical backgrounds using current results from research and development. The Bachelor thesis is a practice-centred work that is carried out in the form of a theoretically reflected pro-ject or practical work. In relation to a selected subject-specific question, this establishes the connection be-tween practical and theory-based action and therefore includes a practical part as well as a part of the con-ceptual or formal-theoretical discussion, taking into account the respective current status-quo in the subject area and corresponding scientific literature.

Superior module:

Bachelor thesis and bachelor final examination

Module description:

The students - write a practice-centred Bachelor's thesis, which is carried out in the form of a theoretically reflected project work. - have in-depth knowledge and the ability to create their own research design for the bachelor thesis and to write the thesis according to the rules of the scientific community. - critically reflect on the results of the bachelor thesis. - present the topic, research methodology and results of the Bachelor thesis to the examination commit-tee and others. - answer questions about the bachelor thesis using critical, scientific argumentation. - independently draw cross-connections between the bachelor thesis and relevant topics and areas of computer science.

Entrepreneurial basics and law

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6UGRVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character final

Lecture content:

Phases of setting up a business; basics of business management; organisation of companies; tax, social security and labour law framework conditions for self-employment in Austria; basics of drafting contracts with customers. Overview of media law (basics of European and constitutional law; main features of the Austrian Media Act; labour law and ICT); copyright law (European copyright, right of personality and media companies); advertis-ing law; Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

Superior module:

Business and Law

Module description:

The students - have basic knowledge for setting up a business, managing a business and for entrepreneurial thinking and acting as an employee within business organisations. - have basic knowledge in the areas of European and constitutional law, Austrian media law, labour law and ICT law as well as copyright and advertising law, and can apply this knowledge in their projects. - have knowledge of the General Data Protection Regulation and can take aspects of it into account in their Bachelor's theses. - have an in-depth insight into the state of the art and research on various current topics. - can classify and evaluate trends and hypes.

Group-oriented reflection process 3

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6TEARC
Type RC
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 0.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Reflection on project work in interdisciplinary team settings; action and solution competencies in interdisci-plinary teams (including team culture, team values, team diversity, feedback culture); reflection on the com-petencies achieved in the course of study.

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 3

Module description:

The students - plan and program a complex interdisciplinary multimedia project in teamwork. They carry out the im-plementation within a given time frame. - use the version control system git for the administration of the source code in teamwork. They work with feature branches, pull/merge requests and code reviews. - find and use existing software packages (libraries, packages) and incorporate them into their own software project. - use an issue tracker to prioritise features and bugs. On this basis, they make decisions about which issues need to be dealt with in order to create an executable project in the given time. - carry out evaluations and user tests several times and make changes to the project based on the re-sults. - apply their knowledge of teamwork and problem-solving strategies and promote discursive, goal-oriented exchange within the team. - present the finished project to the public and potential investors. They describe the project in text, image and video in the portfolio website of the course. Students who are doing a project from Web & Mobile Development, - publish the project on a publicly accessible web server or in an app store, depending on the technology. - use unit and end-to-end tests to ensure the quality of the code. - define the quality criteria of the project in the areas of accessibility, data protection, security, performance with suitable criteria. Design the project in such a way that these criteria are met. Students doing a project from Game Development & Mixed Reality, - publish their game on an industry-standard platform that matches the project. - use industry-standard software as well as tools for team communication and collaborative program-ming and apply current technologies for e.g. network solutions, artificial intelligence, shading, input methods adapted to the project. - define the quality criteria of the project in the areas of usability, gameplay, level design and code quali-ty with appropriate criteria. Design the project in such a way that these criteria are met. - apply their knowledge of communication, meta-communication and problem-solving strategies to inter-disciplinary/cross-disciplinary communication situations and promote discursive, goal-oriented ex-change in teams. - reflect on their teamwork in interdisciplinary settings and are able to give constructive, diversity-conscious and appreciative feedback. - actively shape their teamwork and team culture in interdisciplinary settings by applying specific tools and methods learned in previous courses on reflection processes. - evaluate the acquisition of professional, personal and social competencies through their studies.

Guest lecture: Emerging Technologies

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6GETVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

This course deals with state-of-the-art developments along the specialisations of elective 1 and elective 2. The course is organised as a guest lecture series. This ensures that technology-oriented issues can be dis-cussed with different experts.

Superior module:

Business and Law

Module description:

The students - have basic knowledge for setting up a business, managing a business and for entrepreneurial thinking and acting as an employee within business organisations. - have basic knowledge in the areas of European and constitutional law, Austrian media law, labour law and ICT law as well as copyright and advertising law, and can apply this knowledge in their projects. - have knowledge of the General Data Protection Regulation and can take aspects of it into account in their Bachelor's theses. - have an in-depth insight into the state of the art and research on various current topics. - can classify and evaluate trends and hypes.

Multimedia project 3 (MMP3)

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6MMPPT
Type PT
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 9.5
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Implementation of a complex interdisciplinary multimedia project; professional software development within the framework of studio weeks; application of all knowledge and skills acquired during the degree course; topics involve the subject area of web & mobile development or game development & mixed reality; self- as well as team and project management within a project involving several people with a duration of two semesters.

Superior module:

Multimedia Project 3

Module description:

The students - plan and program a complex interdisciplinary multimedia project in teamwork. They carry out the im-plementation within a given time frame. - use the version control system git for the administration of the source code in teamwork. They work with feature branches, pull/merge requests and code reviews. - find and use existing software packages (libraries, packages) and incorporate them into their own software project. - use an issue tracker to prioritise features and bugs. On this basis, they make decisions about which issues need to be dealt with in order to create an executable project in the given time. - carry out evaluations and user tests several times and make changes to the project based on the re-sults. - apply their knowledge of teamwork and problem-solving strategies and promote discursive, goal-oriented exchange within the team. - present the finished project to the public and potential investors. They describe the project in text, image and video in the portfolio website of the course. Students who are doing a project from Web & Mobile Development, - publish the project on a publicly accessible web server or in an app store, depending on the technology. - use unit and end-to-end tests to ensure the quality of the code. - define the quality criteria of the project in the areas of accessibility, data protection, security, performance with suitable criteria. Design the project in such a way that these criteria are met. Students doing a project from Game Development & Mixed Reality, - publish their game on an industry-standard platform that matches the project. - use industry-standard software as well as tools for team communication and collaborative program-ming and apply current technologies for e.g. network solutions, artificial intelligence, shading, input methods adapted to the project. - define the quality criteria of the project in the areas of usability, gameplay, level design and code quali-ty with appropriate criteria. Design the project in such a way that these criteria are met. - apply their knowledge of communication, meta-communication and problem-solving strategies to inter-disciplinary/cross-disciplinary communication situations and promote discursive, goal-oriented ex-change in teams. - reflect on their teamwork in interdisciplinary settings and are able to give constructive, diversity-conscious and appreciative feedback. - actively shape their teamwork and team culture in interdisciplinary settings by applying specific tools and methods learned in previous courses on reflection processes. - evaluate the acquisition of professional, personal and social competencies through their studies.

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 5

Augmented & Virtual Reality

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6AVRIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Concepts of and differences between augmented reality and virtual reality (e.g. reality-virtuality continuum, presence, immersion, etc.); application scenarios; AR/VR displays (properties, lens systems, perceptual conflicts, etc.); tracking methods/technologies; rendering in AR/VR (stereo, occlusions, realism, etc.); basic interaction concepts in AR/VR; locomotion in VR; simulator sickness; current software frameworks and hardware solutions for AR/VR; calibration of coordinate spaces/tracking systems to each other (e.g. abso-lute orientation, iterative closest points); practical exercises with current frameworks and current hardware.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 5

Module description:

The students - can explain the economic and legal aspects of games, the financing, marketing and distribution of games in their own words. - can explain the relationships between publisher, developer, distributor, retailer in the game market in their own words and identify different release platforms and their reach. - can explain the legal framework conditions from copyright, software patents, data protection and pro-tection of minors in their own words. - can explain business models of games companies, the industry giants and their publicly known strate-gies in their own words. - can prepare a game idea for investors or competitors and present it in a pitch. - can prepare a press kit as well as a store page on a suitable distribution platform for a game with text, images and videos. - can explain basic concepts of, and differences between AR/VR, as well as peculiarities of the technologies in their own words and take them into account in application development. - can assess current AR/VR technologies (hardware, frameworks, tracking methods, etc.) for their applicability to specific application scenarios and implement suitable AR/VR applications. - can combine different technologies to create shared AR/VR experiences for collaborative applications. - know advanced concepts from current topics of game programming and can apply them practically. (Topic is selected each year)

Business of Games

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6BOGIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Current data on the games industry (Austria, Europe, worldwide); economic and legal aspects of games; financing and funding opportunities; marketing and distribution of games; success metrics; roles of publisher, developer, distributor, retailer; typical contracts and contractual terms in the games industry; copyright; software patents; data protection; protection of minors; release platforms; current competitors; pitches; press kits; developing pitches for final projects in practical exercises; handling licences for software and assets.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 5

Module description:

The students - can explain the economic and legal aspects of games, the financing, marketing and distribution of games in their own words. - can explain the relationships between publisher, developer, distributor, retailer in the game market in their own words and identify different release platforms and their reach. - can explain the legal framework conditions from copyright, software patents, data protection and pro-tection of minors in their own words. - can explain business models of games companies, the industry giants and their publicly known strate-gies in their own words. - can prepare a game idea for investors or competitors and present it in a pitch. - can prepare a press kit as well as a store page on a suitable distribution platform for a game with text, images and videos. - can explain basic concepts of, and differences between AR/VR, as well as peculiarities of the technologies in their own words and take them into account in application development. - can assess current AR/VR technologies (hardware, frameworks, tracking methods, etc.) for their applicability to specific application scenarios and implement suitable AR/VR applications. - can combine different technologies to create shared AR/VR experiences for collaborative applications. - know advanced concepts from current topics of game programming and can apply them practically. (Topic is selected each year)

Selected chapters of Game Development

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6AKGIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Advanced topics from the game development.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Game Development & Mixed Reality 5

Module description:

The students - can explain the economic and legal aspects of games, the financing, marketing and distribution of games in their own words. - can explain the relationships between publisher, developer, distributor, retailer in the game market in their own words and identify different release platforms and their reach. - can explain the legal framework conditions from copyright, software patents, data protection and pro-tection of minors in their own words. - can explain business models of games companies, the industry giants and their publicly known strate-gies in their own words. - can prepare a game idea for investors or competitors and present it in a pitch. - can prepare a press kit as well as a store page on a suitable distribution platform for a game with text, images and videos. - can explain basic concepts of, and differences between AR/VR, as well as peculiarities of the technologies in their own words and take them into account in application development. - can assess current AR/VR technologies (hardware, frameworks, tracking methods, etc.) for their applicability to specific application scenarios and implement suitable AR/VR applications. - can combine different technologies to create shared AR/VR experiences for collaborative applications. - know advanced concepts from current topics of game programming and can apply them practically. (Topic is selected each year)

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 5

Business of Web

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6BOWIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Business models of web companies: Trade, advertising, partner programes; Exemplary company stories.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 5

Module description:

The students - can describe business models and strategies of web companies in their own words and classify the relevance of these business models for their own project. - design a landing page for their project, launch a Google AdWords campaign and analyse the effective-ness of the campaign. - can describe the basic concepts of information retrieval in their own words, in particular algorithms and data structures for indexing, matching, retrieval and ranking. - configure search engines such as Solr and integrate them into programming projects. - know advanced concepts from current topics of web & mobile development and can apply them practically. (Topic is selected each year)

Information Retrieval

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6INRIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Areas of application of information retrieval; Boolean search; document, corpus, term; term-document ma-trix; inverted index; precision and recall; language processing: stop words, stemming; different queries; Le-venshtein distance; Soundex; outlook on machine learning methods and natural language processing.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 5

Module description:

The students - can describe business models and strategies of web companies in their own words and classify the relevance of these business models for their own project. - design a landing page for their project, launch a Google AdWords campaign and analyse the effective-ness of the campaign. - can describe the basic concepts of information retrieval in their own words, in particular algorithms and data structures for indexing, matching, retrieval and ranking. - configure search engines such as Solr and integrate them into programming projects. - know advanced concepts from current topics of web & mobile development and can apply them practically. (Topic is selected each year)

Selected chapters from Web & Mobile Development

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMTB6AKWIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Advanced topics from the web development.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Web & Mobile Development 5

Module description:

The students - can describe business models and strategies of web companies in their own words and classify the relevance of these business models for their own project. - design a landing page for their project, launch a Google AdWords campaign and analyse the effective-ness of the campaign. - can describe the basic concepts of information retrieval in their own words, in particular algorithms and data structures for indexing, matching, retrieval and ranking. - configure search engines such as Solr and integrate them into programming projects. - know advanced concepts from current topics of web & mobile development and can apply them practically. (Topic is selected each year)

SemesterSemesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June)
SWSweekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course
ECTS CreditsWork load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student
TypeBP = Bachelor final exam
DP/MP = Master final exam
IL = Lecture with integrated project work
IT = Individual training/phases
LB = Lab (session)
PS = Pro-seminar
PT = Project
RC = Course with integrated reflective practice
RE = Revision course
SE = Seminar
TU = Tutorial
UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions
VO = Lecture