News and Events
December 06, 2023

Gold at the Europe-wide ADC*E Award

"European Student of the Year" Award goes to students at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

Denise Hödl, Nicolas Graf and Kevin Harizaj (from left) accepted the award on behalf of the project team and can now call themselves ADC*E "European Student of the Year". © ADC Europe/X. Padrós

On December 1, 2023, the Art Directors Club of Europe presented awards for the 32nd time to the most outstanding works in the field of advertising and design on the European continent. The award in the "European Student of the Year" category went to Denise Hödl, Magdalena Jo Umkehrer, Daniela Dottolo, Kevin Harizaj, Lena Heiglauer and Nicolas Graf. Only the winning projects from national ADC competitions in Europe were eligible to compete for the prestigious award.

The students from the MultiMediaTechnology and MultiMediaArt courses received the gold medal for their project "Spot a Bot". The final project pursues innovative approaches in the areas of software development and interface design and draws attention to the rampant spread of fake news in social networks. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), the app tracks down bots that spread fake news on the platform X (formerly Twitter) for the purpose of political influence.

Continuing series of successes

The award ceremony, the highlight of the ADC*E Festival, which was attended by creatives from all over Europe, took place at the Design Hub Barcelona.

"It was an impressive moment when our own project was suddenly shown on the screen at the awards show and we were asked to take to the big stage. This is a huge motivational boost and a great honor for us. We are particularly pleased about the great contacts we have been able to make in recent months and the opportunities that the awards have opened up for us," reveals Denise Hödl, who accepted the award together with Kevin Harizaj and Nicolas Graf.

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Art Directors Club of Europe
The Art Directors Club Europe (ADC*E) is a non-profit association based in Barcelona, consisting of 21 professional associations and organizations for graphic design and advertising from 20 European countries. The association represents more than 7,000 experts from the creative sector. The ADC*E Award is the only award that brings together under one roof European creative work in design and advertising that has previously qualified through a national award in partner competitions. Further information at

"We own creativity".  
The Department of Creative Technologies focuses on creativity and the design of and with technology. The approximately 550 students in the department learn in a practical and project-oriented manner in the MultiMediaArt, MultiMediaTechnology, Human-Computer Interaction and Realtime Art & Visual Effects courses. They push the boundaries of media and technology by developing innovative projects using participatory methods, prioritizing user needs, communicating ideas effectively and working in multidisciplinary teams to develop effective digital solutions.

MultiMediaArt (Bachelor)
We Own Creativity
MultiMediaArt (Master)
We Own Creativity
MultiMediaTechnology (Bachelor)
Creating interactive worlds
MultiMediaTechnology (Master)
Creating immersive and interactive experiences
Realtime Art & Visual Effects (Master)
Human-Computer Interaction (Joint Master)
Understanding and shaping human-centered technology