

Art History

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1KGSVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni acquire basic knowledge of art history and art theory.

Superior module:

Related science 1

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in cultural theory: reflection and categorisation into current trends and characteristic creative and artistic contexts. Fundamental knowledge of media and cultural history in the fields of design and art history.


Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1AUVIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * have basic knowledge in the deliberate use of sound and sound effects * know about the interplay of image and sound and can conceptually think these levels together * are familiar with important terms of sound design * are able to communicate the sound of an audiovisual product and to name, find or request sound assets needed in projects or even create some of them themselves * gain their first practical experience in the design of sound

Superior module:

Design basics

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in visual design practice: idea development, design processes and methods; visual concept development; visual idiom: line, shape/surface, colour, texture, image composition; audio-visual media (audio-visual contexts); fundamental knowledge of visual perception (physiology, psychology, neurology/information pro-cessing). Fundamental skills for handling visual tools (digital and analogue). Fundamental visual technology knowledge.

Concept Development

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1KZEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Learn the basis of creative techniques for problem solving *Are able to work across disciplines and on analogue and digital platforms in their problem-solving. * Can present their creative concept solutions in public both professionally and persuasively.

Superior module:

Communication & work methods 1

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in organisation and the understanding of work in the creative and artistic environment of the creative industry, as well as responsible action in adjacent social and learning systems.

Cultural & Gender Studies

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1CGSVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni gain basic historical knowledge of the cultural space they themselves inhabit and can respond in a well-founded way to selected positions from the discourse on interculturality, intersectionality and gender. Alumni acquire creative and critical tools for analysing global cultural, socio-political and gender-specific contexts.

Superior module:

Related science 1

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in cultural theory: reflection and categorisation into current trends and characteristic creative and artistic contexts. Fundamental knowledge of media and cultural history in the fields of design and art history.

Introduction to 3D

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB13DEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * understand 3D space and its navigation * understand user interfaces in 3D applications * can create 3D models * are able to create basic shaders * know how to edit image sequences in post-production

Superior module:

Design basics

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in visual design practice: idea development, design processes and methods; visual concept development; visual idiom: line, shape/surface, colour, texture, image composition; audio-visual media (audio-visual contexts); fundamental knowledge of visual perception (physiology, psychology, neurology/information pro-cessing). Fundamental skills for handling visual tools (digital and analogue). Fundamental visual technology knowledge.

Introduction to Audio

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1AUEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

* Understanding of basic principles of acoustics * Basic skills with computer-based tools in musical design and development of musical forms * Basic principles and methods of current computer-based audio production tools (DAWs) * Practical experience

Superior module:

Design basics

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in visual design practice: idea development, design processes and methods; visual concept development; visual idiom: line, shape/surface, colour, texture, image composition; audio-visual media (audio-visual contexts); fundamental knowledge of visual perception (physiology, psychology, neurology/information pro-cessing). Fundamental skills for handling visual tools (digital and analogue). Fundamental visual technology knowledge.

Introduction to Communication Design

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1KDEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can distinguish between the formal and communicative qualities of different media and have gained initial experience with their specific design languages.

Superior module:

Design basics

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in visual design practice: idea development, design processes and methods; visual concept development; visual idiom: line, shape/surface, colour, texture, image composition; audio-visual media (audio-visual contexts); fundamental knowledge of visual perception (physiology, psychology, neurology/information pro-cessing). Fundamental skills for handling visual tools (digital and analogue). Fundamental visual technology knowledge.

Introduction to Film & Studio

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1FSEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Master the handling of a digital film camera * Have basic knowledge of lighting for digital cinematography * Are able to apply the basics of film language, such as resolution and image composition * Are able to work within a small film team and are familiar with the basic procedures of a film shoot.

Superior module:

Design basics

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in visual design practice: idea development, design processes and methods; visual concept development; visual idiom: line, shape/surface, colour, texture, image composition; audio-visual media (audio-visual contexts); fundamental knowledge of visual perception (physiology, psychology, neurology/information pro-cessing). Fundamental skills for handling visual tools (digital and analogue). Fundamental visual technology knowledge.

Introduction to Photography

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1FGEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Master the basic photographic techniques * Master the basics of image composition * Are confident in the use of a digital reflex camera * Have basic knowledge of the history of photography and its artistic origins

Superior module:

Design basics

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in visual design practice: idea development, design processes and methods; visual concept development; visual idiom: line, shape/surface, colour, texture, image composition; audio-visual media (audio-visual contexts); fundamental knowledge of visual perception (physiology, psychology, neurology/information pro-cessing). Fundamental skills for handling visual tools (digital and analogue). Fundamental visual technology knowledge.

Media Studies 1

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1MW1VO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni understand the connection between communication, media effects and the different media with a special focus on the new, digital mass media. Alumni acquire media competence and are able to understand, analyse and critically question communicative processes in digital as well as analogue media and to use them specifically for their intended effect.

Superior module:

Related science 1

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in cultural theory: reflection and categorisation into current trends and characteristic creative and artistic contexts. Fundamental knowledge of media and cultural history in the fields of design and art history.

Media history 1

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1MA1VO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni: * know the most important historical personalities in the field of animation & CG * know the most important technical developments * are able to analyse and criticise works of animation * know the most important media products - Milestone Projects * know important technical terms * understand the possible applications of CG outside the entertainment industry * know the most important historical personalities in the field of film history * know the milestones of technical, cinematographic developments * can roughly analyse films and draw historical connections to the present day * know the most important films in film history and recognise their influence on temporary productions * understand the influence of film history on art and culture * expand stylistic references and embed them in their own artistic work in terms of conception and development * Basic skills for describing tonal aesthetics * Alumni know the basics of the history of communication design and are able to contextualise design products historically.

Superior module:

Related science 1

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in cultural theory: reflection and categorisation into current trends and characteristic creative and artistic contexts. Fundamental knowledge of media and cultural history in the fields of design and art history.

Scientific Work

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB1WIAVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with basic methodological approaches to research and science and are able to carry out in-depth text analyses. They have basic knowledge of how to write scientific papers.

Superior module:

Related science 1

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in cultural theory: reflection and categorisation into current trends and characteristic creative and artistic contexts. Fundamental knowledge of media and cultural history in the fields of design and art history.


Academic Reading & Writing

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2ARWIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * have basic knowledge of scientific work and writing in the English-speaking world * can write simple academic texts in English * have a basic formal academic vocabulary in English and can use academic phrases correctly

Superior module:

Communication & work methods 2

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in working methodology expertise for creative and artistic media processes, in the areas of project management and presentation technology. Advance knowledge and expertise on the organisation and the understanding of work in the creative artistic environment of the creative industry, and responsible action in adjacent social and learning systems.

Concept Creation

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2KZEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * have a deeper understanding of how to analyse content-related problems and translate them into a communicative solution * are able to create communication campaigns across disciplines and platforms * are able to present and argue their concepts professionally

Superior module:

Design basics extension

Module description:

Advanced basic knowledge and fundamental expertise, as a supplement to the selected department. A broader, interdisciplinary understanding of design outside of the focus area of interest.

Introduction to Creative Coding

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2ECCIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Theoretical knowledge in the field of programmed art and algorithmic design with the necessary basic principles and background will be acquired. Skills acquisition in text-based programming languages as well as in node-based programming languages. Strategies for collaboration with developers based on a better understanding of the different approaches to the development of design and code will be acquired.

Superior module:

Design basics extension

Module description:

Advanced basic knowledge and fundamental expertise, as a supplement to the selected department. A broader, interdisciplinary understanding of design outside of the focus area of interest.

Media and Design Psychology

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2MGPVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Introduction to perception, media and behavioural psychology and creativity research, with a focus on the requirements of the profession of a creative service provider.

Superior module:

Related science 2

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in cultural and media theory, as well as media history in music. Differentiated knowledge and skills in cultural theory (reflection and categorisation into current trends and characteristic creative and artistic contexts), as well as fundamental skills in interpreting current cultural sciences knowledge on social developments.

Media history 2

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2MA2VO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni: * know the most important historical personalities in the field of animation & CG * know the most important technical developments * are able to analyse and criticise works of animation * know the most important media products - Milestone Projects * know important technical terms * understand the possible applications of CG outside the entertainment industry * know the most important historical personalities in the field of film history * know the milestones of technical, cinematographic developments * can roughly analyse films and draw historical connections to the present day * know the most important films in film history and recognise their influence on temporary productions * understand the influence of film history on art and culture * expand stylistic references and embed them in their own artistic work in terms of conception and development * Basic skills for describing tonal aesthetics * Alumni know the basics of the history of communication design and are able to contextualise design products historically.

Superior module:

Related science 2

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in cultural and media theory, as well as media history in music. Differentiated knowledge and skills in cultural theory (reflection and categorisation into current trends and characteristic creative and artistic contexts), as well as fundamental skills in interpreting current cultural sciences knowledge on social developments.

Multimedia Project 1

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2MMPPT
Type PT
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Are able to design a project adapted to the time budget * Are able to complete the project independently and on time * Are able to use the competences they have acquired in the pre-specialisation course. * Are able to present and argue their project.

Superior module:

Project Differentiation

Module description:

Fundamental, practical qualification for a specific media area (media de-sign, computer animation, film, or audio) based on students¿ individual interests and potential through independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using differentiated fundamental knowledge and expertise in the specific area selected.

Narrative Methods

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2NAMVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have learned to recognise narratives in entertainment as well as in everyday life. They understand principles of storytelling and can analyse narratives in terms of their underlying narrative structure and reflect on them critically (e.g. advertising and conspiracy myths).

Superior module:

Communication & work methods 2

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in working methodology expertise for creative and artistic media processes, in the areas of project management and presentation technology. Advance knowledge and expertise on the organisation and the understanding of work in the creative artistic environment of the creative industry, and responsible action in adjacent social and learning systems.

Photography Specialisation

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2FGVIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * have a deeper understanding of image, connotation and photographic design * are able to translate their own researched topics into photographic sequences * are able to experiment with photographic possibilities

Superior module:

Design basics extension

Module description:

Advanced basic knowledge and fundamental expertise, as a supplement to the selected department. A broader, interdisciplinary understanding of design outside of the focus area of interest.

Pop Culture 1

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2PC1VO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * have basic knowledge in the deliberate use of sound and sound effects * know about the interplay of image and sound and can conceptually think these levels together * are familiar with important terms of sound design * are able to communicate the sound of an audiovisual product and to name, find or request sound assets needed in projects or even create some of them themselves * gain their first practical experience in the design of sound

Superior module:

Related science 2

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in cultural and media theory, as well as media history in music. Differentiated knowledge and skills in cultural theory (reflection and categorisation into current trends and characteristic creative and artistic contexts), as well as fundamental skills in interpreting current cultural sciences knowledge on social developments.

Project Management 1

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2PM1VO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Are familiar with the project phases and their completion criteria in media production * Are familiar with different methods of effort estimation and are able to apply them * Understand the ¿magic triangle¿ in project management * Are familiar with the most important standard tools for planning media productions * Can create a rough project plan for a media production

Superior module:

Communication & work methods 2

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and skills in working methodology expertise for creative and artistic media processes, in the areas of project management and presentation technology. Advance knowledge and expertise on the organisation and the understanding of work in the creative artistic environment of the creative industry, and responsible action in adjacent social and learning systems.

Elective 1 - Concept Art

Elective 1 - Concept Art

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2WCAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * possess basic sketching skills * understand 2- and 3-point perspective and be able to apply it * be able to qualitatively evaluate concept art * be able to design basic characters and vehicles * understand advantages and disadvantages of different design media (pencil, marker, digital painting) and can apply them on a basic level

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Concept Art

Module description:

Expansion of basic knowledge and fundamental skills of analogue design with regard to the third dimension with a focus on body and space (through basic knowledge of perspective drawing and basic skills in handling pencil and paper in the area of concept art for animation) and further technical basics of product design and the design of vehicles and devices.

Elective 1 - Sound & Performance 1

Elective 1 - Sound & Performance

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2WSPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The ability to conceptualise and implement sound in a performance

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Sound & Performance 1

Module description:

Basic knowledge and skills in conceptualising and actively shaping communication processes through body language and voice, as well as targeted use of the basic of sound, light, image for live performances and settings with an audience in numerous exercises and examples. Creative forms of (self-) staging, stage presence, performative communication with the audience.

Elective 1 - Staged Photography

Elective 1 - Staged Photography

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2WIFIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * have extended their knowledge of the technique and design of photography and acquired in-depth skills in the use of digital SLR cameras so that they can implement them in complex, artistic applications and experiment with them. * experiment with the skills acquired in previous courses in handling the photographic image, arrangements, lighting, the aesthetic/photographic possibilities of influencing the image, the generation of ideas, the creative implementation of a photographic concept. * They expand their knowledge of photographic genres acquired in the previous courses, such as portrait photography and architectural photography, and implement these in complex, artistic/photographic concepts, photo series or photographic works of art.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Staged Photography

Module description:

Expansion of basic knowledge in the technique and design of photography and teaching of differentiated basic skills in the use of digital and analogue reflex cameras, lighting, exposure, development and reproduction. Teaching basic aesthetic skills in dealing with the photographic image, arrangements, lighting, the aesthetic-photographic possibilities of influencing the image, finding ideas, the creative implementation of photgraphy concept.

Elective 1 - Visual Storytelling 1

Elective 1 - Visual Storytelling

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2WVSIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with the basic principles of storytelling with visual means and have gained initial experience with effect interrelationships and affect techniques.

Superior module:

Elective 1 - Visual Storytelling 1

Module description:

Deepening basic competences in the conception of media-independent design Teaching basic skills in dealing with narrative structures, dealing with crossmedia effect contexts and the targeted use of narrative methods. Getting to know narrative methods for triggering emotional effects, such as affect techniques, e.g. dramaturgy for condensing moments of persuasion. Deeper examination of visual menas of expression in storytelling.

Focus - Audio

Audio Specialisation

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2AUVIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

In-depth compositional, tonal-rhythmic and technical skills for the production of music.

Superior module:

Focus - Audio

Module description:

Advanced basic knowledge of music production and sound aesthetics in multimedia environments, compositional, sonic-rhythmic skills for producing music, soundtracks, and sound effects in practice. Onlocation and field recordings (elective).


Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2STRIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Understanding and experience in the intentional use of sound and music in film and other audiovisual media

Superior module:

Focus - Audio

Module description:

Advanced basic knowledge of music production and sound aesthetics in multimedia environments, compositional, sonic-rhythmic skills for producing music, soundtracks, and sound effects in practice. Onlocation and field recordings (elective).

Focus - Communication design

Communication Design Specialisation

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2KDVIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have deepened their basic knowledge of the conceptual and creative aspects of communication design with a focus on the development of independent visual languages and have expanded their competences in graphic and typographic design.

Superior module:

Focus - Communication design

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge of the conceptual and design aspects of com-munication design, with a focus on developing the student's own visual vocabulary. Fundamental competence in graphic and typographic design Fundamental knowledge of user-centred design Fundamental knowledge of methods for customer-oriented optimisation of processes, structures, and products.

Experience Design

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2EXDIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with the basic principles of user-centred design and have learned selected methods for the customer-oriented optimisation of processes, structures and products in exercises.

Superior module:

Focus - Communication design

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge of the conceptual and design aspects of com-munication design, with a focus on developing the student's own visual vocabulary. Fundamental competence in graphic and typographic design Fundamental knowledge of user-centred design Fundamental knowledge of methods for customer-oriented optimisation of processes, structures, and products.

Focus - Computeranimation

3D Specialisation

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB23DVIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * are able to create complex 3D models and apply UV coordinates to them * are able to create more complex shaders * understand animation curves and keyframes * are familiar with basic lighting options * understand the peculiarities of cameras in 3D * are able to implement small animation projects independently

Superior module:

Focus - Computeranimation

Module description:

Advanced basic knowledge in the area of 3D animation and differentiated fundamental skills in visualising and designing moving images and animations, animation tools with respect to 3D space, user interface, modelling, texturing, rendering.

Interactive Authoring 1

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2IA1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * are able to explain in their own words the requirements for realtime-capable assets and realtime-capability for game engines. * are familiar with suitable quality criteria for prefabricated assets and can apply them. * use a game engine asset import process to load and use assets (e.g. 3D models, sounds) in a game engine. * use a scripting language to create simple interactive applications in which users can manipulate objects using standard input methods.

Superior module:

Focus - Computeranimation

Module description:

Advanced basic knowledge in the area of 3D animation and differentiated fundamental skills in visualising and designing moving images and animations, animation tools with respect to 3D space, user interface, modelling, texturing, rendering.

Focus - Film

Film & Studio Specialisation

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2FSVIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * are able to generate more complex lighting situations * are able to use cinematic language * understand the connections between cinematic design and intention * have in-depth knowledge in the use of digital film equipment * are proficient in basic camera movement * can independently realise small film projects

Superior module:

Focus - Film

Module description:

Advanced fundamental knowledge and skills on technical and design options for film pro-duction, with respect to: classic camera language / camera settings / film resolution and visual fundamentals of aesthetic film design, translating emotional moods and scenarios to the visual language of film and TV, developing a unique visual vocabulary. Advanced technical knowledge on handling modern HD cameras and cinematic lighting. The course ends with a small team film project.

Scriptwriting Basics

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code MMAB2SWBIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * are able to tell small, interesting and exciting stories according to classic film dramaturgical principles * learn the formal basics of screenwriting and understand their importance. * learn to translate their reflections and research as well as visions into exciting stories that captivate an audience * learn how stories in a cinematic context are edited into a script * understand the difference between prose and a script

Superior module:

Focus - Film

Module description:

Advanced fundamental knowledge and skills on technical and design options for film pro-duction, with respect to: classic camera language / camera settings / film resolution and visual fundamentals of aesthetic film design, translating emotional moods and scenarios to the visual language of film and TV, developing a unique visual vocabulary. Advanced technical knowledge on handling modern HD cameras and cinematic lighting. The course ends with a small team film project.


Media Law

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3MERVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni gain a comprehensive overview of the legal situation in which they operate with their work. Alumni learn about the interrelationships between authors and exploitation rights and gain insight into the legal constellations of their subject area. Alumni are made aware of the legal contexts of multimedia productions and become familiar with the individual, important legal components to which a modern, multimedia production is subject.

Superior module:

Communication & work methods 3

Module description:

Specific advanced knowledge and skills in subject-specific project management. Differen-tiated knowledge of project management methods and processes.

Media Studies 2

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3MW2VO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni understand the relationship between communication, media impact and the different delivery formats across digital and analogue platforms of messages with a special focus on the new, digital mass media. Alumni acquire media competence and are able to understand, analyse and critically question communicative processes in digital and analogue media. Alumni acquire the competence to use communicative processes in the analogue and digital environment in a targeted manner for their intended effect.

Superior module:

Related science 3

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and analytic capabilities in media history, and analysis of film and art theory. Differentiated fundamental knowledge and analytic capabilities in media and cultural theories, with a focus on the reflections of the 20th century. Differentiated knowledge of the scientific method, with a focus on ¿qualitative research methods¿. Fundamental knowledge of different scientific analytic processes. Differentiation from the quantitative method.

Pop Culture 2

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3PC2VO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni recognise pop culture and its phenomena as part of artistic-multimedia work and as a constant transformation between different genres, disciplines and social developments. Alumni are aware of current pop cultural aspects and topics in the context of cultural and gender studies, intercultural communication and sociological positioning on plural dimensions of life.

Superior module:

Related science 3

Module description:

Fundamental knowledge and analytic capabilities in media history, and analysis of film and art theory. Differentiated fundamental knowledge and analytic capabilities in media and cultural theories, with a focus on the reflections of the 20th century. Differentiated knowledge of the scientific method, with a focus on ¿qualitative research methods¿. Fundamental knowledge of different scientific analytic processes. Differentiation from the quantitative method.

Project Management 2

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3PM2VO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Are familiar with the most important tools for management/communication in media productions * Understand the relevance of project documentation * Understand format-specific requirements (film, interactive, event) * Are familiar with different project management workflows and be able to select and apply them according to the project * Can carry out simple cost calculations (EPU, SME) * Can create a detailed project plan for a media production (MMP1) * Can draw up a rough marketing plan

Superior module:

Communication & work methods 3

Module description:

Specific advanced knowledge and skills in subject-specific project management. Differen-tiated knowledge of project management methods and processes.

Department - Department specialisation Audio 1

Audio Producing 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3PRAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Basic knowledge of costing, funding and PR from an artist¿s perspective

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 1

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, implementing a variety of sound aesthetics and music styles, forms and tools for sound synthesis, sampling, sound design and sound modification, composition and arrangement Game audio fundamentals (composition, sound design, interactive audio tools), working in professional studio environments for microphones, recording, mixing, and mastering. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Composition 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3CO1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Skills in the design of harmony, melody and rhythm with regard to the musical design of media products

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 1

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, implementing a variety of sound aesthetics and music styles, forms and tools for sound synthesis, sampling, sound design and sound modification, composition and arrangement Game audio fundamentals (composition, sound design, interactive audio tools), working in professional studio environments for microphones, recording, mixing, and mastering. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

English Study Group 1 - Audio

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3EAUIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction English
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can discuss and argue theoretical and practical topics in English * can adequately present contents and projects in English * possess descriptive vocabulary and scientific terminology

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 1

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, implementing a variety of sound aesthetics and music styles, forms and tools for sound synthesis, sampling, sound design and sound modification, composition and arrangement Game audio fundamentals (composition, sound design, interactive audio tools), working in professional studio environments for microphones, recording, mixing, and mastering. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Guest Lecture Audio 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3GLAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

In-depth knowledge of industry-relevant, socially virulent and/or artistically current topics

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 1

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, implementing a variety of sound aesthetics and music styles, forms and tools for sound synthesis, sampling, sound design and sound modification, composition and arrangement Game audio fundamentals (composition, sound design, interactive audio tools), working in professional studio environments for microphones, recording, mixing, and mastering. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Interactive Audio 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3INAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Insight into the creation of soundtracks (sounds and music) in interactive environments

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 1

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, implementing a variety of sound aesthetics and music styles, forms and tools for sound synthesis, sampling, sound design and sound modification, composition and arrangement Game audio fundamentals (composition, sound design, interactive audio tools), working in professional studio environments for microphones, recording, mixing, and mastering. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Music Production 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3MP1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Professionalise and implement music productions in various musical genres

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 1

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, implementing a variety of sound aesthetics and music styles, forms and tools for sound synthesis, sampling, sound design and sound modification, composition and arrangement Game audio fundamentals (composition, sound design, interactive audio tools), working in professional studio environments for microphones, recording, mixing, and mastering. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Recording Arts & Studio Technology

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3RASIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Planning, preparing, performing and managing recording processes in the recording studio

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 1

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, implementing a variety of sound aesthetics and music styles, forms and tools for sound synthesis, sampling, sound design and sound modification, composition and arrangement Game audio fundamentals (composition, sound design, interactive audio tools), working in professional studio environments for microphones, recording, mixing, and mastering. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Sound Synthesis

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3SSYIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

* Knowledge of current forms and functional principles of analogue and digital sound generation their structure and sound modification possibilities * Sound design with synthesizers (analogue and digital)

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 1

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, implementing a variety of sound aesthetics and music styles, forms and tools for sound synthesis, sampling, sound design and sound modification, composition and arrangement Game audio fundamentals (composition, sound design, interactive audio tools), working in professional studio environments for microphones, recording, mixing, and mastering. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design1

Corporate Design

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3CDEIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have conceived and designed a cross-media image.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design1

Module description:

Advanced fundamental knowledge of visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha experiences¿ and moments of identification Fundamental expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts Advanced conceptual skills in the interplay of formal aesthetic and semantic design aspects. Advanced conceptual and design competence in visual identities Development of a brand identity/positioning and brand story Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Foundations of handling information architecture, user experience design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

English Study Group 1 - Communication Design

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3KDIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction English
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * an discuss and argue theoretical and practical topics in English * can adequately present contents and projects in English * possess descriptive vocabulary and scientific terminology

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design1

Module description:

Advanced fundamental knowledge of visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha experiences¿ and moments of identification Fundamental expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts Advanced conceptual skills in the interplay of formal aesthetic and semantic design aspects. Advanced conceptual and design competence in visual identities Development of a brand identity/positioning and brand story Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Foundations of handling information architecture, user experience design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Graphic Design

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3GFDIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have deepened their skills and abilities in conceptual design with a focus on independent and experimental visual languages and with particular attention to animated graphics.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design1

Module description:

Advanced fundamental knowledge of visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha experiences¿ and moments of identification Fundamental expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts Advanced conceptual skills in the interplay of formal aesthetic and semantic design aspects. Advanced conceptual and design competence in visual identities Development of a brand identity/positioning and brand story Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Foundations of handling information architecture, user experience design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Interface Design 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3IF1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Basic competencies and skills in interface design. Basic competencies and skills in illustration, information graphics and visual storytelling with digital techniques.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design1

Module description:

Advanced fundamental knowledge of visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha experiences¿ and moments of identification Fundamental expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts Advanced conceptual skills in the interplay of formal aesthetic and semantic design aspects. Advanced conceptual and design competence in visual identities Development of a brand identity/positioning and brand story Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Foundations of handling information architecture, user experience design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Typography 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3TY1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have basic knowledge of type as a fundamental design element and have expanded their skills in typographic design.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design1

Module description:

Advanced fundamental knowledge of visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha experiences¿ and moments of identification Fundamental expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts Advanced conceptual skills in the interplay of formal aesthetic and semantic design aspects. Advanced conceptual and design competence in visual identities Development of a brand identity/positioning and brand story Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Foundations of handling information architecture, user experience design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Visual Rhetorics

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3VRHIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can name criteria for the communication success of visual rhetoric and have deepened competencies in the conception and development of visual communication strategies.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design1

Module description:

Advanced fundamental knowledge of visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha experiences¿ and moments of identification Fundamental expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts Advanced conceptual skills in the interplay of formal aesthetic and semantic design aspects. Advanced conceptual and design competence in visual identities Development of a brand identity/positioning and brand story Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Foundations of handling information architecture, user experience design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Department - Department specialisation Compunteranimation 1

Animation Fundamentals 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3AF1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 2.5
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can set up a 3D project professionally * can create simple rigs * can create simple expressions / scripts * understand object hierarchies and the use of constraints * are familiar with the differences, properties and areas of application of deformers * produce a computer animation in compliance with technical specifications

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Compunteranimation 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation, and advanced skills in animation tools: use of 3D computer graphics as a customised visual design aid; planning, production, and presentation of a 3D animation project; combination of 3D animation/graphic with the areas of graphic/motion design/video/audio. Fundamental knowledge on the behaviour of bodies in motion and fundamental skills for handling chronophotography and motion analyses with respect to the practical skill of working with animation (conceptual strength thanks to comfort with handling timing and rhythm). Knowledge in the areas of compositing and editing of motion pictures, and basic computing tools skills with respect to: plates and source footage, integrating these into time-based work and the ability to create effects in post-production. Fundamental knowledge in the area of anatomy and moulding, visualising and designing models. Fundamental knowledge of handling interactive authoring tools and interaction design.

Animation Production 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3AP1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 2.5
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can write a director¿s interpretation and create a rough storyboard * can plan and create a previz in 3D * can calculate the costs of working time (self-employed, employed) * can plan and calculate a project * can create a professional offer * understand the relevance of a professional pre-production

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Compunteranimation 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation, and advanced skills in animation tools: use of 3D computer graphics as a customised visual design aid; planning, production, and presentation of a 3D animation project; combination of 3D animation/graphic with the areas of graphic/motion design/video/audio. Fundamental knowledge on the behaviour of bodies in motion and fundamental skills for handling chronophotography and motion analyses with respect to the practical skill of working with animation (conceptual strength thanks to comfort with handling timing and rhythm). Knowledge in the areas of compositing and editing of motion pictures, and basic computing tools skills with respect to: plates and source footage, integrating these into time-based work and the ability to create effects in post-production. Fundamental knowledge in the area of anatomy and moulding, visualising and designing models. Fundamental knowledge of handling interactive authoring tools and interaction design.

Character 1 - Concept Art & Modelling

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3C1CIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can create a mood image * can design a stylised 3D character * can model and texture a stylised 3D character * understand the workflow differences between sculpting and box modelling * understand the relevance of clean topology and can create a clean topology * understand the beaconing of object information in textures

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Compunteranimation 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation, and advanced skills in animation tools: use of 3D computer graphics as a customised visual design aid; planning, production, and presentation of a 3D animation project; combination of 3D animation/graphic with the areas of graphic/motion design/video/audio. Fundamental knowledge on the behaviour of bodies in motion and fundamental skills for handling chronophotography and motion analyses with respect to the practical skill of working with animation (conceptual strength thanks to comfort with handling timing and rhythm). Knowledge in the areas of compositing and editing of motion pictures, and basic computing tools skills with respect to: plates and source footage, integrating these into time-based work and the ability to create effects in post-production. Fundamental knowledge in the area of anatomy and moulding, visualising and designing models. Fundamental knowledge of handling interactive authoring tools and interaction design.


Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3DYNIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can create a complex particle system * can create simple particle expressions * can render particles * can add dynamic effects to an existing scene * can independently apply the learned techniques in a project * are familiar with the differences, properties and areas of application of force fields * understand the difference between creation and runtime expressions

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Compunteranimation 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation, and advanced skills in animation tools: use of 3D computer graphics as a customised visual design aid; planning, production, and presentation of a 3D animation project; combination of 3D animation/graphic with the areas of graphic/motion design/video/audio. Fundamental knowledge on the behaviour of bodies in motion and fundamental skills for handling chronophotography and motion analyses with respect to the practical skill of working with animation (conceptual strength thanks to comfort with handling timing and rhythm). Knowledge in the areas of compositing and editing of motion pictures, and basic computing tools skills with respect to: plates and source footage, integrating these into time-based work and the ability to create effects in post-production. Fundamental knowledge in the area of anatomy and moulding, visualising and designing models. Fundamental knowledge of handling interactive authoring tools and interaction design.

English Study Group 1 - Computer Animation

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3EANIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction English
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can discuss and argue theoretical and practical topics in English * can adequately present contents and projects in English * possess descriptive vocabulary and scientific terminology

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Compunteranimation 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation, and advanced skills in animation tools: use of 3D computer graphics as a customised visual design aid; planning, production, and presentation of a 3D animation project; combination of 3D animation/graphic with the areas of graphic/motion design/video/audio. Fundamental knowledge on the behaviour of bodies in motion and fundamental skills for handling chronophotography and motion analyses with respect to the practical skill of working with animation (conceptual strength thanks to comfort with handling timing and rhythm). Knowledge in the areas of compositing and editing of motion pictures, and basic computing tools skills with respect to: plates and source footage, integrating these into time-based work and the ability to create effects in post-production. Fundamental knowledge in the area of anatomy and moulding, visualising and designing models. Fundamental knowledge of handling interactive authoring tools and interaction design.

Guest lecture 1 - Animation

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3G1CIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * have a deeper insight into the latest trends and technical developments * use the skills they have acquired in their projects

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Compunteranimation 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation, and advanced skills in animation tools: use of 3D computer graphics as a customised visual design aid; planning, production, and presentation of a 3D animation project; combination of 3D animation/graphic with the areas of graphic/motion design/video/audio. Fundamental knowledge on the behaviour of bodies in motion and fundamental skills for handling chronophotography and motion analyses with respect to the practical skill of working with animation (conceptual strength thanks to comfort with handling timing and rhythm). Knowledge in the areas of compositing and editing of motion pictures, and basic computing tools skills with respect to: plates and source footage, integrating these into time-based work and the ability to create effects in post-production. Fundamental knowledge in the area of anatomy and moulding, visualising and designing models. Fundamental knowledge of handling interactive authoring tools and interaction design.

Interactive Authoring 2

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3IA2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can create a realistic procedural texture * can create a stylised procedural texture * can use procedural textures in game engines * can create and export a technically clean game asset * can edit assets in engines * can independently apply the learned techniques in a project * understand the difference between realtime and VFX/animation assets

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Compunteranimation 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation, and advanced skills in animation tools: use of 3D computer graphics as a customised visual design aid; planning, production, and presentation of a 3D animation project; combination of 3D animation/graphic with the areas of graphic/motion design/video/audio. Fundamental knowledge on the behaviour of bodies in motion and fundamental skills for handling chronophotography and motion analyses with respect to the practical skill of working with animation (conceptual strength thanks to comfort with handling timing and rhythm). Knowledge in the areas of compositing and editing of motion pictures, and basic computing tools skills with respect to: plates and source footage, integrating these into time-based work and the ability to create effects in post-production. Fundamental knowledge in the area of anatomy and moulding, visualising and designing models. Fundamental knowledge of handling interactive authoring tools and interaction design.

Rendering & VFX 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3RVFIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can plan a simple VFX shot * can solve simple VFX tasks independently * can render a photorealistic scene image * understand light types and their possible applications * understand technical quality criteria of video data * understand shaders and material properties * can apply the rules of image design in their own work

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Compunteranimation 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation, and advanced skills in animation tools: use of 3D computer graphics as a customised visual design aid; planning, production, and presentation of a 3D animation project; combination of 3D animation/graphic with the areas of graphic/motion design/video/audio. Fundamental knowledge on the behaviour of bodies in motion and fundamental skills for handling chronophotography and motion analyses with respect to the practical skill of working with animation (conceptual strength thanks to comfort with handling timing and rhythm). Knowledge in the areas of compositing and editing of motion pictures, and basic computing tools skills with respect to: plates and source footage, integrating these into time-based work and the ability to create effects in post-production. Fundamental knowledge in the area of anatomy and moulding, visualising and designing models. Fundamental knowledge of handling interactive authoring tools and interaction design.

Department - Department specialisation Film 1

Digital Art Direction 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3DADIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * understand the basics of film editing * have mastered the basics of common post-production software * understand the possibilities that post-production offers them artistically * have been introduced to the art historical connections that influence the post-production process.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge and skills for staging a (scripted) scene using diverse creative op-tions and the individual factors of the mise en scene (such as the lighting design, set design, direction, costuming, masks, camera style and movement, image composition and dynamism of a scene). Fundamental knowledge of acting and directing for the presentation of a diverse range of emotional scenarios as part of a film shoot. Fundamental knowledge and skills in script writing (framework theoretical terms, considering different dramaturgical concepts in film history and in the present day. Fundamental knowledge and skills in content digital editing as a creative process. Advanced skills in creativity, production and technology management for creating complex digital films.

Digital DoP 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3DOPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can create more complex lighting situations * can use camera movements in a targeted way * can design a space with light according to specifications * understand the relationship between camera movement and cinematic language * understand the effect and use of framing and camera angles

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge and skills for staging a (scripted) scene using diverse creative op-tions and the individual factors of the mise en scene (such as the lighting design, set design, direction, costuming, masks, camera style and movement, image composition and dynamism of a scene). Fundamental knowledge of acting and directing for the presentation of a diverse range of emotional scenarios as part of a film shoot. Fundamental knowledge and skills in script writing (framework theoretical terms, considering different dramaturgical concepts in film history and in the present day. Fundamental knowledge and skills in content digital editing as a creative process. Advanced skills in creativity, production and technology management for creating complex digital films.

Digital Storytelling

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3DSTIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can translate a story into a sequence of images * get a feeling for framing and image design * realise the connection between image sequences and their effect on the story * have mastered digital camera techniques and focus on using these technique to create, not to ¿do everything right¿. * can tell stories in moving digital images across platforms (portrait format/mobile/web etc.). *can independently apply the techniques learned in a project. * understand the difference between real-time and VFX/animation assets.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge and skills for staging a (scripted) scene using diverse creative op-tions and the individual factors of the mise en scene (such as the lighting design, set design, direction, costuming, masks, camera style and movement, image composition and dynamism of a scene). Fundamental knowledge of acting and directing for the presentation of a diverse range of emotional scenarios as part of a film shoot. Fundamental knowledge and skills in script writing (framework theoretical terms, considering different dramaturgical concepts in film history and in the present day. Fundamental knowledge and skills in content digital editing as a creative process. Advanced skills in creativity, production and technology management for creating complex digital films.


Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3DRTIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can manage a complete film crew on a medium-sized film set * are familiar with and understand the complex processes of a film set with its hierarchies and procedures. * learn the responsibilities and tasks for which a director is responsible. * are able to take artistic responsibility for translating a script both technologically and in terms of content and to interpret it with their own artistic style. * can realise developed scenes with actors, guide them and convey to them how to realise the artistic vision of the director. * can guide and direct the interaction between camera, acting and scenery.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge and skills for staging a (scripted) scene using diverse creative op-tions and the individual factors of the mise en scene (such as the lighting design, set design, direction, costuming, masks, camera style and movement, image composition and dynamism of a scene). Fundamental knowledge of acting and directing for the presentation of a diverse range of emotional scenarios as part of a film shoot. Fundamental knowledge and skills in script writing (framework theoretical terms, considering different dramaturgical concepts in film history and in the present day. Fundamental knowledge and skills in content digital editing as a creative process. Advanced skills in creativity, production and technology management for creating complex digital films.

English Study Group 1 - Film

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3EFIIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction English
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can discuss and argue theoretical and practical topics in English * can adequately present contents and projects in English * possess descriptive vocabulary and scientific terminology

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge and skills for staging a (scripted) scene using diverse creative op-tions and the individual factors of the mise en scene (such as the lighting design, set design, direction, costuming, masks, camera style and movement, image composition and dynamism of a scene). Fundamental knowledge of acting and directing for the presentation of a diverse range of emotional scenarios as part of a film shoot. Fundamental knowledge and skills in script writing (framework theoretical terms, considering different dramaturgical concepts in film history and in the present day. Fundamental knowledge and skills in content digital editing as a creative process. Advanced skills in creativity, production and technology management for creating complex digital films.

Film Producing 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3FP1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * gain insight into the calculation of a film project * can create a shooting schedule * can create a breakdown * gain insight into the day-to-day work and activities of a producer * legal components in pre-production, production and post-production.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge and skills for staging a (scripted) scene using diverse creative op-tions and the individual factors of the mise en scene (such as the lighting design, set design, direction, costuming, masks, camera style and movement, image composition and dynamism of a scene). Fundamental knowledge of acting and directing for the presentation of a diverse range of emotional scenarios as part of a film shoot. Fundamental knowledge and skills in script writing (framework theoretical terms, considering different dramaturgical concepts in film history and in the present day. Fundamental knowledge and skills in content digital editing as a creative process. Advanced skills in creativity, production and technology management for creating complex digital films.

Innovation Guest Professor 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3IG1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni stay up-to-date in terms of technology and content.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge and skills for staging a (scripted) scene using diverse creative op-tions and the individual factors of the mise en scene (such as the lighting design, set design, direction, costuming, masks, camera style and movement, image composition and dynamism of a scene). Fundamental knowledge of acting and directing for the presentation of a diverse range of emotional scenarios as part of a film shoot. Fundamental knowledge and skills in script writing (framework theoretical terms, considering different dramaturgical concepts in film history and in the present day. Fundamental knowledge and skills in content digital editing as a creative process. Advanced skills in creativity, production and technology management for creating complex digital films.

Scriptwriting 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3SW1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can translate an idea into a professional script * are familiar with the basic principles on which the storytelling process is based * can differentiate between literature and script * can plan and calculate a project * understand the differences between exposé, treatment, script

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 1

Module description:

Advanced knowledge and skills for staging a (scripted) scene using diverse creative op-tions and the individual factors of the mise en scene (such as the lighting design, set design, direction, costuming, masks, camera style and movement, image composition and dynamism of a scene). Fundamental knowledge of acting and directing for the presentation of a diverse range of emotional scenarios as part of a film shoot. Fundamental knowledge and skills in script writing (framework theoretical terms, considering different dramaturgical concepts in film history and in the present day. Fundamental knowledge and skills in content digital editing as a creative process. Advanced skills in creativity, production and technology management for creating complex digital films.

Elective 2a - Conception and Production 1

Conception & Production 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3WK1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni learn to analyse problems, to synthesise and to arrive at solutions, which are recorded in concepts that form the basis for implementation. Alumni become familiar with and apply creative strategies such as design thinking, thinking design, synectics or brainstorming, as well as a pool of creative tools.

Superior module:

Elective 2a - Conception and Production 1

Module description:

Students learn to analyse problems, to synthesise and to arrive at solutions, which are recorded in concepts that form the basis for implementation. Students become familiar with and apply creative strategies such as design thinking, thinking design, synectics or brainstorming, as well as a pool of creative tools.

Elective 2a - Creating Visual Drama 1

Creating Visual Drama 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3WC1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni gain a comprehensive overview of art historical trends and their influence on modern image design in photography and film. Alumni will understand the contexts and mechanisms in which art historical influences such as painting or architecture are reflected in and influence works such as Christopher Nolan¿s Batman trilogy or William Egglstone¿s photography. Alumni learn to create short stories and visually outline them in photography and film.

Superior module:

Elective 2a - Creating Visual Drama 1

Module description:

Students gain a comprehensive overview of art historical trends and their influence on modern image design in photography and film. Students will understand the contexts and mechanisms in which art historical influences such as painting or architecture are reflected in and in-fluence works such as Christopher Nolan¿s Batman trilogy or William Eg-glstone¿s photography. Students learn to create short stories and visually outline them in photography and film.

Elective 2a - Gamestudies & Gamedesign

Game Studies & Game Design 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3WG1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can name basic elements of games and are familiar with quality criteria for games, gameplay and interaction. * develop ideas for games, can refine these into concepts and put them in writing. * have basic knowledge of game design, game theory, game balance and game rules. * are familiar with common game genres, can name and distinguish them. * are familiar with the history of the development of games as a medium. * are able to name and distinguish between different definitions of games and gaming.

Superior module:

Elective 2a - Gamestudies & Gamedesign

Module description:

Game studies & Game design 1: The history of games; game theory: why do we play?; rules of the game, game balance, game and interaction; quality criteria, culturallyspecific aspects of gaming (e.g. Japan vs. Europe); game genres, e.g. serious games, strategy, first person shooter; game development concepts; game conceptualisation.

Elective 2a - Media scenography 1

Media Scenography 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3WS1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

* Ability to conceptualise and create an installation or live A/V Performance/visualisation * Knowledge of classical and current media and interaction-oriented space and environment design as well as their action models and technologies against the background of socio-cultural perception * Advanced knowledge and skills of the tools and methods of real-time sound and image design and their forms of expression in 3-dimensional, real or virtual environments via the staging of objects and spaces through sound, light, colour, image and interaction.

Superior module:

Elective 2a - Media scenography 1

Module description:

Fundamentals and examples of interdisciplinary design through staging objects and persons in real or VR spaces using sound, light, colour, video/imagery. Conceptualisation and creation of installations, live A/V performances and staged contexts using project-specific software and hardware tools (e.g. video and real-time visualisation, light/DMS, sensors/Arduino, etc.). Project-specific tools and methods of real-time capable audiovisual design and interaction in real spaces or virtual realities (VR).

Elective 2a - Motion Design 1

Motion Design 1

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB3WM1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have basic knowledge and skills in motion design and have become familiar with narrative graphics and typography in space and time, experimental analogue as well as digital 2D animation.

Superior module:

Elective 2a - Motion Design 1

Module description:

Knowledge and skills for designing animated posters, banners, and infographics. Transfer of knowledge from conception, script, storyboard, dramaturgy, editing and montage to motion graphics and typography. Basic knowledge of motion graphics tools.


Pitching & Project Financing

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4PPFIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni understand the individual components of a multimedia project. Alumni can adequately communicate a project to a target audience so that it is understood in the conceptual phase and enthusiasm is generated for it. Alumni: * are familiar with different financing models in the creative industry * can do a basic costing for a multimedia project * recognise and understand the USP of a media product * can communicate the USP in a manner appropriate to the target group * can prepare and carry out a pitch

Superior module:

Communication & work methods 4

Module description:

Students will learn knowledge and skills for founding and managing a company, and for corporate thinking and action as an employee within corporate organisations. Tax-related, social insurance and labour law framework conditions for self-employment in Austria will be discussed, as well as fundamentals of contract design with customers and examples for pricing in different industry segments. Entrepreneurship is an integral component of this training. Operational fundamentals, such as project budgeting and financing, cost accounting and financial accounting will be taught.

Team Organisation

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4TORVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can define necessary roles and functions for media production * understand the relevance of adhering to roles and functions * are familiar with the most important criteria for putting together teams in the creative industry * are able to recognise conflicts and communicate them * understand the importance of networking in the creative industry * understand the requirements of multi-project management

Superior module:

Communication & work methods 4

Module description:

Students will learn knowledge and skills for founding and managing a company, and for corporate thinking and action as an employee within corporate organisations. Tax-related, social insurance and labour law framework conditions for self-employment in Austria will be discussed, as well as fundamentals of contract design with customers and examples for pricing in different industry segments. Entrepreneurship is an integral component of this training. Operational fundamentals, such as project budgeting and financing, cost accounting and financial accounting will be taught.


Multimedia Project 2 - Computeranimation

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MMPCPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 7
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni master: * Choosing a task independently and possibly working in a team, taking into account individual and team-oriented potentials, * time limits and using it as an application for professional placement * Independently completing a project from conception to implementation; * Presentation of the finished project to colleagues, lecturers of the degree programme and potential internship employers

Superior module:


Module description:

Focused, practice-oriented qualification for the chosen media-specific area as a continuation of the media-specific or cross-media qualification in the 2nd semester. The course consolidates students¿ media-specific, methodical, interdisciplinary and communicative competences and skills in an individual and practice-oriented manner.


Multimedia Project 2 - Film

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MMPFPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 7
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni master: * Choosing a task independently and possibly working in a team, taking into account individual and team-oriented potentials, * time limits and using it as an application for professional placement * Independently completing a project from conception to implementation; * Presentation of the finished project to colleagues, lecturers of the degree programme and potential internship employers

Superior module:


Module description:

Focused, practice-oriented qualification for the chosen media-specific area as a continuation of the media-specific or cross-media qualification in the 2nd semester. The course consolidates students¿ media-specific, methodical, interdisciplinary and communicative competences and skills in an individual and practice-oriented manner.


Multimedia Project 2 - Communication Design

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MPKPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 7
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni master: * Choosing a task independently and possibly working in a team, taking into account individual and team-oriented potentials, * time limits and using it as an application for professional placement * Independently completing a project from conception to implementation; * Presentation of the finished project to colleagues, lecturers of the degree programme and potential internship employers

Superior module:


Module description:

Focused, practice-oriented qualification for the chosen media-specific area as a continuation of the media-specific or cross-media qualification in the 2nd semester. The course consolidates students¿ media-specific, methodical, interdisciplinary and communicative competences and skills in an individual and practice-oriented manner.

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Audio Post-Production

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4APPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

* Knowledge of current aesthetic concepts and sound levels in the field of film sound design. * Differentiated skills in mixing for film productions taking into account physical limits and current aesthetic concepts for audiovisual productions. * Knowledge of technical standards (R128)

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, composition and arrangement, creating different sound aesthetics and music styles with a focus on multimedia projects, sound and image syn-thesis tools, sound design and sound modification, film composition and film sound design in audio post-production, Game audio: composition, sound design, sound effects. Working in professional studio environments for recording and mixing and mastering / deliveries. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Audio Producing 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4PRAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Basic knowledge of costing, financing and PR from the artist¿s point of view

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, composition and arrangement, creating different sound aesthetics and music styles with a focus on multimedia projects, sound and image syn-thesis tools, sound design and sound modification, film composition and film sound design in audio post-production, Game audio: composition, sound design, sound effects. Working in professional studio environments for recording and mixing and mastering / deliveries. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Composition 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4CO2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Advanced skills in harmony, melody and rhythm with regard to musical design and composition in media productions

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, composition and arrangement, creating different sound aesthetics and music styles with a focus on multimedia projects, sound and image syn-thesis tools, sound design and sound modification, film composition and film sound design in audio post-production, Game audio: composition, sound design, sound effects. Working in professional studio environments for recording and mixing and mastering / deliveries. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

English Study Group 2 - Audio

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4EAUIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can discuss and argue theoretical and practical topics in English * can adequately present contents and their own projects in English * possess descriptive vocabulary and scientific terminology

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, composition and arrangement, creating different sound aesthetics and music styles with a focus on multimedia projects, sound and image syn-thesis tools, sound design and sound modification, film composition and film sound design in audio post-production, Game audio: composition, sound design, sound effects. Working in professional studio environments for recording and mixing and mastering / deliveries. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Guest Lecture Audio 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4GLAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

In-depth knowledge of industry-relevant, socially virulent and/or artistically current topics

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, composition and arrangement, creating different sound aesthetics and music styles with a focus on multimedia projects, sound and image syn-thesis tools, sound design and sound modification, film composition and film sound design in audio post-production, Game audio: composition, sound design, sound effects. Working in professional studio environments for recording and mixing and mastering / deliveries. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Interactive Audio 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4INAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Knowledge of creating soundtracks in interactive environments

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, composition and arrangement, creating different sound aesthetics and music styles with a focus on multimedia projects, sound and image syn-thesis tools, sound design and sound modification, film composition and film sound design in audio post-production, Game audio: composition, sound design, sound effects. Working in professional studio environments for recording and mixing and mastering / deliveries. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Multimedia Project 3 & Bachelor Thesis Kickoff - Audio

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MPAIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

* Idea development for MMP3 and for the topic of the bachelor thesis * Resources were allocated * Teams were formed * Project dimensions were defined

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, composition and arrangement, creating different sound aesthetics and music styles with a focus on multimedia projects, sound and image syn-thesis tools, sound design and sound modification, film composition and film sound design in audio post-production, Game audio: composition, sound design, sound effects. Working in professional studio environments for recording and mixing and mastering / deliveries. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Music Production 2 - Mix & Mastering

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MP2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

* Advanced skills in music production relating to mixing and mastering * Knowledge of different mixing and mastering tools and their basic sound-aesthetic principles within different genres, sound formats and distribution channels * Knowledge of necessary technical standards

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, composition and arrangement, creating different sound aesthetics and music styles with a focus on multimedia projects, sound and image syn-thesis tools, sound design and sound modification, film composition and film sound design in audio post-production, Game audio: composition, sound design, sound effects. Working in professional studio environments for recording and mixing and mastering / deliveries. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Sound & Visual Synthesis

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4SVSIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Creation of alumni¿ own instruments through module combinations for the realisation of individual ideas and use in audiovisual contexts

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Audio 2

Module description:

Advanced, practical skills in music production: Current hardware and software in use, composition and arrangement, creating different sound aesthetics and music styles with a focus on multimedia projects, sound and image syn-thesis tools, sound design and sound modification, film composition and film sound design in audio post-production, Game audio: composition, sound design, sound effects. Working in professional studio environments for recording and mixing and mastering / deliveries. Additional expertise through current input from guest professors.

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design 2

Campaign design

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4KDEIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni acquire in-depth competences in the conceptual and creative development of cross-media communication strategies. Alumni develop the competence of visual literacy: they are able to state explicitly what in their own design is responsible for conveying a message to a specific target group.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design 2

Module description:

Gaining advanced knowledge of handling visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha¿ experiences and moments of identification Advanced expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts. Advanced design competence with respect to cross-media campaigns Advanced fundamental expertise for handling the visualisation of complex information and informational contexts, and illustrating them via figurative language and narrative elements. Advanced typographic design competence . Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Gaining fundamental knowledge on handling presentation technologies Fundamental expertise on handling practices in human-centred design Advanced foundations for handling information architecture, user experi-ence design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

English Study Group 2 - Communication Design

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4EKDIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can discuss and argue theoretical and practical topics in English * can adequately present contents and their own projects in English * possess descriptive vocabulary and scientific terminology

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design 2

Module description:

Gaining advanced knowledge of handling visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha¿ experiences and moments of identification Advanced expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts. Advanced design competence with respect to cross-media campaigns Advanced fundamental expertise for handling the visualisation of complex information and informational contexts, and illustrating them via figurative language and narrative elements. Advanced typographic design competence . Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Gaining fundamental knowledge on handling presentation technologies Fundamental expertise on handling practices in human-centred design Advanced foundations for handling information architecture, user experi-ence design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Human-Centred Design

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4HCDIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni acquire basic competences in human-centred design practices. They become familiar with techniques to facilitate collaboration between the MMA and MMT degree programmes, which serves to promote joint MMP3 projects. As a result, they gain important experience in dealing with complex issues between visual communication techniques and technological implementations. They deepen their practical knowledge in the spirit of ¿creative confidence¿ in collaborating with an interdisciplinary development team

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design 2

Module description:

Gaining advanced knowledge of handling visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha¿ experiences and moments of identification Advanced expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts. Advanced design competence with respect to cross-media campaigns Advanced fundamental expertise for handling the visualisation of complex information and informational contexts, and illustrating them via figurative language and narrative elements. Advanced typographic design competence . Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Gaining fundamental knowledge on handling presentation technologies Fundamental expertise on handling practices in human-centred design Advanced foundations for handling information architecture, user experi-ence design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Information Design

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4INGIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni acquire the competence to visualise complex information and information contexts and to present them using figurative language and narrative elements. They consolidate their abilities and skills to present knowledge contexts in a clear and concise way, thus acquiring the basic competence to formulate a visual argument in a compelling way.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design 2

Module description:

Gaining advanced knowledge of handling visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha¿ experiences and moments of identification Advanced expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts. Advanced design competence with respect to cross-media campaigns Advanced fundamental expertise for handling the visualisation of complex information and informational contexts, and illustrating them via figurative language and narrative elements. Advanced typographic design competence . Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Gaining fundamental knowledge on handling presentation technologies Fundamental expertise on handling practices in human-centred design Advanced foundations for handling information architecture, user experi-ence design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Interface Design 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4IF2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni acquire in-depth competences and skills in interface design. Furthermore, alumni acquire in-depth competences and skills in illustration, information graphics and visual storytelling.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design 2

Module description:

Gaining advanced knowledge of handling visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha¿ experiences and moments of identification Advanced expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts. Advanced design competence with respect to cross-media campaigns Advanced fundamental expertise for handling the visualisation of complex information and informational contexts, and illustrating them via figurative language and narrative elements. Advanced typographic design competence . Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Gaining fundamental knowledge on handling presentation technologies Fundamental expertise on handling practices in human-centred design Advanced foundations for handling information architecture, user experi-ence design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Multimedia Project 3 & Bachelor Thesis Kickoff - Communication Design

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MPKIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

* Idea development for MMP3 and for the topic of the bachelor thesis * Resources were allocated * Teams were formed * Project dimensions were defined

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design 2

Module description:

Gaining advanced knowledge of handling visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha¿ experiences and moments of identification Advanced expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts. Advanced design competence with respect to cross-media campaigns Advanced fundamental expertise for handling the visualisation of complex information and informational contexts, and illustrating them via figurative language and narrative elements. Advanced typographic design competence . Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Gaining fundamental knowledge on handling presentation technologies Fundamental expertise on handling practices in human-centred design Advanced foundations for handling information architecture, user experi-ence design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Pitching Strategies

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4PSTIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni acquire in-depth competences to present creative projects convincingly in terms of their content, dramaturgy and visual impact.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design 2

Module description:

Gaining advanced knowledge of handling visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha¿ experiences and moments of identification Advanced expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts. Advanced design competence with respect to cross-media campaigns Advanced fundamental expertise for handling the visualisation of complex information and informational contexts, and illustrating them via figurative language and narrative elements. Advanced typographic design competence . Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Gaining fundamental knowledge on handling presentation technologies Fundamental expertise on handling practices in human-centred design Advanced foundations for handling information architecture, user experi-ence design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Typography 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4TY2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have extended knowledge of type as a fundamental design element and have expanded their skills in typographic design.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Communication Design 2

Module description:

Gaining advanced knowledge of handling visual rhetoric: targeted use of figurative language to create ¿Aha¿ experiences and moments of identification Advanced expertise in the analysis, discussion, and conceptualisation of persuasive concepts. Advanced design competence with respect to cross-media campaigns Advanced fundamental expertise for handling the visualisation of complex information and informational contexts, and illustrating them via figurative language and narrative elements. Advanced typographic design competence . Advanced fundamental knowledge of typographic rules. Gaining fundamental knowledge on handling presentation technologies Fundamental expertise on handling practices in human-centred design Advanced foundations for handling information architecture, user experi-ence design and usability through the development of scenarios, personas, user flows and wire frames.

Department - Department specialisation Computeranimation 2

Animation Fundamentals 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4F1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can set up a MASH network * can create simple crowd simulations * can create simple expressions / scripts * understand the advantage and use of geometry caches * are familiar with different techniques for distributing objects in 3D scenes * produce a computer animation in compliance with technical specifications

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Computeranimation 2

Module description:

Specialised, advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation and specialised, advanced skills on animation tools with respect to: 3D animation as a tool for character animation, the technological and design side of character animation, the principles of analogue character animation, and giving weight and character to animated characters. Advanced knowledge and skills in rendering and lighting, with a focus on advanced technologies and indirect lighting methods. Understanding of past and current 3D visualisations, analogue and digital technolo-gies, the contexts of art, information design, animation, and game de-sign. Ability to implement spatial and physical representations in consid-eration of motion and time. Foundational visual expertise, capacity for individual expression, stylistic confidence. Advanced knowledge of digi-tal visual effects: digital colour theory and differentiated skills in integrat-ing 3D layers and filmed materials.

Animation Production 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4AP1IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can design and communicate a CG-shot in detail * can set up a simple production pipeline * can document a project * understand the relevance of clear communication and interfaces * understand the relevance of management and controlling * understand the specifics of the creative industries ¿ personnel vs. machine costs

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Computeranimation 2

Module description:

Specialised, advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation and specialised, advanced skills on animation tools with respect to: 3D animation as a tool for character animation, the technological and design side of character animation, the principles of analogue character animation, and giving weight and character to animated characters. Advanced knowledge and skills in rendering and lighting, with a focus on advanced technologies and indirect lighting methods. Understanding of past and current 3D visualisations, analogue and digital technolo-gies, the contexts of art, information design, animation, and game de-sign. Ability to implement spatial and physical representations in consid-eration of motion and time. Foundational visual expertise, capacity for individual expression, stylistic confidence. Advanced knowledge of digi-tal visual effects: digital colour theory and differentiated skills in integrat-ing 3D layers and filmed materials.

Character 2 - Rigging & Animation

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4C2CIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can independently create a rig for a humanoid character * can bind the mesh of a character to a skeleton * can animate a simple walk cycle * can animate simple motion sequences * can apply the principles of animation in their own work * are familiar with the quality criteria of animation and be able to communicate them * understand different rigging concepts

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Computeranimation 2

Module description:

Specialised, advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation and specialised, advanced skills on animation tools with respect to: 3D animation as a tool for character animation, the technological and design side of character animation, the principles of analogue character animation, and giving weight and character to animated characters. Advanced knowledge and skills in rendering and lighting, with a focus on advanced technologies and indirect lighting methods. Understanding of past and current 3D visualisations, analogue and digital technolo-gies, the contexts of art, information design, animation, and game de-sign. Ability to implement spatial and physical representations in consid-eration of motion and time. Foundational visual expertise, capacity for individual expression, stylistic confidence. Advanced knowledge of digi-tal visual effects: digital colour theory and differentiated skills in integrat-ing 3D layers and filmed materials.

English Study Group 2 - Animation

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4EANIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 0.5
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can discuss and argue theoretical and practical topics in English * can adequately present contents and their own projects in English * possess descriptive vocabulary and scientific terminology

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Computeranimation 2

Module description:

Specialised, advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation and specialised, advanced skills on animation tools with respect to: 3D animation as a tool for character animation, the technological and design side of character animation, the principles of analogue character animation, and giving weight and character to animated characters. Advanced knowledge and skills in rendering and lighting, with a focus on advanced technologies and indirect lighting methods. Understanding of past and current 3D visualisations, analogue and digital technolo-gies, the contexts of art, information design, animation, and game de-sign. Ability to implement spatial and physical representations in consid-eration of motion and time. Foundational visual expertise, capacity for individual expression, stylistic confidence. Advanced knowledge of digi-tal visual effects: digital colour theory and differentiated skills in integrat-ing 3D layers and filmed materials.

Guest professor 2 - Animation

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4G1CIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 0.5
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * have a deeper insight into the latest trends and technical developments * an use the skills they have acquired in their projects

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Computeranimation 2

Module description:

Specialised, advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation and specialised, advanced skills on animation tools with respect to: 3D animation as a tool for character animation, the technological and design side of character animation, the principles of analogue character animation, and giving weight and character to animated characters. Advanced knowledge and skills in rendering and lighting, with a focus on advanced technologies and indirect lighting methods. Understanding of past and current 3D visualisations, analogue and digital technolo-gies, the contexts of art, information design, animation, and game de-sign. Ability to implement spatial and physical representations in consid-eration of motion and time. Foundational visual expertise, capacity for individual expression, stylistic confidence. Advanced knowledge of digi-tal visual effects: digital colour theory and differentiated skills in integrat-ing 3D layers and filmed materials.

Interactive Authoring 3

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4IA3IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can completely light a real-time scene * can design and create simple particle effects * recognise performance problems in a real-time scene * can import animations into game engines and bind them to objects * can develop simple interactions * understand performance aspects of real-time graphics (draw calls, fill rate, etc.) * understand the use of an animation controller

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Computeranimation 2

Module description:

Specialised, advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation and specialised, advanced skills on animation tools with respect to: 3D animation as a tool for character animation, the technological and design side of character animation, the principles of analogue character animation, and giving weight and character to animated characters. Advanced knowledge and skills in rendering and lighting, with a focus on advanced technologies and indirect lighting methods. Understanding of past and current 3D visualisations, analogue and digital technolo-gies, the contexts of art, information design, animation, and game de-sign. Ability to implement spatial and physical representations in consid-eration of motion and time. Foundational visual expertise, capacity for individual expression, stylistic confidence. Advanced knowledge of digi-tal visual effects: digital colour theory and differentiated skills in integrat-ing 3D layers and filmed materials.

Multimedia Project 3 & Bachelor Thesis Kickoff - Animation

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MPCIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

* Idea development for MMP3 and for the topic of the bachelor thesis * Resources were allocated * Teams were formed * Project dimensions were defined

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Computeranimation 2

Module description:

Specialised, advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation and specialised, advanced skills on animation tools with respect to: 3D animation as a tool for character animation, the technological and design side of character animation, the principles of analogue character animation, and giving weight and character to animated characters. Advanced knowledge and skills in rendering and lighting, with a focus on advanced technologies and indirect lighting methods. Understanding of past and current 3D visualisations, analogue and digital technolo-gies, the contexts of art, information design, animation, and game de-sign. Ability to implement spatial and physical representations in consid-eration of motion and time. Foundational visual expertise, capacity for individual expression, stylistic confidence. Advanced knowledge of digi-tal visual effects: digital colour theory and differentiated skills in integrat-ing 3D layers and filmed materials.

Rendering & VFX 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4RVFIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can integrate a 3D object into a real scene (video) * can solve complex VFX tasks independently * can render and optimise an animation sequence * can photograph and use a 360° HDR image themselves * can track camera motion data and import it into a 3D program * understand the multilayer EXR workflow * understand the use and effect of light for different scenarios

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Computeranimation 2

Module description:

Specialised, advanced knowledge in the area of 3D animation and specialised, advanced skills on animation tools with respect to: 3D animation as a tool for character animation, the technological and design side of character animation, the principles of analogue character animation, and giving weight and character to animated characters. Advanced knowledge and skills in rendering and lighting, with a focus on advanced technologies and indirect lighting methods. Understanding of past and current 3D visualisations, analogue and digital technolo-gies, the contexts of art, information design, animation, and game de-sign. Ability to implement spatial and physical representations in consid-eration of motion and time. Foundational visual expertise, capacity for individual expression, stylistic confidence. Advanced knowledge of digi-tal visual effects: digital colour theory and differentiated skills in integrat-ing 3D layers and filmed materials.

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Commercial Film

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4WFIIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can create an advertising film concept * can create a cross-platform advertising concept * can write and present a directors interpretation * are familiar with the processes of an advertising film production from the creation of the idea to its realisation. * can derive the digital workflow of a digital cinematographic production from the camera side * understand advertising terminology such as DI, pre-production meeting, etc. * can lead and conduct a complete pre-production meeting

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Module description:

Advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of film. Advanced expertise in writing templates for digital film production for a variety of analogue and digital platforms. Professionspecific, reinforced knowledge of more complex implementation scenarios. Focus on digital cinematography and the moving camera. Understanding of more com-plex and difficult lighting with higher requirements. Advanced knowledge of the creative use of AfterFX software with respect to compositing, colour correction, and initial visual effects.

Digital Art Direction 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4DADIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can apply more complex editing techniques * can apply colour correction to a film and develop an artistic sense of how to use correction to develop an individual signature for the artwork * develop a feeling for the connections between art history and modern technology in the film sector * can do simple compositing on software like AfterFX and DaVinci

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Module description:

Advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of film. Advanced expertise in writing templates for digital film production for a variety of analogue and digital platforms. Professionspecific, reinforced knowledge of more complex implementation scenarios. Focus on digital cinematography and the moving camera. Understanding of more com-plex and difficult lighting with higher requirements. Advanced knowledge of the creative use of AfterFX software with respect to compositing, colour correction, and initial visual effects.

Digital DoP 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4DOPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can create and direct a more complicated lighting setting * can lead a team in the camera department * can execute more complicated camera movements * can plan a shoot, draw lighting plans and independently assemble and use equipment according to requirements. * can derive the digital workflow of a digital cinematographic production from the camera side * understand resolutions, camera settings and can work this out with the director on the basis of a scene. * understand the use and effect of light for different scenarios

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Module description:

Advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of film. Advanced expertise in writing templates for digital film production for a variety of analogue and digital platforms. Professionspecific, reinforced knowledge of more complex implementation scenarios. Focus on digital cinematography and the moving camera. Understanding of more com-plex and difficult lighting with higher requirements. Advanced knowledge of the creative use of AfterFX software with respect to compositing, colour correction, and initial visual effects.

English Study Group 2 - Film

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4EFIIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can discuss and argue theoretical and practical topics in English * can adequately present contents and their own projects in English * possess descriptive vocabulary and scientific terminology

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Module description:

Advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of film. Advanced expertise in writing templates for digital film production for a variety of analogue and digital platforms. Professionspecific, reinforced knowledge of more complex implementation scenarios. Focus on digital cinematography and the moving camera. Understanding of more com-plex and difficult lighting with higher requirements. Advanced knowledge of the creative use of AfterFX software with respect to compositing, colour correction, and initial visual effects.

Film Producing 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4FP2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can translate a more complex script into a shooting schedule with VFX / breakdown * understand the process of film production from the perspective of a producer on a larger scale - service production - costing/coordination across national borders. * gain insight into more complex film financing * gain insight into the legal situation of a film project - buyouts, contracts * gain an insight into the economic side of a film production

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Module description:

Advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of film. Advanced expertise in writing templates for digital film production for a variety of analogue and digital platforms. Professionspecific, reinforced knowledge of more complex implementation scenarios. Focus on digital cinematography and the moving camera. Understanding of more com-plex and difficult lighting with higher requirements. Advanced knowledge of the creative use of AfterFX software with respect to compositing, colour correction, and initial visual effects.

Innovation Guest Lecture 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4IG2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni stay up-to-date in terms of technology and content.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Module description:

Advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of film. Advanced expertise in writing templates for digital film production for a variety of analogue and digital platforms. Professionspecific, reinforced knowledge of more complex implementation scenarios. Focus on digital cinematography and the moving camera. Understanding of more com-plex and difficult lighting with higher requirements. Advanced knowledge of the creative use of AfterFX software with respect to compositing, colour correction, and initial visual effects.


Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MESIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can manage a complete film crew on a medium-sized film set * understand the relationship between image composition, image depth, light, acting and the possibilities offered by the camera as a creative tool. * can guide and direct the interplay between camera, acting and scenery * can arrange and determine all the components of a mise-en-scène in an atmospheric and intensive way.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Module description:

Advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of film. Advanced expertise in writing templates for digital film production for a variety of analogue and digital platforms. Professionspecific, reinforced knowledge of more complex implementation scenarios. Focus on digital cinematography and the moving camera. Understanding of more com-plex and difficult lighting with higher requirements. Advanced knowledge of the creative use of AfterFX software with respect to compositing, colour correction, and initial visual effects.

Multimedia Project 3 & Bachelor Thesis Kickoff - Film

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MPFIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

* Idea development for MMP3 and for the topic of the bachelor thesis * Resources were allocated * Teams were formed * Project dimensions were defined

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Module description:

Advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of film. Advanced expertise in writing templates for digital film production for a variety of analogue and digital platforms. Professionspecific, reinforced knowledge of more complex implementation scenarios. Focus on digital cinematography and the moving camera. Understanding of more com-plex and difficult lighting with higher requirements. Advanced knowledge of the creative use of AfterFX software with respect to compositing, colour correction, and initial visual effects.

Scriptwriting 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4SW2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * can write a functioning short film script * can write ¿visually¿ as a template for a cinematographic realisation * can develop and write dialogue * understand the process from the transfer of the written work to the cinematographic realisation/implementation * understand the connection between what they write and the artists, such as actors and directors, who then film their work.

Superior module:

Department - Department specialisation Film 2

Module description:

Advanced theoretical and technical knowledge in the field of film. Advanced expertise in writing templates for digital film production for a variety of analogue and digital platforms. Professionspecific, reinforced knowledge of more complex implementation scenarios. Focus on digital cinematography and the moving camera. Understanding of more com-plex and difficult lighting with higher requirements. Advanced knowledge of the creative use of AfterFX software with respect to compositing, colour correction, and initial visual effects.

Elective 2b - Conception and Production 2

Creating Visual Drama 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4WC2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni learn to apply the knowledge from the 1st part of the course to a practical example. Alumni: * become familiar with the differentiated realisation requirements. * learn to adapt their visual language to the required digital or analogue platform. * experience the connection between visual design, the individual design platforms such as film or photography and art historical influences, as well as the necessary adaptations required by the individual presentation platforms. * should be able to develop their own artistic, visual signature and be able to use their knowledge to meet diverse demands with innovative, visual and individual solutions.

Superior module:

Elective 2b - Conception and Production 2

Module description:

Building on Creating Visual Drama 1, the course continuation focuses on the visual translation of a story. The knowledge gained in the first part is now concretised in a specific implementation in the photographic and cinematographic context. Students work out the differences and similarities between the two platforms (film/moving image - photography) and now apply the design possibilities they learned in the first course. The visual transla-tion (framing, colour tonality, light tonality etc.) of a narration is adapted to the platform. These are digital, such as Instagram (portrait) or classic, such as cinema presentation or a photo exhibition, or analogue/digital hybrid, such as AR (Artify app) or VR.

Elective 2b - Conception and Production 2

Conception & Production 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4WK2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are introduced to design thinking strategies and learn to combine it with other strategies and creative tools and techniques. Alumni learn to create a presentable concept that forms the basis for realisation. Alumni gain insights into the process of realising their concept and solve the challenge of carrying out a realisation with the means given to them.

Superior module:

Elective 2b - Conception and Production 2

Module description:

Building on Conception & Production 1, this part focuses on applying the knowledge that has been internalised so far. Students are introduced to Design Thinking as a creative strategy and become familiar with the organic change of different strategies already men-tioned in the previous course with the aim of developing new approaches for solving a problem that culminate in a large-scale concept. Students are now introduced to the production-technical problems involved in implement-ing a concept and become familiar with the various requirements and structures. Processes differ greatly depending on whether it is an exhibition, staging, performance, film or campaign. Creative strategies and tools are again used so as not to sacrifice the quality of the project in the event of compromises in realisation and adjustments. In the end, the students will have gone through the entire process once, from reflection, to problem identification and definition, to the solution approach and its realisation, with a focus on creative idea generation.

Elective 2b - Gamestudies & Gamedesign

Game Studies & Game Design 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4WG2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * have in-depth knowledge and skills of the theory and practice of game design, from conception to implementation. * have in-depth skills in identifying and designing mechanisms, rule sets and design structures within interactive forms of entertainment. * have advanced knowledge in the testing or quality and function control of games and differentiated core skills in the analysis of existing games with regard to their technical, natural science, media, art and cultural theory, economic, social and pedagogical aspects.

Superior module:

Elective 2b - Gamestudies & Gamedesign

Module description:

Advanced knowledge on the design and creation of board games to develop artisanal fundamentals in the areas of feature design and game balancing. Expanded expertise in digital interactive storytelling, with the help of existing solutions and commonly availa-ble technologies from the industry, as well as developing new methods or potential solutions. Further advanced conceptual capabilities in the area of using and developing game play mechanisms in game design. Advanced examination of the topic of games in a cultural, monetary, social and educationally-relevant context.

Elective 2b - Media scenography 2

Media Scenography 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4WS2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:


Superior module:

Elective 2b - Media scenography 2

Module description:

Practical completion of a group project with interdisciplinary design through staging objects and persons in real or VR spaces using sound, light, colour, vid-eo/imagery. Ability to conceptualise and create installations, live A/V performances and staged contexts using project-specific software and hardware tools (e.g., video and real-time visualisation, light/DMS, sensors/Arduino, etc.). Project-specific tools and methods of real-time capable audiovisual design and interac-tion in real spaces or virtual realities (VR).

Elective 2b - Motion Design 2

Motion Design 2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4WM2IL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have deepened their knowledge and skills in motion design and have learned other narrative graphics and typography in space and time. They have also learned about narrative graphics and typography in space and time, experimental analogue and digital 2D animation.

Superior module:

Elective 2b - Motion Design 2

Module description:

Advanced knowledge and skills for designing animated posters, banners, and Transfer of knowledge from conception, script, storyboard, dramaturgy, editing and montage to motion graphics and typography. Advanced knowledge of motion graphics tools. Advanced knowledge and skills in motion design . Gaining competence for handling narrative graphics and typography in space and time, experimental analogue and digital 2D animation.

project variety

Multimedia Project 2 - Audio

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code MMAB4MMPAPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 7
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni master: * Choosing a task independently and possibly working in a team, taking into account individual and team-oriented potentials, * time limits and using it as an application for professional placement * Independently completing a project from conception to implementation; * Presentation of the finished project to colleagues, lecturers of the degree programme and potential internship employers

Superior module:

project variety

Module description:

Focused, practice-oriented qualification for the chosen media-specific area as a continuation of the media-specific or cross-media qualification in the 2nd semester. The course consolidates students media-specific, methodical, interdisciplinary and communicative competences and skills in an individual and practice-oriented manner.


Bachelor Thesis: Preparation

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5BAVSE
Type SE
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have gained an overview of the process of writing the bachelor thesis and the basic principles for preparing the research proposal.

Superior module:

Thesis 1

Module description:

Teaching advanced knowledge in order to complete a Bachelor thesis, and handle its underlying research questions, as well as the research design used in a competent, stylistically confident manner. Teaching alternative qualitative analytic methods to fulfil the crite-ria of academic character and adequately formulate applicable questions. Differentiated cases are selected to illustrate longstanding optimisations for the student's own bachelor thesis. In addition, implementation of the thesis in current discourses is reflected on. The sociopolitical context of the thesis and its integration into a multimedia environment is also reflected on continuously.

Professional Placement

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5PRIT
Type IT
Kind Internship (N)
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 19
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Can integrate into existing teams * Are capable of working on business projects in a professionally competent manner * Understand processes and workflows in professional teams * Have evaluated whether the chosen specialisation in master studies meets their expectations

Superior module:

Professional internship

Module description:

Integration of professional expertise and skills on media-specific and crossmedia professional and practical requirements. Practical expertise

Internship - Communication Design

Professional Placement: Supervision - Communication Design

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5BPKIT
Type IT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Can present their internship and its process in a structured way. * Can reflect on and analyse team structures.

Superior module:

Internship - Communication Design

Module description:

Integrating specialist knowledge and skills with regards media-specific and cross-media practice requirements within the profession. Practical experience.

Internship - Audio

Professional Placement: Supervision - Audio

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5BPAIT
Type IT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Can present their internship and its process in a structured way. * Can reflect on and analyse team structures.

Superior module:

Internship - Audio

Module description:

Integrating specialist knowledge and skills with regards media-specific and cross-media practice requirements within the profession. Practical experience.

Internship - Computeranimation

-Professional Placement: Supervision - Computeranimation

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5BPCIT
Type IT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Can present their internship and its process in a structured way. * Can reflect on and analyse team structures.

Superior module:

Internship - Computeranimation

Module description:

Integrating specialist knowledge and skills with regards media-specific and cross-media practice requirements within the profession. Practical experience.

Internship - Film

Professional Placement: Supervision - Film

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5BPFIT
Type IT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * Can present their internship and its process in a structured way. * Can reflect on and analyse team structures.

Superior module:

Internship - Film

Module description:

Integrating specialist knowledge and skills with regards media-specific and cross-media practice requirements within the profession. Practical experience.

Project integration - Audio

Multimedia Project 3: Preparation - Audio

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5MP3APT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to * conceive independently (development of ideas, rough and fine conception) * put together a project team and allocate tasks (functions and roles) * plan a complex multimedia project with an interdisciplinary team of several people (project planning incl. costing) * carry out pre-production of all necessary aspects

Superior module:

Project integration - Audio

Module description:

Independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using knowledge and skills in the specific, selected specialisations (media-specific and cross media elective subjects), and using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in communicative, working method com-petencies.

Project integration - Communication design

Multimedia Project 3: Preparation - Communication Design

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5MP3KPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to * conceive independently (development of ideas, rough and fine conception) * put together a project team and allocate tasks (functions and roles) * plan a complex multimedia project with an interdisciplinary team of several people (project planning incl. costing) * carry out pre-production of all necessary aspects

Superior module:

Project integration - Communication design

Module description:

Independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using knowledge and skills in the specific, selected specialisations (media-specific and cross media elective subjects), and using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in communicative, working method competencies.

Project integration - Computeranimation

Multimedia Project 3: Preparation - Computeranimation

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5MP3CPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to * conceive independently (development of ideas, rough and fine conception) * put together a project team and allocate tasks (functions and roles) * plan a complex multimedia project with an interdisciplinary team of several people (project planning incl. costing) * carry out pre-production of all necessary aspects

Superior module:

Project integration - Computeranimation

Module description:

Independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using knowledge and skills in the specific, selected specialisations (media-specific and cross media elective subjects), and using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in communicative, working method com-petencies.

Project integration - Film

Multimedia Project 3: Preparation - Film

Semester 5
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB5MP3FPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to * conceive independently (development of ideas, rough and fine conception) * put together a project team and allocate tasks (functions and roles) * plan a complex multimedia project with an interdisciplinary team of several people (project planning incl. costing) * carry out pre-production of all necessary aspects

Superior module:

Project integration - Film

Module description:

Independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using knowledge and skills in the specific, selected specialisations (media-specific and cross media elective subjects), and using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in communicative, working method com-petencies.


Accompanying Seminar & Bachelor Thesis

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB6BBASE
Type SE
Kind Bachelor thesis
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 10
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have subjected their research proposal to critical reflection and further developed their individual research question. They have also worked out the spectrum of possible sources for the topic. This forms the foundation for writing the bachelor thesis according to the criteria of the exam regulations, the application and the MMA bachelor guidelines.

Superior module:

Thesis 2

Module description:

Complex knowledge and skills for academic implementation of the bachelor thesis 2, with respect to the applicable media-specific or crossmedia or multimedia concept and product. Conception, implementation, and finalisation of an extensive academic research project based on comprehensive, interdisciplinary research and considering current developments in the research field in question.

Bachelor Exam

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB6BAPIT
Type BP
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni * present the topic, research methodology and the results of the bachelor thesis to the examination board and other persons. * answer questions about the bachelor thesis using a critical, scientific line of argument. * independently draw cross connections between the bachelor thesis and relevant topics and areas of computer science.

Superior module:

Thesis 2

Module description:

Complex knowledge and skills for academic implementation of the bachelor thesis 2, with respect to the applicable media-specific or crossmedia or multimedia concept and product. Conception, implementation, and finalisation of an extensive academic research project based on comprehensive, interdisciplinary research and considering current developments in the research field in question.

Project Supervision: Basic Principles of Entrepreneurship

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB6PUGIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
SWS 1.5
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with the most important tax, social security and employment legislation conditions for self-employment in Austria and know which official channels and steps are necessary to successfully set up a business. They are familiar with the most important types of companies and their differences in the founding modalities, liability and governing body structures. They know how to work together with customers on a contract-for-work basis and how to draw up business documents, such as offers or invoices, in a legally compliant manner. They are familiar with the basic principles of project costing for services as well as financing options and sources of funding for product development.

Superior module:

Project complexity - Audio

Module description:

Independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using knowledge and skills in the specific, selected specialisations (media-specific and cross media elective subjects), and using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in communicative, working method competencies.

Project complexity - Audio

Multimedia Project 3 - Audio

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB6MMPAPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 4.5
ECTS Credits 15
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to * create a complex multimedia-oriented project by working in a multi-member, interdisciplinary team. * implement the project until its completion and present it to colleagues, lecturers of the degree programme, an expert audience and interested guests.

Superior module:

Project complexity - Audio

Module description:

Independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using knowledge and skills in the specific, selected specialisations (media-specific and cross media elective subjects), and using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in communicative, working method competencies.

Project complexity - Communication design

Multimedia Project 3 - Communication Design

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB6MMPKPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 4.5
ECTS Credits 15
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to * create a complex multimedia-oriented project by working in a multi-member, interdisciplinary team. * implement the project until its completion and present it to colleagues, lecturers of the degree programme, an expert audience and interested guests.

Superior module:

Project complexity - Communication design

Module description:

Independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using knowledge and skills in the specific, selected specialisations (media-specific and cross media elective subjects), and using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in communicative, working method competencies.

Project complexity - Computeranimation

Multimedia Project 3 - Computeranimation

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB6MMPCPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 4.5
ECTS Credits 15
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to * create a complex multimedia-oriented project by working in a multi-member, interdisciplinary team. * implement the project until its completion and present it to colleagues, lecturers of the degree programme, an expert audience and interested guests.

Superior module:

Project complexity - Computeranimation

Module description:

Independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using knowledge and skills in the specific, selected specialisations (media-specific and cross media elective subjects), and using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in communicative, working method competencies.

Project complexity - Film

Multimedia Project 3 - Film

Semester 6
Academic year 3
Course code MMAB6MMPFPT
Type PT
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 4.5
ECTS Credits 15
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to * create a complex multimedia-oriented project by working in a multi-member, interdisciplinary team. * implement the project until its completion and present it to colleagues, lecturers of the degree programme, an expert audience and interested guests.

Superior module:

Project complexity - Film

Module description:

Independent, problem-based solving of a practical task using knowledge and skills in the specific, selected specialisations (media-specific and cross media elective subjects), and using interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in communicative, working method competencies.

SemesterSemesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June)
SWSweekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course
ECTS CreditsWork load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student
TypeBP = Bachelor final exam
DP/MP = Master final exam
IL = Lecture with integrated project work
IT = Individual training/phases
LB = Lab (session)
PS = Pro-seminar
PT = Project
RC = Course with integrated reflective practice
RE = Revision course
SE = Seminar
TU = Tutorial
UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions
VO = Lecture