Midwifery (Bachelor)

Give the best start in life

Welcome new life into the world: as a midwife, you take on a rewarding yet demanding task. Our Bachelor's degree programme at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is here to train you in every area of birth preparation, birth support, follow-up care, and infant care. Learn how to care for expectant mothers and young families with high social competence, to support births professionally and to provide valuable help up until the end of the lactation period.

Study mode: full-time
Degree awarded: Bachelor of Science in Health Studies (BSc)
Duration: 6 semesters / 180 ECTS
Study places per year: 16 (annual start with 16 places subject to the approval )
Location: Salzburg Campus (University Hospital LKH) Urstein Campus
Language of instruction: German
Tuition: Tuition fee Euro 363,- per semester + Euro 24.70 student union fee per semester

Why study Midwifery at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences?

Bringing a healthy baby into the world is only part of the valuable work that midwives do in the health system. They take expectant mothers through their most important life journey – from woman to mother, covering the entire process from pregnancy to childbirth to the end of the lactation period.

Our Midwifery degree programme at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences provides you with comprehensive expertise in the field of birth preparation, childbirth, and the postpartum period, focussing on both the newborn child and their parents. Through our salutophysiological-focussed midwife training, you will help families transform in this important stage of their lives.

With specialist knowledge and high social competence, you can support expectant mothers, work with doctors, and guide families postpartum.

Among other things, training as a midwife promotes the following skills:

  • Consulting skills
  • Presence and self-confidence
  • Responsibility and ability to reflect
  • Empathy
  • Flexibility and reaction safety
  • Communication and teamwork skills
  • Self-organisation and resilience
  • Professionalism and evidence-basing

Important points about our Midwifery degree programme

Study content and focus areas

Our Bachelor of Science in Midwifery gives you profound medical and social competence in all areas of obstetrics. In addition to scientific and practical knowledge, attention is paid to relevant social and women's health issues. Non-clinical midwife work and ethical challenges are taken into account as well as a professional understanding of roles or obstetric interventions.

In order to ensure the most comprehensive education, our Bachelor's degree programme is structured in a number of themed blocks:

  • First year: introduction to human biology, care, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum midwife work, gynaecology
  • Second year: birth guidance, pregnancy physiology, counselling and leadership competence, pregnancy pathology, parental education
  • Third year: non-clinical obstetrics, forensic aspects, women's health promotion, interdisciplinary deepening and broadening

Strong personalities: The midwifery profession places particularly high demands on one's own personality. In order to promote professional coping and reflection strategies, appropriate seminars, reflection units, and accompaniments take place throughout the course.

E Event


Midwifery studies at the FH Salzburg are characterised by a strong practical orientation - right from the start!

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FH SALK Lehrgang Hebammen Foto: Neumayr/Leo 05.10.2016

Job prospects & career

Attractive career opportunities await graduates of our Midwifery programme. At present, even more midwives are needed than are currently trained!

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