Design & Product Management


3D design & visualisation 1

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM13DKIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni find their way around the virtual space and can create simple to semi-complex components and assemblies. They learn the basics of drawing creation and dimensioning, importing templates and sketches. They also understand basic rendering techniques (material assignment to bodies and surfaces, camera, stage, light, shadow).

Superior module:

Design Tools 1

Module description:


Anthropology & Design

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1ANDVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni know important terms and approaches from cultural and biological anthropology. They understand the principles of evolutionary theory and the vari-ous selection processes. They understand the need to consider ethical, social and environmental problems when making economic decisions.

Superior module:


Module description:


Circular Design & Life Cycle Assessment

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1CDEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with the principles of the circular economy and circular design principles and apply these to a small project or in conjunction with one of the interdisciplinary projects.

Superior module:


Module description:


Circular value creation & business models

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1CWGIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are able to apply the basic methods of product and innovation management as well as (circular) business model development to their own projects.

Superior module:


Module description:


Company foundation & financing

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1UGFIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Through the course, alumni develop entrepreneurial thinking and can develop business models, start-up and financing plans from the perspective of a manager or company founder.

Superior module:


Module description:


Consumer Research 1 (qualitative)

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1CREUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can apply various methods of qualitative market research such as observation and individual and focus group interviews, analyse the collected data professionally, e.g. with the help of content analysis, and present and reflect on it.

Superior module:

Design Constructions 1

Module description:


Design dialogues 1

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1DEDEX
Type EX
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

As part of this course, alumni learn to critically discuss their acquired knowledge and skills in the field of design and product management with the lecturers. Graduates understand different processes and procedures in companies and have developed an awareness of social and geopolitical issues.

Superior module:

Design Constructions 1

Module description:


Multi-Role-Project (Design / Marketing / Tec)

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1MRPPT
Type PT
Kind Project
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 7
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with the perspectives of the different disciplines involved in the product development process (1. product design, 2. technology, 3. product management/team lead) and are able to empathise with colleagues. These social-communicative competences are built up through personal experience as well as support and reflection. They are able to design conceptually and methodically, taking into account complex functional contexts and the integration of technical, cultural and aesthetic aspects. Alumni understand the company's internal pro-cesses and values.

Superior module:


Module description:


Professionalisation portfolio 1

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1PRPIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni refine their self-marketing into a professional portfolio.

Superior module:

Professionalisation portfolio 1st term

Module description:


Professionalisation portfolio 2

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1PPPIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni refine their self-marketing into a professional portfolio.

Superior module:

Professionalisation portfolio 1st term

Module description:


Strategic Management 1

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1STMVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni know the basic methods of strategic management such as industry structure analysis, PESTEL/STEP/SWOT analysis, product-market matrix, posi-tioning, competitor analysis, Blue Ocean etc. and can apply these to their own projects.

Superior module:


Module description:


Symposium Ethics & Sustainability

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1SYEVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni understand the need to consider ethical, social and environmental issues when making economic decisions.

Superior module:


Module description:


Technical Product Design 1 (Material)

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1TPDIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with material characterisation and material selection based on the concept of Michael Ashby, University of Cambridge. They are able to pose and deal with the issues discussed in terms of material, product and process-relevant variables on the one hand and questions of ethical and sustainable product development on the other. Alumni will be able to apply the theoretical principles in new application situations as well as basic evaluation, argumenta-tion, reflection and analysis skills.

Superior module:

Design Constructions 1

Module description:


Typo and Layout 1

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM1LAYIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni will be able to develop visual communication strategically and implement it to suit the target group (setting fonts and images, colour theory (RGB and CMYK mode), page formats (print media vs. digital)); they will take into account design and harmony laws, typical page components, type area, circulation, pagination, waste and page assembly as well as technical production aspects and the transfer to the pre-press stage.

Superior module:

Design Tools 1

Module description:



3D design & visualisation 2

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM23DKIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can create and edit simple free-form surfaces. They understand the differ-ence between surface-based and volume-based 3D models and can use them for specific purposes. They will be able to create simple 3D animations.

Superior module:


Module description:


Accompanying project management (self-management)

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2BPMRC
Type RC
Kind Project
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

- After completing the course, alumni can name their previously uncon-scious patterns of procrastination behaviour ("I want to ... but it doesn't happen") and take concrete steps to change their behaviour in the de-sired direction (e.g. starting work on time instead of leaving it to the last minute). - The alumni have tried out a repertoire of self-motivation methods. - The alumni have tried out methods for self-calming in order to be able to work even under challenging conditions. - Alumni know the importance of following phases of tension with phases of relaxation and have tried out individual approaches to this. Note: The course content relates to IDG 1 - Being - Relationship to Self (Inner Devel-opment Goals, an extension of the SDGs to make the "S" in ESG more tangible).

Superior module:


Module description:


Basics of Interaction Design

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2GIDVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni know important terms and approaches from interaction design that are relevant for the design of products. 1)Alumni will be able to define and describe the terms and concepts (e.g., interactive systems, inputs, outputs) from Interaction Design that are relevant to designing interac-tive products. 2) Alumni will be able to describe interfaces and products in terms of the components, inputs, and outputs of the interactive system. 3) Alumni will be able to explain the elements of information processing/memory. 4) Alumni will be able to relate inputs and outputs to elements of information processing.

Superior module:


Module description:


Basics of design testing

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2GDTVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with the similarities, connections and differences between the concepts of usability and user experience. They are able to describe various meth-ods and procedures from these areas, assess their relevance for the respective question and use them in the context of empirical work such as the Master's thesis. 1)Alumni will be able to define and differentiate between usability, utility, usefulness, and user experience. 2) Alumni will be able to define the human-driven design process (EN ISO 9241-210). 3) Alumni will be able to describe the context of use of products. 4) Alumni will be able to recognise and differentiate between different methods of de-sign testing. 5) Alumni will be able to name sources of data artifacts.

Superior module:


Module description:


Consumer Research 2 (quantitative)

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2CRLUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can create a research and survey design, conduct a quantitative survey online, analyse the collected data using statistical methods (e.g. frequencies, cor-relation, comparison of mean values, etc.) and present and reflect on the results.

Superior module:


Module description:


Design Management

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2DMMIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni understand design as a decisive differentiating factor in the business context. They are familiar with topics such as design theory, design strategy, de-sign planning, design thinking, design leadership, design-orientated corporate culture and interdisciplinary collaboration. Furthermore, they have trained fundamental skills for design management such as analytical thinking and communica-tive mediation.

Superior module:


Module description:


Design dialogues 2

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2DDLEX
Type EX
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Graduates understand different processes and procedures in companies and have developed an awareness of social and geopolitical issues.

Superior module:


Module description:


Experiment & trial

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2EXVIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can apply and critically reflect on methods of social science research, e.g. observation, participant observation, in-depth interviews, customer shadow-ing, customer diaries, cultural probes, etc. for their own projects.

Superior module:


Module description:


Global Competetiveness

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2GLOIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

1. Recognize conflict; propose a solution that successfully resolves conflict (Leadership and Business Knowledge) 2. Alumni will illustrate how to leverage diversity successfully to meet team goals (Leadership). 3. Alumni will successfully divide the team leadership to place the right people in the right position (Leadership and team building). 4. Presence of vision; mission; core values; consideration; transformational (leadership) 5. Demonstrate problem solving skills that are adaptable to diverse cultural settings and be able to make critical decisions in a global marketplace. (Cultural Awareness; Critical Thinking and Decision Making) 6. Demonstrate the skills to gain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. and to design a strategic marketing plan through the use of computer simulation. (Business Knowledge)

Superior module:


Module description:


Integrated Project 1 (Brand / Design / Communication)

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2ITPPT
Type PT
Kind Project
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 6
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can create or relaunch an appropriate corporate brand for a product. They know the tools for successfully establishing and disseminating brand values and visions. They can understand the current marketing tools and apply them in a targeted manner to reach their respective target group and channel the advertising for their product.

Superior module:


Module description:


Master Thesis Seminar 1

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2MTSIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are able to position their ideas for the Master's thesis in terms of content and relevance, present these developments and write a final exposé based on the guidelines for scientifically correct work.

Superior module:


Module description:


Professionalisation portfolio 3

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2PRPIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni refine their self-marketing into a professional portfolio.

Superior module:

Professionalisation portfolio 2nd term

Module description:


Professionalisation portfolio 4

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2PPPIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni refine their self-marketing into a professional portfolio.

Superior module:

Professionalisation portfolio 2nd term

Module description:


Strategic Brand Management

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2BEXIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can analyse brands in terms of their consistency. They know the most important principles and instruments of branding and strategic brand management. They understand the most important challenges in the practice of brand management.

Superior module:


Module description:


Strategic Management 2

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2STMVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni will be able to apply the content taught in the lecture, such as strategy evaluation, development of vision, mission and mission statement as well as analysis of the internal company structure and the external environment.

Superior module:


Module description:


Technical product design 2

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code DPMM2TPDIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with material characterisation and material selection based on the concept of Michael Ashby, University of Cambridge. They are able to pose and deal with the issues discussed in terms of material, product and processrelevant variables on the one hand and questions of ethical and sustainable product devel-opment on the other. Alumni have advanced skills in the application of theoretical principles in new application situations as well as basic evaluation, argumentation, reflection and analysis skills with regard to ethical and sustainable contexts.

Superior module:


Module description:



Applied leadership skills

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3AFKRC
Type RC
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, alumni will be able to name and define the theories and background of applied leadership, apply methods and principles of applied leadership to their own projects (product/service designs) and their management and marketing, work on a given topic themselves, scrutinise it and present it in a reflective manner.

Superior module:


Module description:


Consumer Behavior

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3COBIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can apply the basic principles relevant to (sustainable) consumer behaviour, e.g. perception, distortion, attribution, dissonance, personal and social norms, values and expectations of benefit, in their own projects.

Superior module:


Module description:


Design Research (Ethnography)

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3DERVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are familiar with approaches from cultural and biological anthropology. They understand the principles of evolutionary theory and the various selection processes. Alumni understand the need to consider ethical, social and environmental problems when making economic decisions and can apply the meth-odology in empirical work such as the Master's thesis.

Superior module:


Module description:


Design leadership

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3DLEVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:


Superior module:


Module description:


Design, copyright and trade mark law

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3UDRVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, alumni will be able to name and define the theory and background of design, copyright and trademark law, apply methods and principles of copyright and design law to their own projects (product/service designs) as well as their management and marketing.

Superior module:


Module description:


Engineering Design

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3ENDIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are able to analyse the functionality of a 3D modelled product in a common 3D CAD software environment using simulation. They are able to simulate the materiality as well as different usage behaviour and mechanical and thermal conditions of product use.

Superior module:


Module description:


Experience and Service Design

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3SEDVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Building on the basics of service management, alumni can apply experience and service design methods such as the customer journey map, service experience journey, service design thinking, service blueprinting, experience prototyping, co-creation, etc. in their own projects.

Superior module:


Module description:


Integrated Project 2 (Design & Product Management)

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3IEPPT
Type PT
Kind Project
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 10
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

In addition to the obvious process aspects relevant to product and service design issues, alumni also understand how to combine all the organisational steps necessary for successful project management, including team-building measures, into a comprehensive design process.

Superior module:


Module description:


Interaction Design specialisation

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3VIDIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni have in-depth knowledge in the field of interaction design. The focus is on various possibilities of interaction design. They are also able to record and evaluate the user's behaviour during interaction with products.

Superior module:


Module description:


Intercultural Communication

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3ICCUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are able to develop new product concepts, taking into account complex functional relationships and the integration of technical, cultural and aesthetic aspects. They reflect critically on their own actions and question established ways of thinking. Social-communicative skills are developed through personal experience, guidance and reflection.

Superior module:


Module description:


Master Thesis Seminar 2

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3MTSIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni can assess existing DPM Master's theses using the official assessment forms and present them to the Master's alumni in the first semester. As a result, they are familiar with the process and can gain important insights from existing theses with regard to structure, argumentation, scientific positioning and the application of empirical methods for their own Master's thesis.

Superior module:


Module description:


Specialisation in design testing

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3VDTIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are able to plan and conduct user experience studies and analyse them according to scientific criteria. They are able to solve project-specific challenges, such as the consideration of target groups that are difficult to access (senior citi-zens, sick people, children) or the requirements of practice partners, by choosing suitable and well-founded methods. 1)Alumni will be able to describe the levels of emotions that arise when interacting with a product. 2) Alumni will be able to recognize and implement measurement techniques of emotions and user reactions. 3) Alumni will be able to design and conduct user ex-perience testing of a product.

Superior module:


Module description:


Professionalisation portfolio 3rd term

Professionalisation portfolio 5

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3PRPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni have refined their self-marketing into a professional portfolio.

Superior module:

Professionalisation portfolio 3rd term

Module description:


Professionalisation portfolio 6

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM3PPPIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni have refined their self-marketing into a professional portfolio.

Superior module:

Professionalisation portfolio 3rd term

Module description:



Defensio (Master's final examination)

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM4DEFDP
Type DP
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:


Superior module:


Module description:


Excursion Design Culture

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM4EDCEX
Type EX
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni will be able to assess the influences of different social structures on culture and business, knowledge transfer and communication channels more accurately and then transfer this knowledge sensitively to increasingly globalised cooperation contexts that are currently gaining in relevance.

Superior module:


Module description:


Master Thesis

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM4MTHIT
Type IT
Kind Diploma/master thesis
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 24
Examination character final

Learning Outcomes:


Superior module:


Module description:


Master Thesis Seminar 3

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code DPMM4MTSSE
Type SE
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni fulfil the respective technical requirements of the task in the field of design and product management. They can develop and present projects in-dependently and proceed and document them in a scientifically structured manner. The approach can be scientifically justified and argued.

Superior module:


Module description:


SemesterSemesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June)
SWSweekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course
ECTS CreditsWork load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student
TypeBP = Bachelor final exam
DP/MP = Master final exam
IL = Lecture with integrated project work
IT = Individual training/phases
LB = Lab (session)
PS = Pro-seminar
PT = Project
RC = Course with integrated reflective practice
RE = Revision course
SE = Seminar
TU = Tutorial
UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions
VO = Lecture