Publikationen am Department Green Engineering and Circular Design


Ebner D.H., Barbu M.-C., Prokop O., Čermák P. (2024): Fire Resistance of One-Sided, Surface-Charred Silver Fir and European Ash Timber. Forests 15(7), 1109; SCI expanded, open access;

Grzybek J., Nazari M., Jebrane M., Terziev N., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2024):  Enhancing fire safety and thermal performance: Wood composites with bio-based phase change materials and fire retardants for building applications. Fire and Materials; 2024; 1–9; SCI expanded, open access;

Grzybek J., Nazari M., Jebrane M., Terziev N., Tippner J., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2024): Bio-based phase change material for enhanced building energy efficiency: A study of beech and thermally modified beech wood for wall structures. Energy Storage, e568; 13 Seiten; ESCI, open access;

Röllig P., Tudor E.M., Barbu M.C., Direske M. (2024): Effect of the particle geometry on lightweight particleboard from Paulownia using high-frequency pressing technology. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 8 Seiten; SCI expanded;

Ružiak I., Igaz R., Kubovský I., Tudor E.M., Gajtanska M., Jankech A. (2024): ANN Prediction of Laser Power, Cutting Speed, and Number of Cut Annual Rings and Their Influence on Selected Cutting Characteristics of Spruce Wood for CO2 Laser Processing. Materials 17(13), 3333; SCI expanded, open access;

Sepperer T., Schnabel T., Petutschnigg A. (2024): Hydrolytic purification of industrially extracted Mimosa Tannin. Journal of Chromatography Open, 100136; peer-reviewed, open access;

Sommerauer L., Konkler M., Presley G., Schnabel T., Petutschnigg A., Hinterstoisser B. (2024): Douglas fir bark: composition, extracts utilization and enzymatic treatment for enrichment of bioactive constituents. Holzforschung, published online: 12 March; online ISSN: 1437-434X, print ISSN: 0018-3830; SCI expanded, impact factor 2,4;

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

Aminti G., Atena A., Burato P., Brunetti M., Demirel G.K., Erdeyer Ö.N., De Francesco F., Jebrane M., Grzybek J., Nazari M., Nocetti M., Öztürk G., Palanti S., Pizzo B., Schnabel T., Stefani F., Temiz A., Terziev N. (2024): Physical, Mechanical and Biological Tests of Solid Wood and Bio-Composites with BioPCM and thermal characteristics of Small-Scale Models in Three European Countries. 11th European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM11), 15-16 April 2024, Florence (IT); oral presentation; Book of abstracts, S. 98-99.

Eckardt J., Sepperer T., Tondi G. (2024): "Usability of hydrolysable tannin for the production of tannin-furanic foams compared to condensed tannin". Konferenzbeitrag im Rahmen der 67th SWST International Convention, June 30 – July 5, Portorož, Slovenia.

Grzybek J., Schnabel T. (2024): Enhancing building energy efficiency: impregnation of wood with phase change materials. 11th European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM11), 15-16 April 2024, Florence (IT); oral presentation; Book of abstracts, S. 189.

Grzybek J., Schnabel T. (2024): "Experimental Evaluation of Phase Change Material-Impregnated Wood for Thermal Management in Lightweight Building Structures". Konferenzbeitrag im Rahmen der 67th SWST International Convention, June 30 – July 5, Portorož, Slovenia.

Sommerauer L., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T., Hinterstoisser B. (2024): "Soild State Fermentation of larch (larix decidua) bark biomass". Konferenzbeitrag im Rahmen der 67th SWST International Convention, June 30 – July 5, Portorož, Slovenia.

Sommerauer L., Sepperer T., Schnabel T., Petutschnigg A., Hinterstoisser B. (2024): NIR integration for the evaluation of compost quality with extruded wood fibers. 4th INTERNATIONAL PLANT SPECTROSCOPY CONFERENCE (IPSC 2024), September 24-27, Wien; Book of Abstracts, S 5.


Fassbender E., Hani C., Glas B., Suttner E., Stieglmeier M., Hemmerle C., Engel T., Keller S., Wirth H., Horn T. (2024): greenTES: Fassadenintegration von Photovoltaik und Begrünung im vorgefertigten Holzbausystem. BBSR-Online-Publikation 56/2024, Bonn; ISSN 1868-0097, 254 Seiten (Abschlussbericht des gleichnamigen FE Projektes 'greenTES' an der FH Salzburg).


Atena A., Schnabel T., Paletto A. (2023): Innovazioni di prodotto per la valorizzazione dei residui legnosi della filiera foresta-legno. Dendronatura, Anno 44, Numero 1; ISSN 1121-7782, S. 79-88.

Barbu M.C., Radauer H., Petutschnigg A., Tudor E.M., Kathriner M. (2023): Lightweight Solid Wood Panels Made of Paulownia Plantation Wood. Applied Sciences 13(20), 11234; SCI expanded, open access;

Barbu M.C., Stüger G., Karl J., Tudor E.M. (2023): HIGHLY DENSIFIED LAMINATED COMPOSITES WITH PRE-COMPRESSED VENEERS. PRO LIGNO 19(4), pp 78-90; Online ISSN 2069-7430, ISSN-L 1841-4737.

Barbu M.C., Tudor E.M. (2023): POTENTIAL OF PAULOWNIA WOOD FROM EUROPEAN PLANTATIONS. PRO LIGNO 19(4), pp 12-27; Online ISSN 2069-7430, ISSN-L 1841-4737.

Barbu M.C., Tudor E.M., Buresova K., Petutschnigg A. (2023): Assessment of Physical and Mechanical Properties Considering the Stem Height and Cross-Section of Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. x elongata (S.Y.Hu) Wood. Forests 14 (3), 589; SCI expanded, open access;

Cesprini E., Jorda J., Paolantoni M., Valentini L., Šket P., Causin V., Bedolla D.E., Zanetti M., Tondi G. (2023): Bio-Based Tannin-Furanic-Silk Adhesives: Applications in Plywood and Chemical Cross-linking Mechanisms. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 5 (6), 4468-4476; SCI expanded;

Ebner D.H., Gryc V., Barbu M.-C., Čermák P. (2023): Physical Properties of Silver Fir (Abies alba L.) Wood Cladding Modified by Traditional Japanese Charring Method. BioResources 18(4), 7066-7077; peer reviewed article, SCI expanded, open access; DOI: 10.15376/biores.18.4.7066-7077.

Ebner D.H., Tortora M., Bedolla D.E., Saccomano G., Vaccari L., Barbu M.C., Grzybek J., Schnabel T. (2023): Comparative investigation of chemical and structural properties of charred fir wood samples by Raman and FTIR spectroscopy as well as X-ray-micro-CT technology. Holzforschung, ISSN: 1437-434X, SCI expanded;

Eckardt J., Sepperer T., Cesprini E., Šket P., Tondi G. (2023): Comparing Condensed and Hydrolysable Tannins for Mechanical Foaming of Furanic Foams: Synthesis and Characterization. Molecules 28(6), 2799; SCI expanded, open access;

Grzybek J., Meffert P., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2023): Simulation-Based Performance Analysis of Impregnated Wood with Phase Change Material for Energy Efficient Timber Structures. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Series II: Forestry / Wood Industry / Agricultural Food Engineering, Vol. 16(65), Special Issue, pp. 99-116; ISSN (Print): 2065-2135, ISSN (CD-ROM ): 2065-2143, ISSN (Online): 2971-9372;

Grzybek J., Paschová Z., Meffert P., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2023): Impregnation of Norway spruce with low melting-point binary fatty acid as a phase-change material. Wood Material Science & Engineering; SCI expanded, open access;

Häsler Gunnarsdottir S., Sommerauer L., Schnabel T., Oostingh G.J., Schuster A. (2023): Antioxidative and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Bark Extracts from Common European Trees in Light of Dermal Applications. Antibiotics 12(1), 130; SCI expanded, open access;

Sepperer T., Barbu M.C., Tudor E.M., Fürmann S., Petutschnigg A. ( 2023): Recyclability of tannin-furanic foams. Materials Letters, Volume 345, 134483; SCI expanded;

Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A., Koopmann A.-K., Torres-Rodríguez J., Primož Š., Bedolla D.E., Hüsing N., Elsaesser M.S. (2023): Fluorine free surface modification of tannin-furanic foams by silylation. Materials & Design 230, 111936; SCI expanded, open access;

Sommerauer L., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2023): Investigation of Impregnation Approach of Zinc Oxide Nano-Dispersions for Potential UV Stabilization in Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica. Compounds 3(4), 561-572; SCI expanded, open access;

Urstöger J., Kain G., Prändl F., Barbu M.C., Kristak L. (2023): Physical-Mechanical Properties of Light Bark Boards Bound. Sustainability 15(18), 13530; SCI expanded, open access;

Fresacher, Marion/Johnson, Michelle K. P. (2023): Designing climate labels for green food choices. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 430, 10th December 2023, 139490.

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

Deng Y.; Gadocha S.; Gnigler, M.; Grobbauer, M.; Heidenthaler D.; Leeb M.; Moltinger M.; Prinz T.; Reindl P.; Schweiger, A.; Seiwald L.; Spitzer W.; Wieder, E. (2023): Zentrum Alpines Bauen 2018–2022: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur baulichen Nachverdichtung.

Tudor E.M. (2023): Alternative Adhesives for Composites Made of Annual Plants. In: Khiari, R., Jawaid, M., Belgacem, M.N. (eds) Annual Plant: Sources of Fibres, Nanocellulose and Cellulosic Derivatives. Composites Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore; pp 215–239;

Young T.M., Petutschnigg A. (2023): Process Technologies for the Forest and Bioased Products Industries. PTF BPI 2023, October 30 – November 1, St. Simons Island, Georgia, USA; Book of Abstracts, ISBN 979-8-3507-2156-0.

Thurner, S./Walcher, D.(2023): New Work & Great Resignation. Theorie und empirische Arbeitsmarktuntersuchungen. epubli-Verlag, 978-3757580711

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

Barbu M.C., Radauer H., Tudor E.M., Kathriner M., Petutschnigg A. (2023): Lightweight solid wood panels made of Paulownia plantation wood. ICWSE 2023 International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM, 13th Edition, November 2-4, Transilvania University, Brasov – Romania; Book of Abstracts, ISSN 1843-2689, S 72.

Barbu M.C., Stüger G., Karl J., Tudor E.M.(2023): Highly densified laminated composites with pre-compressed veneers. ICWSE 2023 International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM, 13th Edition, November 2-4, Transilvania University, Brasov – Romania; Book of Abstracts, ISSN 1843-2689, S. 73.

Barbu M.C., Tudor E.M. (2023): Potential of Paulownia wood from European plantations. ICWSE 2023 International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM, 13th Edition, November 2-4, Transilvania University, Brasov – Romania; Book of Abstracts, ISSN 1843-2689, Keynote S. 23.

Donmez Cavdar A., Boran Torun S., Barbu M.C. (2023): Heat aging effect on surface characteristics on the coated fire retardant paint of alder and spruce wood. ICWSE 2023 International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM, 13th Edition, November 2-4, Transilvania University, Brasov – Romania; Book of Abstracts, ISSN 1843-2689, S. 90.

Grzybek J., Meffert P., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2023): Characterization and performance analysis of impregnated wood with phase change materials for energy efficient timber structures. ICWSE 2023 International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM, 13th Edition, November 2-4, Transilvania University, Brasov – Romania; Book of Abstracts, ISSN 1843-2689, S. 120.

Günther L., Jorda J.S., Barbu M.C. (2023): Study of the physcal and mecanical properties of cement bonded particleboards made of bark. ICWSE 2023 International Conference "WOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM, 13th Edition, November 2-4, Transilvania University, Brasov – Romania; Book of Abstracts, ISSN 1843-2689, S. 83.

Medved S., Črnec D., Barbu M.C., Tudor E.M., Petutschnigg A., Antonovic A., Young, T.M. (2023): ASYMETRICAL PARTICLE–BASED COMPOSITES. PTF BPI 2023 – 7th International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Biobased Products Industries, October 30 - November 1, 2023, St. Simons Island, USA; Book of Abstracts, S. 16-17.

Meindl A. (2023): SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT TOWARDS A CIRCULAR ECONOMY. PTF BPI 2023 – 7th International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Biobased Products Industries, October 30 - November 1, 2023, St. Simons Island, USA; Book of Abstracts, S. 18-19.

Schnabel T. (2023): biomassCircle. BIOECONOMY AUSTRIA SUMMIT2023, 07.11.2023, St. Pölten; Posterbeitrag Nr. 6, Abstract Book.

Schnabel T. (2023): Holz.Aktiv. Aufbau einer Prototyping-Facility zur Inwertsetzung des Materials Holz. BIOECONOMY AUSTRIA SUMMIT2023, 07.11.2023, St. Pölten; Posterbeitrag Nr. 15, Abstract Book.

Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A., Koopmann A., Torres-Rodriguez J., Sket P., Bedolla D., Hüsing N., Elsässer M. (2023): Surface modification of tannin-furanic foams by silylation. ICP 2023 (XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols) in Nantes, Book of Abstracts, Posterbeitrag P.6.06.

Sepperer T., Steiner K., Petutschnigg A. (2023): Mitigation of ammonia loss from cattle manure slurry by tannins and tannin-based polymers. ICP 2023 (XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols) in Nantes, Book of Abstracts, Presentation OY.6.05.

Tudor E.M. (2023): Characterization and use of Paulownia from European plantations for different modern wood-based products. Keynote at ASFORCLIC Evaluation Conference 2, 19 October (online).

Ackermann, L./Walcher, D./Salbrechter, S. (2023): Fostering product lifetime extension practices among young consumers: Implications for policymakers from a consumer behavior perspective. Veröffentlicht auf der 5th PLATE 2023 Conference, Espoo, Finland - 31 May - 2 June 2023


Kain S. (2023): Additive Fertigung mit Rest- bzw. Rohstoffen neu gedacht. Vortrag im Rahmen des Digitalisierungsfestivals „PANORAMA23“, 22. – 24. November, Linz.


Walnum, H. J.; Johnsen, F. M.; Urbaniak Brekke, A. M.; Chan, S.; Brunauer, G.; Álvarez, F. B.; Cebrat, G. (2023): Deliverable 4.1 Evaluation report comprising environmental performance


Barbu M.C., Buresova K., Tudor E.M., Petutschnigg A. (2022): Physical and Mechanical Properties of Paulownia tomentosa x elongata Sawn Wood from Spanish, Bulgarian and Serbian Plantations. Forests 13(10), 1543; SCI expanded, open access;

Cesprini E., Causin V., De Iseppi A., Zanetti M., Marangon M., Barbu M.C., Tondi G. (2022): Renewable Tannin-Based Adhesive from Quebracho Extract and Furfural for Particleboards. Forests 13(11), 1781; SCI expanded, open access;

Ebner D.H., Barbu M.-C., Gryc V., Čermák P. (2022): Surface Charring of Silver Fir Wood Cladding Using an Enhanced Traditional Japanese Yakisugi Method. BioResources 17(2), 2031-2042; peer reviewed article, SCI expanded, open access;

Emrich S., Schuster A., Schnabel T., Oostingh G.J. (2022): Antimicrobial Activity and Wound-Healing Capacity of Birch, Beech and Larch Bark Extracts. Molecules 27(9), 2817; SCI expanded, open access;

Gurr J., Barbu M.C., Frühwald A., Chaowana P. (2022): The bond strength development of coconut wood in relation to its density variations. Journal of Adhesion 98(9), 14p.; SCI expanded;

Jorda J., Kain G., Barbu M.C., Köll B., Petutschnigg A., Král P. (2022): Mechanical Properties of Cellulose and Flax Fiber Unidirectional Reinforced Plywood. Polymers 14, 843; SCI expanded, open access;

Jorda J., Cesprini E., Barbu M.C., Tondi G., Zanetti M., Král P. (2022): Quebracho Tannin Bio-Based Adhesives for Plywood. Polymers 14, 2257, SCI expanded, open access;

Kain G., Idam F., Huber A., Mudri M., Petutschnigg A., Goldsteiner M. (2022): Mitigating Harmful Effects of Climate Warming on Ceiling Paintings by Ceiling Insulation: An Evaluation Using Timed IR Imaging and Numeric Modelling. Sustainability 14(1), 308; SCI expanded, open access;

Meindl A., Grzybek J., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2022): High purity lignin from untreated larch bark: an efficient green methodology for lignin valorization and low-value by-product mitigation. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology; SCI expanded;

Meindl A., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2022): Microwave-Assisted Lignin Extraction - Utilizing Deep Eutectic Solvents to Their Full Potential. Polymers 14, 4319; SCI expanded, open access;

Morandini M.C., Kain G., Eckardt J., Petutschnigg A., Tippner J. (2022): Physical-Mechanical Properties of Peat Moss (Sphagnum) Insulation Panels with Bio-Based Adhesives. Materials 15, 3299; SCI expanded, open access;


Pacher T., Barbu M.C., Urstöger J., Petutschnigg A., Tudor E.M. (2022): Fire Retardancy of Cementitious Panels with Larch and Spruce Bark as Bio-Admixtures. Polymers 14, 1469; SCI expanded, open access;

Palanti S., Temiz A., Demirel G.K., Hekimoğlu G., Sarı  A., Nazari M., Jebrane M., Schnabel T., Terziev N. (2022): Bio-Based Phase Change Materials for Wooden Building Applications. Forests 13(4), 603; SCI expanded, open access;

Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A., Steiner K. (2022): Long-term study on the nitrogen retention potential of bark extracts and a polymer based thereof in cattle manure slurry. Bioresource Technology Reports, Volume 18, 101085; open access;

Weithas, J.; Dorsch, L. (2022): Schlüssel Nachhaltige Beschaffung, Österreichische Bauzeitung Ausgabe 03/2022, Wien, S.11.

Heidenthaler, D.; Leeb, M.; Reindl, P.; Kranzl, L.; Bednar, T.; Moltinger, M. (2022): Building stock characteristics of residential buildings in Salzburg, Austria based on a structured analysis of energy performance certificates. Energy and Buildings 2022;273:112401.

Pichler, E.; Weithas, J. (2022): Lichtschalter und Lüftungsschächte können ökologisch sein, Die Presse, Ausgabe 07.05.2022, Wien

Moltinger, M.; Reindl, P.; Leeb, M. (2022): Impulsprogramm des Klima- und Energiefonds. Energieflexibilität durch thermische Bauteilaktivierung. Nachhaltige Technologien, Ausgabe 3, Gleisdorf

Brunauer, G. (2022): Wasserstoff speichert grüne und regionale Energie. Der Standard (erschienen: 05.01.2022)

Brunauer, G. (2022): Ein Kochrezept für Gemeinden, die ihre eigene Energie „brauen“. Die Presse (erschienen: 15.01.2022)

Brunauer, G; Brunauer, M.C; (2022): Energie-Autonom. Die Wirtschaft (erschienen: 23.03.2022)

Mair am Tinkhof, O.; Leeb, M. (2022): Raus aus fossilen Energieträgern, SIR Info, Salzburg


Rüll, H./Schrems, A./Walcher, D. (2022): Strategien für mittelständische Unternehmen (8) – Tipping Points. epubli-Verlag.

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

Petruch M., Walcher D. (2022): Junge Millennials und die forstbasierte Bioökonomie: Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Studie zum Holzbau in Österreich. Jeschke B.G., Heupel T. (Hg.): Bioökonomie - Impulse für ein zirkuläres Wirtschaften. S. 201 – 220; ISBN 978-3-658-34322-4 (ebook), ISBN 978-3-658-34321-7 (Softcover).

Schnabel T., Barbu M.C., Tudor E.M. Petutschnigg A. (2022): Changing in larch sapwood extractives due to distinct ionizing radiation sources. Vutova K. (Ed.): Electron Beam Processing of Materials. MDPI Basel, Beijing, Wuhan, Barcelona, Belgrade, Manchester, Tokyo, Cluj, Tianjin. pp:41-47; ISBN 978-3-0365-4933-0; open access;

Tudor E.M., Huber H. (2022): Bauprodukte aus Rinde. Fouad N.A. (Ed.): Bauphysik Kalender: Holzbau, 22. Jahrgang, Chapter B3, pp. 139-169; print ISBN:9783433033609 | online ISBN:9783433611081;

Petruch, M./Walcher, D. (2022): Der Stoff, aus dem die Zukunft ist: 101 Produkte aus   erneuerbarem Kohlenstoff. Finanzbuchverlag (FBV).

Mairhofer M./Walcher, D. (2022): Der Wert von Ästhetik für nachhaltiges Produktdesign: Eine Studie zum Einfluss der visuellen Anmutung auf die Produktbindung unter Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz. epubli-Verlag.

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A., Steiner K. (2022): Tannine und Tannin-Furan Schäume als Güllezusatz zur Reduktion des Stickstoffverlustes. "Agrar- und Forstwissenschaftliche Konferenz Kreislaufwirtschaft", 04.05., Wien (Posterbeitrag / Abstract Book).

Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A., Steiner K. (2022): Molkereireststoffe als Güllezusatz zur Reduktion des Stickstoffverlustes.  "Agrar- und Forstwissenschaftliche Konferenz Kreislaufwirtschaft", 04.05., Wien (Posterbeitrag / Abstract Book).

Weithas, J.; Coosmann, F. (2022): Biogenic materials in technical building equipment - a potential analysis, 17th European Bioplastics Conference, Berlin (06.-07.12.2022) (Abstract)

Wieder, E., Gnigler, M., Schweiger, A., Grobbauer, M. (2022): Company-independent standardization of timber construction for urban densification of housing stock - ICTEWS 2022: 16. International Conference on Timber Engineering and Wood Science, Rom (15.-16.12.2022)

Mascherbauer, P.; Kranzl, L.; Heidenthaler, D.; Yu, S. (2022): Validation of modeling smart energy management systems in reduced order models with building simulation models, 8th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, (13.- 14.09.2022), Aalborg, Denmark

Moltinger, M.; Heidenthaler, D.; Leeb, M.; Reindl, P. (2022): Performance of geothermal systems in combination with thermo active building systems (TABS) on residential buildings- a simulation study, European Geothermal Congress (18. - 20.10.2022), Berlin, Deutschland

Schweiger, A., Wieder, E., Gnigler, M., Grobbauer, M. (2022): Specific systemization of timber building to promote urban redensification of housing stock. Woodrise 2022 - Book of Abstracts; Woodrise Alliance, Portoroz, Slowenien

Beiträge in Sammelbänden

Eitzinger-Lange, L.; Gugg, B.; Leeb, M.; Lüftenegger, P.;Mair am Tinkhof, O.; Wieder, E.; Fuchshofer, R. (2022): Weiterbauen im Bestand, leistbares Wohnen und Klimaschutz - ein Beispiel, Tagungsband 2022 Sanierte Gebäude in guter Gesellschaft, BauZ! Kongress 2022, Wien


Moltinger, M. (2022): Klima- und Energiefondsförderung für Bauteilaktivierung im Wohnbau, Live-Fach-Infopitch Online, (24.02.2022)

Schweiger, A.; Wieder, E.; Gnigler, M.;Grobbauer, M. (2022): Ein Holztafel-Bausystem für die urbane Nachverdichtung im Wohnungsbau, 15. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Villach (20.-21.04.2022)

Leeb, M.; Moltinger, M.; Heidenthaler, D. (2022): Bauteilaktivierung; Forschung und Praxis, Talk4Experts - Webinar, Kuchl (11.03.2022)

Leeb, M.; Moltinger, M.; Heidenthaler, D. (2022):  "Bauteilaktivierung als Baustein für die Zukunft", Fair Energy Partner Infotag Linz (22.03.2022)

Leeb, M.; Moltinger, M.; Heidenthaler, D. (2022): Crashkurs Bauteilaktivierung; Zukunftsagentur Bau, Webinar, (26.04.2022)

Mair am Tinkhof, O.; Leeb, M. (2022): Raus aus fossilen Energieträgern, Online Seminar SIR, Salzburg

Leeb, M.; Lüftenegger, P. (2022): Weiterbauen im Bestand, leistbares Wohnen und Klimaschutz - ein Beispiel, Sanierte Gebäude in guter Gesellschaft, BauZ! Kongress 2022, Wien

Weithas, J. (2022): Einsatz biogener Materialien in der technischen Gebäudeausrüstung – Eine mehrstufige Potenzialanalyse mittels LCA-Screenings, Ökobilanzwerkstatt 2022 (21.-22.09.2022)

Leeb, M. (2022): Twin²Sim – The new R&D building in Kuchl as test facility on an industrial scale, 2nd Conference for Smart Materials, Salzburg (12.-15.09.2022)

Heidenthaler, D. (2022): Automated urban building energy modelling approach for predicting heat load profiles of districts, 8th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, (13.-14.09.2022), Aalborg, Denmark

Heidenthaler, D.; Spitzer, W. (2022): Nachverdichtung oder Sanierung und die Auswirkung auf den thermischen Energiebedarf: Anwendung an einem Beispielgebiet in der Stadt Salzburg. 9. Fachsymposium Brennpunkt Alpines Bauen, Salzburg, Österreich

Weithas, J.; Coosmann, F. (2022): Potenzial biogener Materialien in der TGA. Biogene Materialien in der Gebäudetechnik - Ergebnisse aus Forschung & Industrie (11.11.2022)

Moltinger, M. (2022): Performance of geothermal systems in combination with thermo active building systems (TABS) on residential buildings- a simulation study, European Geothermal Congress (18.-20.10.2022), Berlin, Deutschland

Leeb, M. (2022): Kalte Nahwärme 5.0 - Schlüssel der Energiewende? - Energieflexibilität durch thermische Bauteilaktivierung, Berliner Energietage Onlineworkshop (03.05.2022)

Cebrat, G; Johnsen, F. ; Chan, S.; Brunauer, G.; Álvarez, F. B.; Walnum, H. J.; Olschewski, D.; Martínez Garcia, L,: (2022): EPC based digital building twins for smart energy systems-Final Conference (15.12.2022)

Wieder, E. & Grobbauer, M. (2022): Ein Holzbausystem für die Nachverdichtung Gebäudeklasse 5: Ergebnisbericht, 9. Fachsymposium Brennpunkt Alpines Bauen. 13.Oktober 2022, Salzburg

Moltinger, M. & Grobbauer, M. (2022): Die Multifunktionsfassade aus Holz mit Bauteilaktivierung: Werkstattbericht, 9. Fachsymposium Brennpunkt Alpines Bauen. 13.Oktober 2022, Salzburg

Prinz T., Leeb, M. (2022): Vorstellung Zentrum IWB/EFRE Begleitausschuss, 27. Juni 2022, Salzburg.

Wieder, E., Gnigler, M., Grobbauer, M. (2022): Entwicklung eines Holzbausystems für die Aufstockung von mehrgeschoßigen Wohnbauten der 1950er-1980er-Jahre. Holzbau-digital-Symposium., 24. März 2022, online.

Grobbauer, M. (2022): Bauwerke aus Sichtbeton – Anforderungen; Grazer-Darmstädter 2-Tages-Intensivseminar an der TU Graz; Graz, 27.01.-28.01.2022

Gnigler, M., Schweiger, A., Wieder, E., Grobbauer, M. (2022): Specific systemization of timber building to promote urban redensification of housing stock. Woodrise 2022, Woodrise Alliance. 6.-9. September 2022, Portoroz, Slowenien

Wieder, E., Gnigler, M., Schweiger, A., Grobbauer, M. (2022): Company-independent standardization of timber construction for urban densification of housing stock - ICTEWS 2022: 16. International Conference on Timber Engineering and Wood Science, Rom (15.-16.12.2022)


Kain S. (2022): Material Revolution: Nachhaltig & Innovativ Workshop. Salz21, 11.-12.05., Salzburg.

Petutschnigg A. (2022): Smart Materials Talk. Salz21, 11.-12.05., Salzburg.

Sepperer T. (2022): Herstellung von biogenen Sensoren. Workshop. Salz21, 11.-12.05., Salzburg.

Pirstinger. I.; Grobbauer, M.; Dorsch, L. (2022): ParaSol - Multifunktionale solaraktive Überdachungen, Österreichische Fachtagung für Photovoltaik und Stromspeicherung, Wien (13.-14.10.2022), Posterpräsentation


Wieder, E.; Gnigler, M.; Schwaiger, A.; Grobbauer, M. (2022): Deliverable 4.2.0 Planerische Testanwendung - Holzbausystem für die vertikale Nachverdichtung; Alpines Bauen Forschungs- und Transferzentrum

Wieder, E.; Grobbauer, M.; (2022): Deliverable D 4.2.2. Pflichtenheft und Entwicklungsszenario für Multifunktionsfassaden

Grobbauer, M.; Heidentaler, D.; Wieder, E. (2022): Deliverable D4.0.1 Dokumentation Branchenspezifische Workshops 2022


Ackermann, L., Schoormans, J. P., & Mugge, R. (2021): Measuring product care: Scale development and validation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 295(1263272), 1-13.

Ackermann, L., Tuimaka, M., Pohlmeyer, A. E., & Mugge, R. (2021): Design for product care – development of design strategies and a toolkit for sustainable consumer behaviour. Journal of Sustainability Research, 3(2), e210013.

Barbu M.C., Montecuccoli Z., Förg J., Barbeck U., Klímek P., Petutschnigg A., Tudor E.M.  (2021): Potential of Brewer’s Spent Grain as a Potential Replacement of Wood in pMDI, UF or MUF Bonded Particleboard. Polymers 13, 319; SCI expanded, open access;

Barbu M.C., Tudor E.M. (2021): State of the art of the Chinese forestry, wood industry and its markets. Wood Material Science & Engineering, SCI expanded;

Cefarin N., Bedolla D.E., Surowka A., Donato S., Sepperer T., Tondi G., Dreossi D., Sodini N., Birarda G., Vaccari L. (2021): Study of The Spatio-Chemical Heterogeneity of Tannin-Furanic Foams: From 1D FTIR Spectroscopy to 3D FTIR Micro-Computed Tomography. International Jounal of Molecular Sciences 22(23), 12869; SCI expanded, open access;

D'Amico F., Musso M.E., Berger R.J.F., Cefarin N., Birarda G., Tondi G., Bertoldo Menezes D., Reyer A., Scarabattoli L., Sepperer T., Schnabel T., Vaccari L. (2021): Chemical constitution of polyfurfurylalcohol investigated by FTIR and Resonant Raman  spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 262, 120090; SCI expanded,

Ebner D.H., Barbu M.C., Klaushofer J., Čermák P. (2021): Surface Modification of Spruce and Fir Sawn-Timber by Charring in the Traditional Japanese Method - Yakisugi. Polymers 13, 1662; SCI expanded, open access;

Gerstorfer D., Forte T., Füssl J. (2021): Experimental and numerical determination of the screw deformation in laminated beech veneer lumber as a result of moisture-induced swelling. Civil Engineering Design 3, 171-178;

Gößwald J., Barbu M.C., Petutschnigg A., Krišťák L., Tudor E.M. (2021): Oversized Planer Shavings for the Core Layer of Lightweight Particleboard. Polymers 13, 1125; SCI expanded, open access;

Gößwald J., Barbu M.C., Petutschnigg A., Tudor E.M. (2021): Binderless Thermal Insulation Panels Made of Spruce Bark Fibres. Polymers 13, 1799; SCI expanded, open access;

Gruber L., Seidl L., Zanetti M., Schnabel T. (2021): Calorific Value and Ash Content of Extracted Birch Bark. Forests 12(11), 1480; SCI expanded, open access;

Grzybek J., Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2021): Organosolv Lignin from European Tree Bark: Influence of Bark Pretreatment. Materials 14, 7774; SCI expanded, open access;

Heidenthaler D., Leeb M., Schnabel T., Huber H. (2021): Comparative analysis of thermally activated building systems in wooden and concrete structures regarding functionality and energy storage on a simulation-based approach. Energy 233, 121138; SCI expanded, open access;

Herzog A., Kerschbaumer T. , Schwarzenbrunner R., Barbu M.C., Petutschnigg A., Tudor E.M. (2021): Efficiency of High-Frequency Pressing of Spruce Laminated Timber Bonded with Casein Adhesives. Polymers 13, 4237; SCI expanded, open access;

Jorda J., Kain G., Barbu M.C., Petutschnigg A., Král P. (2021): Influence of Adhesive Systems on the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Flax Fiber Reinforced Beech Plywood. Polymers 13, 3086; SCI expanded, open access;

Kain G., Morandini M., Stamminger A., Granig T., Tudor E.M., Schnabel T., Petutschnigg A. (2021): Production and Physical–Mechanical Characterization of Peat Moss (Sphagnum) Insulation Panels. Materials 14, 6601; SCI expanded, open access;

Koopmann A.-K., Malfait W.J., Sepperer T., Huesing N. (2021): A Systematic Study on Bio-Based Hybrid Aerogels Made of Tannin and Silica. Materials 14, 5231; SCI expanded, open access;

Kristak L., Ruziak I., Tudor E.M., Barbu M.C., Kain G., Reh R. (2021): Thermophysical properties of larch bark composite panels. Polymers 13, 2287; SCI expanded, open access;

Marcon B., Tondi G., Procino L., Goli G. (2021): Thermal modification kinetics and chemistry of poplar wood in dry and saturated steam media. Holzforschung, eISSN 1437-434X, ISSN 0018-3830, SCI expanded.

Medved S., Tudor E.M., Barbu M.C., Young T.M. (2021): Thermal conductivity of different bio-based insulation materials. Les/Wood, 70(1), 73-82;

Petruch M., Walcher D. (2021): Timber for Future? Attitudes towards Timber Construction by young Millennials - Marketing Implications from a representative Study. Journal of Cleaner Production 294, 126324; SCI expanded, open access;

Réh R., Krišt’ák L., Sedliaˇcik J., Bekhta P., Božiková M., Kunecová D., Vozárová V., Tudor E.M., Antov P., Savov V. (2021): Utilization of Birch Bark as an Eco-Friendly Filler in Urea-Formaldehyde Adhesives for Plywood Manufacturing. Polymers 13, 511; SCI expanded, open access;

Ruppitsch W., Lebow P., Lebow S., Taylor A. (2021): Role of Tyloses in the Durability of Chestnut Oak. Wood and Fiber Science, 53(2), pp. 126-146, SCI expanded.

Sabathi G., Reyer A., Cefarin N., Sepperer T., Eckardt J., Neubauer J., Wendisch F.J., D’Amico F., Vaccari L., Tondi G., Musso M. (2021): Tannin-furanic foams used as biomaterial substrates for SERS sensing in possible wastewater filter applications. Materials Research Express 8(11), 115404;  SCI expanded, open access; DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ac3586.

Schnabel T., Barbu M.C., Tudor E.M, Petutschnigg A. (2021): Changing in Larch Sapwood Extractives Due to Distinct Ionizing Radiation Sources. Materials 14, 1613; SCI expanded, open access;

Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A., Steiner K. (2021): Effect of Flushing Milk and Acidic Whey on pH and Nitrogen Loss of Cattle Manure Slurry. Atmosphere 12(9), 1222; SCI expanded, open access;

Sepperer T., Šket P., Petutschnigg A., Hüsing N. (2021): Tannin-Furanic Foams Formed by Mechanical Agitation: Influence of Surfactant and Ingredient Ratios. Polymers 13, 3058; SCI expanded, open access;

Tudor E.M., Kristak L., Barbu M.C., Gergel T., Němec M., Kain G., Réh R. (2021): Acoustic Properties of Larch Bark Panels. Forests 12(7), 887; SCI expanded, open access;

Urstöger J., Barbu M.C., Pacher T., Petutschnigg A., Jorda J., Tudor E.M. (2021): Selected Properties of Cement Bound Spruce and Larch Bark Bio-Aggregates. Polymers 13, 4438; SCI expanded, open access;

Heidenthaler, D.; Leeb, M.; Schnabel, T.; Huber, H. (2021): Comparative analysis of thermally activated building systems in wooden and concrete structures regarding functionality and energy storage on a simulation-based approach, Energy, 121138 (2021), 10.1016/

Kramer, M.; Brunauer, G.C.; Leeb, M.; Eitzinger-Lange, L.; Meindl, A. (2021): Investigations into the viability of utilizing locally produced green hydrogen for seasonal energy storage for alpine heavy-duty vehicles – Simulation based on Austrian communities

Brunauer, G.; Meindl, A.; Rotter, B.; Gruber, A; Slouka, C. (2021): A case report: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as an Alternative for cell counting chambers of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) for brewery applications. Arch Food Nutr Sci. 2021; 5:027-031.

Brunauer, G.; Meindl, A.; Rotter, B.; Gruber, A; Slouka, C; Schnabel, T; Petutschnigg, A. (2021): Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Microbiological Pro-Cesses: on the Way to a Monitoring Tool for the Determination of Biomass. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 35(2)-2021. BJSTR. MS.ID.005682.

Kramer, M.; Eitzinger-Lange, L.; Leeb, M.; Brunauer, G.C. (2021): Usage of locally produced green hydrogen for peak load coverage in alpine regions and a local community – Simulation based on Austrian communities. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 53, Special Issue B (pp. 42-48) 2021

Brunauer, G. (2021): Energiepolitik braucht neue Wege. Salzburger Nachrichten (erschienen: 20.12.2021)

Gugerell, K., & Netsch, S. (2020). Reflection on the Austrian Newspaper Coverage of the Role and Relevance of Urban Open-and Green-Spaces in Vienna During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in 2020. disP - The Planning Review, 56(4), 54–63

Mironowicz, I., Netsch, S., & Geppert, A. (2021). Space and spatial practices in times of confinement. Evidence from three European countries: Austria, France and Poland. URBAN DESIGN International.


Rüll, H./Schrems, A./Walcher, D. (2021): Strategien für mittelständische Unternehmen – Künstliche Intelligenz. ISBN 978-3-7531-5808-2, epubli

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

Ackermann, L., Mugge, R., & Schoormans, J. P. (2021): ‘No fun, but very effective’: Consumers’ evaluation of design strategies for product care. In C. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), PLATE: Product lifetimes and the environment.

Eddy., A., Ackermann, L., Roth, M. (2021): Medikamentenadhärenz älterer Menschen steigern und Medikationsmanagement Pflegender verbessern: ein technologischer Design-Ansatz für das Altern zuhause. 14. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen

Grzybek J., Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2021): EXTRACTION AND PURIFICATION OF ORGANOSOLV LIGNIN FROM MISCANTHUS AND LARCH BARK FOR ITS POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS IN BIOMATERIALS. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021; Posterbeitrag S. 40.

Huber H., Heidenthaler D., Lippert M., Leeb M., Lesar B., Reiter T., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2021): Thermally activated building system – innovative application for beech. 9th Hardwood Conference, Sopron, Hungary, 24.- 25.5. online; Proceedings pt.1, 108-112; ISBN 978-963-334-377-7 (online); ISSN 2631-004X.

Jorda J., Barbu M.-C., Petutschnigg A. (2021): Natural Fiber Reinforced Plywood. “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021; Posterbeitrag.

Kain G., Morandini M., Barbu M.-C., Petutschnigg A., Tippner J. (2021): Specific Gravity of Inner and Outer Larch Bark. “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021; Posterbeitrag.

Kain S., Musso M., Petutschnigg A. (2021): 4D PRINTING – PROGRAMMABLE DEFORMATION BEHAVIOR OF FLM (FUSED LAYER MODELING) 3D PRINT-ED OBJECTS WHEN EXPOSED TO MOISTURE. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021, S. 19.

Kober T., Reinthaler C., Obermeyer G., Pertl-Obermeyer H. (2021): DESIGN AND USE OF A PHOTOBIOREACTOR FOR AUXENOCHLORELLA PROTOTHECOIDES SPOROPOLLENIN PRODUCTION. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021; Posterbeitrag S. 31.

Musso M.E., D’Amico F., Berger R.J.F., Menezes D.B., Reyer A., Scarabattoli L., Cefarin N., Sepperer T., Tondi G. Schnabel T., Vaccari L. (2021): MULTI-WAVELENGTH RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY OF POLY(FURFURYL ALCOHOL). (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021, S. 2-3.

Pertl-Obermeyer H. (2021): SPOROPOLLENIN – “THE GREEN DIAMOND”. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021, S. 20.

Petruch M. (2021): Awareness of Open Innovation and Innovation Contests among Young Millenials in Austria. The 18th Open & User Innovation Conference: OUI 2020+1, Interactive Digital Conference, Session E2: Open and User Innovation Platforms; streamed live from Aachen on 21-22 June.

Petutschnigg A., Hüsing N., Tscheligi M. (Eds.) (2021): Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021; digital, 107 Seiten.

Reinthaler C., Kober T., Obermeyer G., Pertl-Obermeyer H. (2021): SPOROPOLLENIN FROM LILIUM LONGIFLORUM POLLEN GRAINS. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021; Posterbeitrag S. 30.

Sabathi G., Reyer A., Cefarin N., Sepperer T., Eckardt J., Neubauer J., Wendisch J.-F., Vaccari L., Tondi G., Musso M. (2021): TANNIN FOAMS USED AS BIOMATERIAL TEMPLATES FOR SERS APPLICATIONS. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021; Posterbeitrag S. 34.

Sepperer T., Eckardt J., Tondi G., Petutschnigg A. (2021): END-OF-LIFE USECASES FOR TANNIN-FURANIC FOAMS. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021, S. 27.

Sepperer T., Hüsing N., Schnabel T., Petutschnigg A. (2021): Functionalisation of beech wood using magnetic nanoparticles. 9th Hardwood Conference, Sopron, Hungary, 24.- 25.5. online; Proceedings pt.1, 236-242; ISBN 978-963-334-377-7 (online); ISSN 2631-004X.

Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A. (2021): PURIFIED INDUSTRIAL TANNIN EXTRACT FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF RIGID FOAMS. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021;  Posterbeitrag S. 43.

Sommerauer L., Schnabel T., Petutschnigg A. (2021): UV STABILIZATION OF WOOD BY IMPREGNATION OF ZINC OXIDE NANO-DISPERSIONS. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021; Posterbeitrag S. 33.

Steiner K., Sepperer T., Petutschnigg A. (2021): Güllebehandlung – Rindentannine zur Reduktion von Ammoniakabgasung. Online-Präsentation zum 4. Nationalen Ressourcen Forum in der Session Bioökonomie als Chance der Landwirtschaft? Das Beispiel Gülle; 4.-5.3.2021.

Young T.M., Petutschnigg A., Juriga D.C. (2021): TOTAL QUALITY DATA MANAGEMENT (TQDM) STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL MACHINE LEARNING AND AI IN THE REALIZATION OF INDUSTRIE 4.0. (Dig.) Proceedings of the first international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials” at the FH-Salzburg: Campus Kuchl: September 16-17, 2021, S. 21.

Kramer, M.; Brunauer, G.C.; Leeb, M.; Eitzinger-Lange, L.; Meindl, A. (2021): Investigations into the viability of utilizing locally produced green hydrogen for seasonal energy storage for alpine heavy-duty vehicles – Simulation based on Austrian communities; AESMT 2021 (14.-15.06.2021) Online

Cebrat, G.; Kofler, M.; Brunauer, G.; Chan, S.; Manzini, A.; (2021): Building model-based optimisation of the HVAC control utilizing data from the EPC process – first results from the EPC4SES project,14th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change (13.-15. October 2021) Online

Heidenthaler, D. (2021): Characteristics of the building stock: An analysis of energy performance certificates for the province of salzburg, 2nd Inernational Sustainable Energy Conference (05. - 07. April 2022), Graz, Austria (Abstract)

Weithas, J.; Dorsch, L. (2021): Nachhaltige Beschaffung als wichtiger Baustein zur Reduktion der Umweltwirkung im Bauwesen, BauZ! - Wiener Kongress für zukunftsfähiges Bauen (11. - 12. Mai 2022), Wien, Österreich (Abstract)

Pirstinger. I.; Grobbauer, M.; Dorsch, L. (2021): ParaSol - Multifunktionale solarktive Überdachungen, Österreichische Fachtagung für Photovoltaik und Stromspeicherung, Wien (13.-14.10.2021)


Weithas, J.; Schartmüller, A. (2021): Nachhaltige öffentliche Beschaffung im transnationalen Kontext - Einblicke in andere Märkte; GPP4Build Training zur Nachhaltigen Beschaffung, (17.06.2021) Online

Weithas, J.; Dorsch, L.; Bratka, C. (2021): Workshop für öffentliche Beschaffer:innen und Unternehmen - Einführung und Fokus Lieferkette Holz und Beton; GPP4B Training zur Nachhaltigen Beschaffung, (18.06.2021) Online

Eitzinger-Lange, L.; Brunauer, G.C. (2021): Vorstellung H2-Village im Rahmes des Wasserstoff-Workshops der TPPV Österreich, (14.05.2021) Online

Leeb, M. (2021): Wohnen findet Stadt – Hallein: Minimalinvasive Sanierung und Nachverdichtung, Österreich verschwindet II (12. Oktober 2021) Salzburg

Leeb, M. (2021): Bauteilaktivierung in der Sanierung, Studienreise Wohnungswirtschaft Düsseldorf und Region (AdW) (03. September 2021) Kuchl

Weithas, J. (2021): Nachhaltige Beschaffung - Große Chance und viele Hürden. 8. Fachsymposium Brennpunkt Alpines Bauen (30. September 2021)

Heidenthaler, D. (2021): So baut Salzburg - der Energieausweis gewährt Einblick. 8. Fachsymposium Brennpunkt Alpines Bauen (30. September 2021)

Grobbauer, M.; Moltinger, M.; Gnigler, M. (2021): Multifunktionalität der Gebäudehülle, Live-Fach-Webinar Fassaden digital. FH-Kärnten, (27. Oktober 2021)

Moltinger, M. (2021): Microlabor für die thermische Bauteilaktivierung, Kolloquium, Forschung und Entwicklung für Zement und Beton (10. November 2021), Wien

Moltinger, M. (2021): Thermische Bauteilaktivierung- Live-Fach-Webinar Zukunftsfrage Heizung und Kühlung von Sportstätten. ÖISS- Österreichisches Institut für Schul- und Sportstättenbau (23. November 2021)

Cebrat, G.; Chan, S.; Brekke, T.; Manzini, A.; (2021): Supporting 100% of decarbonization of networks and grids (EPC4SES), ERANET JPP Conference (24. November 2021) Online

Grobbauer, M., Leeb, M. (2021): Twin²Sim - Versuchsgebäude & Gebäudehüllenprüfstand; Fassadenbautagung 2021; 12. November 2021; Wien

Grobbauer, M. (2021): Bauwerke aus Sichtbeton – Anforderungen; Grazer-Darmstädter 2-Tages-Intensivseminar an der TU Graz; Graz, 28.01.2021

Projektberichte, Werkstattbericht, Technische Berichte

(2021): COMFORT -  Comfort Orientated and Management Focused Operation of Room Conditions, 10/2021


Kain S. (2021): Holz als Rohstoff für den 3D- und 4D-Druck. Land & Forst Aktuell, Verbandsmagazin der Land- und Forstbetriebe Österreichs, Ausgabe Nr. 2, S. 16-17.

Sepperer T. (2021): Der forstliche Rohstoff Tannin zur Bindung von Ammoniak in der Landwirtschaft. Land & Forst Aktuell, Verbandsmagazin der Land- und Forstbetriebe Österreichs, Ausgabe Nr. 1, S. 20-21.


Cebrat, G.; Capitán, D.; Suazo J. ; Chan, S.; (2021): D3.1 Implementation of research prototypes (EPC4SES)

Julius, C.; Cebrat, G.; Manzini, A.; Chan, S.; (2021): Deliverable 4.2 Exploitation Plan for the Generated Intellectual Property (EPC4SES)

Hofer, E.; Wieder, E.; Gnigler, M.; Grobbauer, M. (2021): Deliverable 3.2.0, Hüllenbauteile und -systeme, Auswertung der Expert*inneninterviews; Alpines Bauen Forschungs- und Transferzentrum


Barbu M.C. (2020): Universitäre Ausbildung für Holzwissenschaft in Europa und weltweit; Teil 31: China (1). Holztechnologie 61(3): 57-60.

Barbu M.C. (2020): Universitäre Ausbildung für Holzwissenschaft in Europa und weltweit; Teil 32: China (2). Holztechnologie 61(4): 47-56.

Barbu M.C., Baasan B., Tsogoo T. (2020): Universitäre Ausbildung für Holzwissenschaft in Europa und weltweit; Teil 30: Mongolei (2). Holztechnologie 61(1): 48-54.

Barbu M.C., Lohninger Y., Hofmann S., Kain G., Petutschnigg A., Tudor E.M. (2020): Larch Bark as a Formaldehyde Scavenger in Thermal Insulation Panels. Polymers 12, 2632; SCI expanded, open access.

Barbu M.C., Sepperer T., Tudor E.M., Petutschnigg A. (2020): Walnut and Hazelnut Shells: Untapped Industrial Resources and Their Suitability in Lignocellulosic Composites. Applied Sciences 10 (18), 6340, open access;

Eckardt J., Neubauer J., Sepperer T., Donato S., Zanetti M., Cefarin N., Vaccari L., Lippert M., Wind M., Schnabel T., Petutschnigg A., Tondi G. (2020): Synthesis and Characterization of High Performing, Sulfur-Free Tannin Foams. Polymers 2020, 12(3), 564; SCI expanded, open access.;

Huber H., Haas R., Petutschnigg A., Grüll G., Schnabel T. (2020): Changes in wettability of wood surface using electron beam irradiation. Wood Material Science & Engineering, Vol. 15(4), 237-240; SCI expanded, open access.

Jorda J., Kain G., Barbu M.-C., Haupt M., Krišťák L. (2020): Investigation of 3D-Moldability of Flax Fiber Reinforced Beech Plywood. Polymers 12(12), 2852; SCI expanded, open access;

Kain G., Morandini M., Barbu M.-C., Petutschnigg A., Tippner J. (2020): Specific Gravity of Inner and Outer Larch Bark. Forests 11(11), 1132; SCI expanded, open access.

Kain G., Stratev D., Tudor E., Lienbacher B., Weigl M., Barbu M.-C., Petutschnigg A. (2020): Qualitative investigation on VOC-emissins from spruce (Picea abies) and larch (Larix decidua) loose bark and bark panels. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 78, 403-412; SCI expanded, open access.;

Kain G., Tudor E., Dettendorfer A., Barbu M.-C. (2020): Potenzial von Baumrinde für den Einsatz als Schallabsorptionsmaterial. Bauphysik 42 (3): 124-130; SCI expanded.

Kain G., Tudor E.M., Barbu M.C. (2020): Bark Thermal Insulation Panels: An Explorative Study on the Effects of Bark Species. Polymers 12(9), 2140; SCI expanded, open access;

Kain S., Ecker J.V., Haider A., Musso M., Petutschnigg A. (2020): Effects of the infill pattern on mechanical properties of fused layer modeling (FLM) 3D printed wood/polylactic acid (PLA) composites. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 78, 65-74, SCI expanded.

Koopmann A.-K., Schuster C., Torres-Rodríguez J., Kain S., Pertl-Obermeyer H., Petutschnigg A., Hüsing N. (2020): Tannin-Based Hybrid Materials and Their Applications: A Review. Molecules 25 (21), 4910; SCI expanded, open access;

Medved S., Jambreković V., Tudor E.M., Barbu M.C. (2020): Creep behaviour of particle-based panels and its relation towards density profile. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430, 16(2), pp 11-17.

Pertuzzatti A., Tondi G., Coldebella R., Costa H.W.D., Corrêa R., Gatto D.A., Missio A.L. (2020): Enhancing mechanical and surface properties of Eucalyptus wood. Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología 22(4): 467 – 476, ISSN Druckausgabe 0717-3644, ISSN online 0718-221X; SCI expanded.

Pieratti E., Paletto A., Atena A., Bernardi S., Palm M., Patzelt D., Romagnoli M., Teston F., Voglar G.E., Grebenc T., Krajnc N., Schnabel T. (2020): Environmental and climate change impacts of eighteen biomass-based plants in the alpine region: A comparative analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 242, 118449; SCI expanded.

Quesada H.J., Smith R., Berger G., Loferski J. (2020): A Visual Assessment of Cross-laminated Timber Structures in Austria. BioProducts Business 5(5), pp. 51–62.

Schraml R., Entacher K., Petutschnigg A., Young T., Uhl A. (2020): Matching Score Models for Hyperspectral Range Analysis to Improve Wood Log Traceability by Fingerprint Methods. Mathematics 8 (7), 1071, SCI expanded, open access;

Schwarzenbrunner R., Tudor E.M., Barbu M.C., Petutschnigg A. (2020): Water-Resistant Casein-Based Adhesives for Veneer Bonding in Biodegradable Ski Cores. Polymers 12(8), 1745; SCI expanded, open access;

Sepperer T., Tondi G., Petutschnigg A., Young T.M., Steiner K. (2020): Mitigation of Ammonia Emissions from Cattle Manure Slurry by Tannins and Tannin-Based Polymers. Biomolecules 10(4), 581 (11 Seiten), SCI expanded, open access;

Tondi G., Schnabel T. (2020): Bio-Based Polymers for Engineered Green Materials. Polymers 12(4), 775 (4 Seiten); SCI expanded, open access;

Tudor E.M., Barbu M.C. (2020): Cost analysis of larch bark coatings for flooring tiles. PRO LIGNO 16(1), pp 46-51.

Tudor E.M., Barbu M.C., Petutschnigg A., Réh R., Krišťák L. (2020): Analysis of Larch-Bark Capacity for Formaldehyde Removal in Wood Adhesives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, 764 (10 p.); SCI expanded, open access,  doi: 10.3390/ijerph17030764.

Tudor E.M., Dettendorfer A., Kain G., Barbu M.C., Réh R., Krišťák L. (2020): Sound-Absorption Coefficient of Bark-Based Insulation Panels. Polymers 12(5), 1012; SCI expanded, open access;

Tudor E.M., Zwickl C., Eichinger C., Petutschnigg A., Barbu M.C. (2020): Performance of softwood bark comminution technologies for determination of targeted particle size in further upcycling applications. Journal of Cleaner Production 269, 122412, SCI expanded. 

Tudor E.M., Scheriau C., Barbu M.C., Réh R., Krišťák L., Schnabel T. (2020): Enhanced Resistance to Fire of the Bark-Based Panels Bonded with Clay. Applied Sciences 10(16), 5594, open access; https://doi:10.3390/app10165594.

Wagner K., Musso M., Kain S., Willför S., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2020): Larch wood residues valorization through extraction and utilization of high value-added products. Polymers 12, 359; SCI expanded, open access;

Young T.M., Breyer R.A. Liles T., Petutschnigg A. (2020): Improving Innovation from Science Using Kernel Tree Methods as a Precursor to Designed Experimentation. Applied Sciences 10 (10), 3387, open access;

Abels, S.; Netsch, S. (2020): Die Transformation von urbanen und ruralen Räumen „Future City, Future Village“ – Sino-German Alumni-Workshop in Taiwan. In: PlanerIn 02/2019

Brunauer, G.; Spadiut, O.; Gruber, A.; Slouka, C. (2020): Yeast Propagation Control: Low Frequency Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as an Alternative for Cell Counting Chambers in Brewery Applications"; Chemosensors, 8 (2020), 11 S.

Gugerell, K.; Netsch, S. (2020): Rohstoffsicherung im Spannungsfeld von Vorsorge, Rohstoffwende und Nachnutzung. In: PlanerIn 04/2020

Netsch, S. (2020): Umnutzung von Kirchengebäuden in den Niederlanden - Die Rolle der Wohnungsbaugesellschaften; in FORUM WOHNEN UND STADTENTWICKLUNG, Zeitschrift des vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V. ; Ausgabe 04/2020

Pirstinger I., Grobbauer M., Dorsch L.,Sterrer R., Degros A., Bagaric A.,  Kocis M., Leitner G., Hierzer A., Moltinger M. (2020): Multifunktionale solaraktive Platz- und Straßenüberdachung Leoben - ParaSol; Projektbericht im Rahmen des Programms des Bundesministeriums für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation

Grall, G. (2020): Wohin 2020? Expo 2020 in Dubai. Kolumne in: HOLZDesign, Österreichischer Agrarverlag, Wien, 25. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 01-02.2020, S. 13

Grall, G. (2020): New Green Deal.  Warum Europa Vorbild und Innovator sein muss und wir raus müssen aus fossiler Energie. Kolumne in: HOLZDesign, Österreichischer Agrarverlag, Wien, 25. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 03.2020, S. 15

Grall, G. (2020): Lesetipps in Zeiten der Isolation. Über Shopdesign und die Theorie dahinter.  Kolumne in: HOLZDesign, Österreichischer Agrarverlag, Wien, 25. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 04.2020, Seite 11

Grall, G. (2020): Ein Styleguide. Gesichtsmasken – vom Medizinprodukt zum Accessoire. Kolumne in: HOLZDesign, Österreichischer Agrarverlag, Wien, 25. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 05-06.2020, S. 11

Grall, G. (2020): Shift Richtung Onlineshopping. 66 Tage Erfahrung sind im Schnitt ausreichend, um eine Gewohnheit zu übernehmen. Kolumne in: HOLZDesign, Österreichischer Agrarverlag, Wien, 25. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 07-08.2020, S. 11

Grall, G. (2020): Der Prototyp des modernen Hauses. Architekturikone Villa Tugendhat. Kolumne in: HOLZDesign, Österreichischer Agrarverlag, Wien, 25. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 09-10.2020, S. 11

Petruch, M./Walcher, D. (2020): Timber for Future? Attitudes towards Timber Construction by young Millennials - Marketing Implications from a representative Study. Journal of Cleaner Production.

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

Rieger T., Szigeti U. (2020): New challenges need new approaches: A staff training programme for the Higher Education Area. González-Álvarez D., Rama-Martínez E. (Hg.): Languages and the Internationalisation of Higher Education; Chapter 9, S. 157 – 176; ISBN (10): 1-5275-4667-5; ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-4667-7.

Schnabel T., Atena A., Patzelt D., Palm M., Romagnoli M., Portoghesi L., Vinciguerra V., Paletto A., Teston F., Voglar G.E, Grebenc T., Krajnc N. (2020): Possible Opportunities to Foster the Development of Innovative Alpine Timber Value Chains with regard to Bio-Economy and Circular Economy. ISBN 978-3-7369-7172-1; eISBN 978-3-7369-6172-2; 90 Seiten.

Schnabel T., Barbu M.C., Nagl K., Krenn S. (2020): Innovativer Einsatz von ein- und mehrjährigen Pflanzen als Dämmmaterial. Erschienen bei Cuvillier Verlag, ISBN (Printausgabe) 9783736971844, ISBN (E-Book) 9783736961845, 96 Seiten.

Sepperer T., Neubauer J., Eckardt J., Schnabel T., Petutschnigg A., Tondi G. (2020): Pollutant Absorption as a Possible End-Of-Life Solution for Polyphenolic Polymers. In: Bio-Based Polymers for Engineered Green Materials. Tondi G., Schnabel T. (eds). MDPI Basel. ISBN 978-3-03928-925-7, pp. 533-442, open access;

Tondi G., Schnabel T. (Hg.) (2020): Bio-Based Polymers for Engineered Green Materials. Printed Edition on the Special Issue published in Polymers; MDPI. Basel. ISBN 978-3-03928-925-7 (Pbk), ISBN 978-3-03928-926-4 (pdf); open access;

Tondi G., Schnabel T. (2020): Bio-Based Polymers for Engineered Green Materials. In: Bio-Based Polymers for Engineered Green Materials. Tondi G., Schnabel T. (eds). MDPI Basel. ISBN 978-3-03928-925-7, pp. 1-4, open access;

Wagner K., Musso M., Kain S., Willför S., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2020): Larch wood residues valorization through extraction and unitlization of high value-added products. In: Bio-Based Polymers for Engineered Green Materials. Tondi G., Schnabel T. (eds). MDPI Basel. ISBN 978-3-03928-925-7, pp. 33-44, open access;

Petruch, M./Walcher, D. (2020): Junge Millennials und die forstbasierte Bioökonomie: Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Studie zum Holzbau in Österreich. In Sammelband: Bioökonomie – zirkuläres Wirtschaften in der Unternehmenspraxis, FOM-Edition, Springer Verlag

Schöberl, P./Walcher, D. (2020): Culture of Exposure - Selbstdarstellung und Narzissmus auf Instagram. epubli Verlag

Tucho, K./Walcher, D. (2020): Feminine Nachhaltigkeit - Auswirkungen eines Stereotyps auf das männliche Konsumverhalten. epubli Verlag

Weisshaupt, D./Walcher, D. (2020): Ist Umweltschutz wirklich uncool? Beeinflusst die Markencoolness eines mit Nachhaltigkeit werbenden Unternehmens die Wahrnehmung von Umweltschutz? epubli Verlag

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

Huber H., Heidenthaler D., Lippert M., Leeb M., Lesar B., Reiter T., Petutschnigg A., Schnabel T. (2020): Thermally activated building system – innovative application for beech. 9th Hardwood Proceedings pt.1, 108-112; ISBN 978-963-334-377-7 (online); ISSN 2631-004X.

Kain S., Musso M., Petutschnigg A. (2020): Influences of various infill orientations on specific mechanical properties of 3D printed wood/Polylactic Acid (PLA) composites which were processed using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). Proceedings of the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention “Renewable Resources for a Sustainable and Healthy Future”, Session: Composites & Adhesives, S 199-206; July 12-15 (virtual conference).

Petruch M., Walcher D. (2020): Innovation Contests as a Measure to generate new Impulses for the Forest-Based Sector – The Case of “Neue Holzwege” in Salzburg. Proceedings of T2P International Scientific Conference, Theory to Practice as a Cognitive, Educational and Social Challenge, 17-18 September, Mitrovica, Kosovo (ONLINE); ISSN 2671-3586, S. 386-387.

Sepperer T., Hüsing N., Schnabel T., Petutschnigg A. (2020): Functionalisation of beech wood using magnetic nanoparticles. 9th Hardwood Proceedings pt.1, 236- 242; ISBN 978-963-334-377-7 (online); ISSN 2631-004X.

Bayer, M.; Reiter, T.; Leeb, M. (2020): Modellbildung zur Generierung von spezifischen Wärmelastgängen aufbauend auf GIS-Gebäudedaten, Der Digitale Geothermie Kongress 2020, (9. - 13. November 2020), Online

Heidenthaler, D.; Leeb, M.; Reiter, T.; Lippert, M.; Huber, H.; Schnabel, T. (2020): Thermally activated building systems in wooden structures, 6th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, (6. - 7. October 2020) Aalborg, Denmark

Hofer, E.; Netsch, S.; Gugerell, K.; Musakwa, W.; Gumbo, T. (2020): The Inclusive City of Johannesburg and the Challenge of Affordable Housing. SHAPING URBAN CHANGE – Livable City Regions for the 21st Century Proceedings of 25nd International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society. pp. 1191-1198. ISSN 2521-3938

Huber, H.; Heidenthaler, D.; Lippert, M.; Leeb, M.; Lesar, B.; Reiter, T.; Petutschnigg, A.; Schnabel, T. (2020): Thermally activated building system - innovative application for beech, 9th Hardwood Conference, (21. - 22. October 2020), Sopron, Hungary

Leeb, M.; Bayer, M.; Reiter, T. (2020): Bauteilaktivierung in der Sanierung – Potential für oberflächennahe Geothermie, Der Digitale Geothermie Kongress 2020, (9. - 13. November 2020), Online

Netsch, S.; Gnigler, M.; (2020): New Places for Urban Development – the Space between Historical City Centres and Post-War Expansions Areas. SHAPING URBAN CHANGE – Livable City Regions for the 21st Century Proceedings of 25nd International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society. pp. 615-618. ISSN 2521-3938

Netsch, S.; Gugerell, K.; (2020): Nanjing Golou Campus as Interface of Public Space and Learning Environment. SHAPING URBAN CHANGE – Livable City Regions for the 21st Century Proceedings of 25nd International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society. pp. 609-614. ISSN 2521-3938

Wieder, E.; Bayer, M.; Reiter, T.; Leeb, M. (2020): Survey of an Exhaust Ventilation System in Combination with a Drain Water Heat Recovery for Social Housing, 2020 ASHRAE Winter Conference, (1. – 5. February 2020), Orlando, Florida

Tunn, V./Ackermann, L. (2020): Comparing Consumers' Product Care in Access and Ownership Models. Submitted for the Design 2020 Conference, Dubrovnik 2020

Ackermann, L./Roth, M. (2020): "Who Cares? The Benefits of Connecting the Healthcare Sector with Design Education". Submitted for the Design4Health Conference, Amsterdam 2020

Eddy, A. (2020): Designing for Medication Adherence in Elderly Aging in Place. Poster accepted for: Design4Health2020, July 1 – 3, 2020, Amsterdam (conference canceled due to COVID-19)

Petruch, M./Walcher, D. (2020): Innovation Contests as a Measure to generate new Impulses for the Forest-Based Sector – The Case of “Neue Holzwege” in Salzburg. In: Proceedings of T2P Conference, Scientific International Conference, Theory to Practice as a Cognitive, Educational and Social Challenge, September 17 & 18, 2020 - Mitrovica, Kosovo (ONLINE)


Rüll, H./Schrems, A./Walcher, D. (2020): Strategien für mittelständische Unternehmen – Change Management; Lulu Press


Moltinger M., Lippert M. (2020): Bauteilaktivierung in Holz & Beton inkl. Live-Messung aus dem Labor. Vortrag beim 7. Fachsymposium Brennpunkt Alpines Bauen 2020 (Onine-Veranstaltung) in der Session „Bauteilaktivierung“, ITG Salzburg, 1.10.2020.

Gnigler, M. (2020): Bauteilaktivierung in der Sanierung – Die Salzburger Multifunktionsfassade, Renovation Day 2020, (27.10.2020) Online

Grobbauer, M. (2020): Bauwerke aus Sichtbeton – Anforderungen; Grazer-Darmstädter 2-Tages-Intensivseminar an der TU Graz; Graz, 30.01.2020

Grobbauer, M. (2020): Vorstellung Zentrum Alpines Bauen; Netzwerktreffen ITG Salzburg & Trentino Svillupo, 12.11.2020

Heidenthaler, D. (2020): Thermally activated building systems in wooden structures, 6th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, (6. - 7. October 2020) Aalborg, Denmark

Leeb, M. (2020): Bauteilaktivierung in der Sanierung – Potential für Oberflächennahe Geothermie, Soil2Heat Netzwerkmeeting (5. November 2020) ONLINE

Leeb, M. (2020): Bauteilaktivierung in der Sanierung – Potential für oberflächennahe Geothermie, Der Digitale Geothermie Kongress 2020, (9. - 13. November 2020), Online

Leeb, M. (2020): Modellbildung zur Generierung von spezifischen Wärmelastgängen aufbauend auf GIS-Gebäudedaten, Der Digitale Geothermie Kongress 2020, (9. - 13. November 2020), Online

Leeb, M. (2020): Siedlung Wir inHAUSer, Raus aus Öl und Gas: Innovative Energiekonzepte für Siedlungen und Quartiere (08. Oktober 2020) ONLINE

Wieder, E. (2020): Survey of an Exhaust Ventilation System in Combination with a Drain Water Heat Recovery for Social Housing, 2020 ASHRAE Winter Conference, (1. – 5. February 2020), Orlando, Florida

Beiträge in Sammelbänden

Netsch, S. (2020): The adaption of the western garden cities in Amsterdam. In: Big Beautiful Buildings - Postwar Moderism in the European Discourse. Publisher: Verlag Kettler


Netsch, S. (2020): STADTPLANUNG - Handbuch und Entwurfshilfe. DOMpublishers Berlin

Preprint Working Paper

Walcher, D./Petruch, W. (2020): Awareness of Open Innovation and Innovation Contests among Young Millenials in Austria - Results of a Representative Study in Q1/2020. DE│RE│SA – Design Research Salzburg, Center for Co-Creation, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria. Available at SSRN: or


Ackermann, L. (2020): Design for product care. Delft University of Technology.