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Applied Image and Signal Processing


Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM1AKDIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The module Analytics and Knowledge Discovery leads alumni to classical approaches on Exploratory Data Analysis for data with different kind of representation (numerical, categorical, text). For implementing a knowledge discovery process, they apply methods to reduce the dimension-ality of data, cluster it and apply various visualization methods. The course concentrates on unsupervised methodology.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Data Science & Analytics

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Data Science (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM1DSCIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 5
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Upon completion of this course, alumni know about types and ingredients of data science projects, entitle their structure and identify different types of team members. They understand the concepts of data, models and algorithms and use specific language to describe data. They discuss the appropriateness of a data collection or intended data acquisition process with respect to a data science or artificial intelligence project. Alumni are introduced to the classical approach for extracting information from data with different kind of representation (numerical, categorial, one-hot or text). They collect, pre-process and visualize this data to gain basic data understand-ing. They follow the design cycle for supervised methodology by implementing data-specific feature generation, sampling of training and testing data, training selected (simple) classifiers and evaluating their performance. The alumni use state-of-the-art development tools and scalable technology and argue their approach content-wise.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Data Science & Analytics

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Digital Signal Processing 1 (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM1DSPIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 5
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni understand the basic mathematical concepts to describe continuous and discrete time signals and systems and know the relations between time and frequency domain. They are famil-iar with the foundations of signal sampling and discretization and can apply important transfor-mations, e.g. Fourier-, Laplace and z-transformation. They understand basic algorithms in digital signal processing like FFT, convolution and correlation. They can transform continuous to discrete time systems e. g. with help of the impulse invariant or bilinear transformation and understand the restrictions. They have profound knowledge in designing and implementing digital filters and are also familiar with their applications. Alumni also have experience in simulation of DSP algorithms in a lab environment and are able to implement discrete systems with help of simulation software and low-level programming languages.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Digital Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Image Processing and Imaging (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


On completion of the course, alumni are able to understand the difference of varying imaging sensor devices and have knowledge about fundamental algorithms and procedures in spatial as well as transform-domain image processing and computer vision with an emphasis on segmen-tation and image filtering.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Visual Data Processing & Representation

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Image Processing and Imaging (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni have first experiences in usage of image processing and vision libraries and toolboxes and are able to apply their knowledge in focused projects, also programming own code related to the tasks defined in the programming projects.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Visual Data Processing & Representation

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Imaging Beyond Consumer Cameras (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


On completion of the course, alumni are able to understand the varying acquisition techniques as discussed in the lecture and have knowledge about fundamental algorithms and procedures in the respective areas.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Visual Data Processing & Representation

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Imaging Beyond Consumer Cameras (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni are able to apply their knowledge acquired in the lecture in focused projects, program-ming own code related to the tasks defined in the programming projects.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Visual Data Processing & Representation

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Mathematics & Modelling (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM1MAMIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 5
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni can apply functions in several variables to model problems. They are able to analyze the change behavior of these functions and to determine critical points. They can approximate complex functions by multidimensional polynomials (especially with tangent planes and second order Taylor polynomials). They are able to use gradient based methods to find local minima. They understand selected problems of convex optimization and can solve them with mathematical software. Alumni are able to calculate the most important matrix decompositions and apply eigenvalue theory to perform the principal components analysis for data. Alumni can solve multidimensional integrals. They understand the notion of a vector space (VS) with inner product and relate to it in different application areas. They master the coordinate transformation for the change of basis in finite dimensional VSs and are familiar with the relationship to Fourier analysis. They know selected application areas of the mentioned methods.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Mathematics & Modelling

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Natural Computation (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Upon completion of the course, alumni are familiar with the fundamental concepts of Natural Computation and understand theoretical foundations as well as application potential.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Data Science & Analytics

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Natural Computation (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni are able to apply their knowledge acquired in the lecture in focused projects, program-ming own code related to the tasks defined in the programming projects.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Data Science & Analytics

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:



Applied Statistics (FHS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM2APSIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 4
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni can apply methods of inferential statistics to data and communicate the results obtained both verbally and graphically. They can describe data with models and are able to represent dependencies of random variables with graphical models. They know statistical standards and are able to plan, conduct and document experiments. They know applications of random number generators in the area of generative models and can produce corresponding data with mathematical software.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Mathematics & Modelling

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Audio Processing (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Upon completion of the course, alumni understand basic principles of audio processing

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Audio and Media

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Audio Processing (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Upon course completion, alumni are able to design and implement audio effects and subsys-tems which meet sound quality, computational performance, and real-time requirements, and em-bed them into various applications and platforms.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Audio and Media

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Digital Signal Processing 2 (FHS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM2DSPIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 5
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni know details in digital filter design such as advantages and disadvantages of different filter types and design methods. They understand the problem of quantization of filter coefficients and how to design 2nd order sections IIR filters. They know how to design special filters like notch, comb or median filters and are able to implement them in a low-level programming language (e.g. C). Alumni understand the concept of adaptive signal processing and can implement an adap-tive LMS filter e.g. for noise cancellation. In general, they can solve complex signal processing problems on a given hardware platform. Alumni understand the problems of numerical program-ming. They know common number formats and understand details of fixed point and floating-point arithmetic. They understand the principle of applying standard DSP algorithms also for 2D-signals (images).

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Digital Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Fourier Analysis, Filter Banks & Wavelets (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 4
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


On completion of the course, alumni are able to understand the theoretical basics of Fourier transform, filterbanks and wavelets. They are familiar with the mathematical methods of fil-terbanks with perfect reconstruction. They know the explicit formula of the Daubechies filters and wavelets and can apply these filters to digital signals and images. Furthermore, the alumni un-derstand the mathematical basics of the theory of wavelets and the construction of compactly supported orthogonal wavelets from quadrature mirror filters.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Mathematics & Modelling

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Fourier Analysis, Filter Banks & Wavelets (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


On completion of the course, alumni are able to apply techniques from Fourier and Wavelet theory to the analysis of signals with varying dimensionality, both in terms computer programs as well as in terms of theoretical considerations.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Mathematics & Modelling

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Machine Learning (FHS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM2MLGIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 5
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni understand the assumptions and restrictions implied by a specific model choice in view of statistical learning theory setup and the "no free lunch" theorem. They select from a collection of well-known and widely available ML algorithms, accordingly, parameterize models and assess the impact of different design choices on the network complexity of neural networks. Alumni detect overfitting and underfitting during the training process and take corresponding counter measures such as regularization. They apply the machine learning models to different types of data (text, images, numerical) for tasks such as classification, representation learning and object detection and thereby construct examples of AI (artificial intelligence) systems.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Data Science & Analytics

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Media Data Formats (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


On completion of the course, alumni are able to understand basic principles of compression techniques for image and video data and know the major formats developed for these data types. In particular, they should be aware of the respective advantages and disadvantages of the re-spective formats and should be able to identify suited formats for a given target application taking constraints into consideration.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Audio and Media

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Media Data Formats (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


On completion of the course, alumni are able to use compression libraries and integrate those into a larger application context. Alumni are aware of lossy compression artefacts and the po-tential impact on applications using data compressed in that manner.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Audio and Media

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:



Agile Project Management (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM3APMIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni can apply theoretical and practical project management and software engineering skills in a team, based on the practical implementation of a continuous software engineering project.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Applied Sciences and Methods

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Computer Vision (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


On completion of the course, alumni understand the theoretical concepts of deep learning in computer vision and are aware of the potential application areas.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Visual Computing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Computer Vision (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Upon completion of the course, alumni are able to solve various computer vision tasks using PyTorch.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Visual Computing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Ethics & Sustainability (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM3ESAIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 1
Prüfungscharakter immanent


After successfully completing the symposium, alumni are able to analyse and reflect on ethical-moral dilemmas; to evaluate opinions from a lecture in their own context of action; to argue social issues with a view to their own professional environment; to articulate and justify their own opinion in the group discussion.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Applied Sciences and Methods

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Geometric Modelling (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


On completion of the course, alumni have acquired an in-depth understanding of basic (math-ematical) concepts used in the modeling of curves, surfaces and shapes. They have seen and used basics of differential geometry, and have been exposed to basic topological concepts of curves and surfaces. Both continuous (e.g., spline-based) and discrete (e.g., triangle-based) rep-resentations have been examined.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Visual Computing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Geometric Modelling (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


On completion of the course, alumni are able to use fundamental concepts of geometric mod-elling in practical applications, ranging from simple exemplary software implementations to the completion of formal proofs and theoretical considerations.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Visual Computing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Master Seminar 1 (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni know the publication lifecycle including the review process. Furthermore, they are able to assess textual, formal and structural quality aspects of scientific papers and scientific presen-tations. Alumni have hands-on experience with various tools supporting scientific work, includ-ing LateX and Mathematica.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Applied Sciences and Methods

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

C: Applied Reinforcement Learning (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM3ARLIL
Typ IL
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni identify problems for model-base and model-free reinforcement learning, apply suitable algorithms and assemble solutions using toolboxes. They know how to use real-life simulations by physics engines for Reinforcement Learning and know the challenges when switching to robots or other hardware. They discuss current trends and upcoming areas of application.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Advanced Machine Learning (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni will learn a formal-mathematical understanding of this idea. They are exposed to funda-mental concepts such as probably approximately correct (PAC) learning, Vapnik¿Chervonenkis theory and applications thereof. Further, the theoretical understanding of the learning process is applied in the analysis of popular learning algorithms such as Boosting or support vector ma-chines (SVMs) which have become so ubiquitous in many fields of science.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Advanced Machine Learning (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni are able to apply their knowledge gained in the lecture and in more general courses to specific application areas and will learn to select the most appropriate techniques and methods in actual, application-oriented fields.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Applied Natural Language Processing (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM3ANLIL
Typ IL
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni are aware of the difference between task-oriented systems and dialog systems. They develop algorithms for generating natural language targeted at different tasks (slot filling, question answering) or for conversational purposes. Alumni know about existing tools for the development of dialog systems, their differences and how to integrate these tools into other applications such as social media.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Biometric Systems (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni know about the most important biometric traits, their advantages and shortcomings, and the weaknesses and strengths of biometric systems in general.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Biometric Systems (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni are able to apply their knowledge gained in the lecture and in more general courses to specific application areas and will learn to select the most appropriate techniques and methods in actual, application-oriented fields.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Computational Geometry (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


The alumni are able to analyze geometric problems and to design algorithms for solving them in an efficient manner. They have been exposed to important paradigms of geometric computing, and have acquired in-depth knowledge of basic geometric data structures (such as triangulations and Voronoi diagrams). They have also seen sample applications of these data structures and algorithms for solving real-world problems of a geometric flavor.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Computational Geometry (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni are able to apply their knowledge gained in the lecture and in more general courses to specific application areas and will learn to select the most appropriate techniques and methods in actual, application-oriented fields.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Media Security (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni know about the most important mechanisms in media security, their advantages and shortcomings, and the weaknesses and strengths of media security systems in general.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Media Security (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni are able to apply their knowledge gained in the lecture and in more general courses to specific application areas and will learn to select the most appropriate techniques and methods in actual, application-oriented fields.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Medical Imaging (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ VO
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


On completion of the course alumni are able to understand basics of different medical imaging modalities and their application in a clinical environment.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Medical Imaging (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer PLUS
Typ PS
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni are able to apply their knowledge gained in the lecture and in more general courses to specific application areas and will learn to select the most appropriate techniques and methods in actual, application-oriented fields.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Natural Language Processing (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM3NLPIL
Typ IL
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni apply attention-based models for natural language processing and implement appropriate networks for applications in areas such as machine translation and sentiment analysis in social networks. Building on previously acquired skills in pre-processing text data, they use contextualized text representations and complex network architectures. They are able to decide on network parameters and design appropriate for the problem at hand and know the limits and areas of application of the respective algorithms.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


EC: Reinforcement Learning (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM3RILIL
Typ IL
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni identify problems suited for reinforcement learning, find suitable models and assemble solutions using toolboxes. They distinguish and differentiate between different setups based on input data type and assumptions on the environment and select corresponding algorithms and metrics. Using Deep Learning methodologies, the alumni design, optimize and evaluate deep reinforcement learning for a set of classical problems. They discuss current trends and upcoming areas of application.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Selected Topics in Applied Image and Signal Processing

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:



Master Exam (PLUS und FHS)

Semester 4
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM4MAEDP
Typ DP
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


The alumni are able to present and discursively defend the hypotheses and solution approaches developed in the master thesis. They are able to establish cross-references to contents of the study program.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Master Thesis & Master Exam

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Master Seminar 2 (PLUS oder FHS)

Semester 4
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM4MASSE
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The alumni are able to present and discuss their own scientific work in a peer group situation. They can argue logically and in line with scientific standards as well as understand the importance of a methodical approach.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Master Thesis & Master Exam

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


Master Thesis (PLUS oder FHS)

Semester 4
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer AISM4MATIT
Typ IT
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 23
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The alumni are able to independently write sound academic papers based on common international standards. They can proceed methodically and systematically. They can analyse and present problems, provide solutions as well as formulate these appropriately and critically scrutinise them. The alumni are able to defend their approach.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Master Thesis & Master Exam

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:


SemesterSemesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June)
SWSweekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course
ECTS CreditsWork load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student
TypeBP = Bachelor final exam
DP/MP = Master final exam
IL = Lecture with integrated project work
IT = Individual training/phases
LB = Lab (session)
PS = Pro-seminar
PT = Project
RC = Course with integrated reflective practice
RE = Revision course
SE = Seminar
TU = Tutorial
UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions
VO = Lecture