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Acquiring the degree in Human-Computer Interaction can open up many different career paths. Graduates enjoy excellent employment prospects and are highly sought after both in academia and industry, including IT & software, creative industries, product development and research and education.

Professionals in HCI are needed in positions related to user experience, usability engineering, interaction design, human factors, user interface design, human-robot interaction and beyond.

Typical jobs

Typical job titles include HCI professional, usability engineer, interaction designer, UX & usability expert and digital innovation manager.

HCI/UX professionals/researchers design and optimize interactive products, systems and services. In doing so, they take account of the conflict between the wishes and needs of the users, the economic, social and societal conditions as well as the technical and creative possibilities. HCI/UX professionals/researchers lead the development process through concepts, models, specifications and prototypes. They work in multidisciplinary groups with the users, the management, the marketing, the design, the development and the operation of software.

HCI/UX professionals/researchers are able to think beyond the current state of the art, to develop new concepts and applications that previously did not seem possible. But you also know the limits of the (currently) feasible. Similarly, consider the societal impact of designed interactive products, systems and services.