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Human-Computer Interaction


Applied Prototyping Skills for HCI (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1APSIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to demonstrate prototyping skills in HCI challenges by implement-ing user interface prototypes with different levels of fidelity.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Prototyping for HCI

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to demonstrate prototyping skills in HCI challenges by implement-ing user interface prototypes with different levels of fidelity.

Design Thinking for Digital Innovation (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1DTDIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to apply design thinking to small predefined HCI challenges and conceptualize possible solutions with the aim to foster digital innovation.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Interaction Design & Digital Innovation

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to design the interaction between users and interactive systems by applying appropriate interaction design methods and processes. Students will be able to apply design thinking to small predefined HCI challenges and conceptualize possible solutions with the aim to foster digital innovation.

Diversity & Intercultural Aspects (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1DIAVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 1,5
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today¿s users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individua's identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy).

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Ethics, Diversity & Society

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be triggered to reflect their ethical viewpoint and to have a professional self-understanding. They will be able to analyse, assess, discuss and reflect on their behaviour and to integrate ethical and sustainability related considerations into their own future-oriented and responsible actions. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today's users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual's identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today¿s users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual¿s identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint.

Ethics & Sustainability (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1ETSIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 1,5
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be triggered to reflect their ethical viewpoint and to have a professional self-understanding. They will be able to analyse, assess, discuss and reflect on their behaviour and to integrate ethical and sustainability related considerations into their own future-oriented and responsible actions.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Ethics, Diversity & Society

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be triggered to reflect their ethical viewpoint and to have a professional self-understanding. They will be able to analyse, assess, discuss and reflect on their behaviour and to integrate ethical and sustainability related considerations into their own future-oriented and responsible actions. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today's users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual's identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today¿s users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual¿s identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint.

Experience Engineering Methods (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1EEMIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 4
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni will be able to name and explain usability and experience engineering methods and apply them to HCI use cases.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Human Factors & Experience Engineering

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to name, explain, discuss and illustrate human factors and design princi-ples. Students will be able to name and explain usability and experience engineering methods and apply them to HCI use cases.

Foundations of HCI Methodologies (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1FHMIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 4
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to characterize and differentiate HCI research methodologies and their respective epistemologies, aims, methods and applications. They will be able to compare, se-lect and apply appropriate methodology to a given HCI problem.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI Theory & Methodology

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to name, explain and discuss theories and paradigms of HCI. Students will be able to characterize and differentiate HCI research methodologies and their respective epistemologies, aims, methods and applications. They will be able to compare, se-lect and apply appropriate methodology to a given HCI problem.

HCI Theory & Paradigms (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1HTPVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni will be able to name, explain and discuss theories and paradigms of HCI.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI Theory & Methodology

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to name, explain and discuss theories and paradigms of HCI. Students will be able to characterize and differentiate HCI research methodologies and their respective epistemologies, aims, methods and applications. They will be able to compare, se-lect and apply appropriate methodology to a given HCI problem.

Human Factors & Design Principles (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1HFDVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni will be able to name, explain, discuss and illustrate human factors and design principles.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Human Factors & Experience Engineering

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to name, explain, discuss and illustrate human factors and design princi-ples. Students will be able to name and explain usability and experience engineering methods and apply them to HCI use cases.

Interaction Design (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1INDIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to design the interaction between users and interactive systems by apply-ing appropriate interaction design methods and processes.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Interaction Design & Digital Innovation

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to design the interaction between users and interactive systems by applying appropriate interaction design methods and processes. Students will be able to apply design thinking to small predefined HCI challenges and conceptualize possible solutions with the aim to foster digital innovation.

Societal & Legal Aspects in HCI (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1SLAVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Alumni are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Ethics, Diversity & Society

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be triggered to reflect their ethical viewpoint and to have a professional self-understanding. They will be able to analyse, assess, discuss and reflect on their behaviour and to integrate ethical and sustainability related considerations into their own future-oriented and responsible actions. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today's users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual's identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today¿s users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual¿s identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint.


Contextual Analysis & Context Capturing (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2CACIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to select the adequate research method and approach specific contexts in field studies appropriately. They will be able to describe the specific context appropriately.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Contextual HCI

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to select the adequate research method and approach specific contexts in field studies appropriately. They will be able to describe the specific context appropriately. Students will be able to research, conceptualize, design and build prototypes for interaction problems in specific application areas.

Contextual Interaction Design (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2CIDIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to research, conceptualize, design and build prototypes for interaction problems in specific application areas.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Contextual HCI

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to select the adequate research method and approach specific contexts in field studies appropriately. They will be able to describe the specific context appropriately. Students will be able to research, conceptualize, design and build prototypes for interaction problems in specific application areas.

HCI Research Project (JOINT)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2HRPPT
Typ PT
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and meth-odological skills to master a complex research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualize an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They will be able to write a scientific research paper and submit it to a scientific HCI conference.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Research

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to analyse and discuss recent HCI related scientific literature and materials with respect to novel theories, methods, designs and technologies. They will be able to critically reflect on the appropriateness of research questions, designs and methods. They will be able to identify, reflect and discuss research trends in HCI. Students will be able to describe predominant theories, methods and recent trends in related scientific disciplines and are able to reflect their applicability to HCI research. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and meth-odological skills to master a complex research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualize an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They will be able to write a scientific research paper and submit it to a scientific HCI conference.

Interaction Approaches & Technologies (FHS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2IATLB
Typ LB
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to compare, select, utilize, adapt and implement advanced interac-tion technologies according to an application area.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Interaction Technologies

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to compare, select, utilize, adapt and implement advanced interac-tion technologies according to an application area.

Lecture Series: HCI Related Disciplines (JOINT)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2LESVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni will be able to describe predominant theories, methods and recent trends in related scientific disciplines and are able to reflect their applicability to HCI research.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Research

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to analyse and discuss recent HCI related scientific literature and materials with respect to novel theories, methods, designs and technologies. They will be able to critically reflect on the appropriateness of research questions, designs and methods. They will be able to identify, reflect and discuss research trends in HCI. Students will be able to describe predominant theories, methods and recent trends in related scientific disciplines and are able to reflect their applicability to HCI research. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and meth-odological skills to master a complex research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualize an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They will be able to write a scientific research paper and submit it to a scientific HCI conference.

Research Trends in HCI (JOINT)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2RETSE
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to analyse and discuss recent HCI related scientific literature and materials with respect to novel theories, methods, designs and technologies. They will be able to critically reflect on the appropriateness of research questions, designs and methods. They will be able to identify, reflect and discuss research trends in HCI.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Research

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to analyse and discuss recent HCI related scientific literature and materials with respect to novel theories, methods, designs and technologies. They will be able to critically reflect on the appropriateness of research questions, designs and methods. They will be able to identify, reflect and discuss research trends in HCI. Students will be able to describe predominant theories, methods and recent trends in related scientific disciplines and are able to reflect their applicability to HCI research. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and meth-odological skills to master a complex research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualize an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They will be able to write a scientific research paper and submit it to a scientific HCI conference.

EC1: Elective Courses 1

Elective Courses 1

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2EC1IL
Typ IL
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache German
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


A detailed list of recommended courses is to be found in the main document in section F1.4. Students will be encouraged to take courses in the fields of design, psychology and in-formation technology in order to deepen their personal skill set with respect to HCI.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

EC1: Elective Courses 1

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Learning outcomes will be announced in the course syllabus


Advanced Contextual Interfaces (JOINT)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3ACIIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to discuss various HCI streams. Based on one specific stream they will be able to solve contextual challenges and design one or more advanced contextu-al interfaces for a specific application area.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Advanced Contextual HCI

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to discuss various HCI streams. Based on one specific stream they will be able to solve contextual challenges and design one or more advanced contextual interfaces for a specific application area. Students will be able to identify and examine challenges in industrial settings accompa-nying development processes of complex interactive systems or services and their in-tegration.

Complex Interactive Systems (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3CISIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to identify and examine challenges in industrial settings accompa-nying development processes of complex interactive systems or services and their in-tegration.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Advanced Contextual HCI

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to discuss various HCI streams. Based on one specific stream they will be able to solve contextual challenges and design one or more advanced contextual interfaces for a specific application area. Students will be able to identify and examine challenges in industrial settings accompa-nying development processes of complex interactive systems or services and their in-tegration.

Design of Innovative Interactions (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3DIIIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to identify and utilize recent and upcoming technologies to envision con-cepts and implement prototypes of innovative systems and services.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI Innovations & Future Technologies

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to identify and utilize recent and upcoming technologies to envi-sion concepts and implement prototypes of innovative systems and services. Students will be able to analyse, estimate and predict potential impacts of new technolo-gies on society and the environment based on possible application areas.

Experience Leadership & Innovation Management (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3ELISE
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to apply management skills and principles to develop, establish and maintain holistic UX strategies for industrial settings.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Industries

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to apply organizational, methodological, technological and design principles to economically improve the user experience addressing given real-world industrial problems. Students will be able to apply management skills and principles to develop, establish and maintain holistic UX strategies for industrial settings. Students will be able to master an industry focused project that starts with a complex re-al-world problem in HCI and ends up with an economically feasible solution. They are able to manage and organize an industrial project. They are able to document and pre-sent the project according to professional standards.

HCI Industry Project (JOINT)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3HIPPT
Typ PT
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to master an industry focused project that starts with a complex re-al-world problem in HCI and ends up with an economically feasible solution. They are able to manage and organize an industrial project. They are able to document and pre-sent the project according to professional standards.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Industries

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to apply organizational, methodological, technological and design principles to economically improve the user experience addressing given real-world industrial problems. Students will be able to apply management skills and principles to develop, establish and maintain holistic UX strategies for industrial settings. Students will be able to master an industry focused project that starts with a complex re-al-world problem in HCI and ends up with an economically feasible solution. They are able to manage and organize an industrial project. They are able to document and pre-sent the project according to professional standards.

Impacts of Future Technologies (JOINT)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3IFTSE
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to analyse, estimate and predict potential impacts of new technol-ogies on society and the environment based on possible application areas.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI Innovations & Future Technologies

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to identify and utilize recent and upcoming technologies to envi-sion concepts and implement prototypes of innovative systems and services. Students will be able to analyse, estimate and predict potential impacts of new technolo-gies on society and the environment based on possible application areas.

User Experience in Practice (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3UEPIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to apply organizational, methodological, technological and design principles to economically improve the user experience addressing given real-world industrial problems.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Industries

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to apply organizational, methodological, technological and design principles to economically improve the user experience addressing given real-world industrial problems. Students will be able to apply management skills and principles to develop, establish and maintain holistic UX strategies for industrial settings. Students will be able to master an industry focused project that starts with a complex re-al-world problem in HCI and ends up with an economically feasible solution. They are able to manage and organize an industrial project. They are able to document and pre-sent the project according to professional standards.

EC2: Elective Courses 2

Elecetive Courses 2

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3EC2IL
Typ IL
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache German
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


A detailed list of recommended courses is to be found in the main document in section F1.4. Students will be encouraged to take courses in the fields of design, psychology and information technology in order to deepen their personal skill set with respect to HCI.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

EC2: Elective Courses 2

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Learning outcomes will be announced in the course syllabus


Master Exam (JOINT)

Semester 4
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM4MAEIT
Typ DP
Art Diplom/Masterarbeit
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


Alumni will be able to present acquired knowledge orally using digital support materi-als. They will be able to prove their specialist and methodical knowledge by discussing aspects of their master¿s thesis, relevant subjects of the curriculum and other curriculum-relevant content with a professional audience.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Master Seminar & Exam

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to reflect and discuss scientific question of their master's thesis as well as the scientific methods used. Students will be able to present acquired knowledge orally using digital support materi-als. They will be able to prove their specialist and methodical knowledge by discussing aspects of their master's thesis, relevant subjects of the curriculum and other curriculum-relevant content with a professional audience.

Master Thesis

Semester 4
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM4MATIT
Typ IT
Art Diplom/Masterarbeit
Unterrichtssprache German
ECTS-Punkte 25
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to work independently on a major task of the same level as the pro-fessional practice of a Master of Science in HCI degree holder. Alumni will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and methodological skills to mas-ter a complex, self-identified research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualise an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, ana-lyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They are able to clearly com-municate findings in an academically appropriate form.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Master Thesis

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to work independently on a major task of the same level as the professional practice of a Master of Science in HCI degree holder. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and methodological skills to master a complex, self-identified research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualise an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They are able to clearly communicate findings in an academically appropriate form.

Master Thesis Seminar (JOINT)

Semester 4
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM4MTSSE
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Alumni will be able to reflect and discuss scientific question of their master's thesis as well as the scientific methods used.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Master Seminar & Exam

Kompetenzerwerb aus dem übergeordneten Modul:

Students will be able to reflect and discuss scientific question of their master's thesis as well as the scientific methods used. Students will be able to present acquired knowledge orally using digital support materi-als. They will be able to prove their specialist and methodical knowledge by discussing aspects of their master's thesis, relevant subjects of the curriculum and other curriculum-relevant content with a professional audience.

SemesterSemesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June)
SWSweekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course
ECTS CreditsWork load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student
TypeBP = Bachelor final exam
DP/MP = Master final exam
IL = Lecture with integrated project work
IT = Individual training/phases
LB = Lab (session)
PS = Pro-seminar
PT = Project
RC = Course with integrated reflective practice
RE = Revision course
SE = Seminar
TU = Tutorial
UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions
VO = Lecture